Chapter 8: The Introduction of Nami

White = Dialogue (The words in parenthesis refers to the character's

Green = Action

Red = Translation Note


Zoro: I am so hungry...

Zoro: Don't you think it's strange that you know nothing about navigation
and you want to become a pirate?

Rufi: That's not weird at all. I just sail around with no particular place
to go.

Rufi: How about you? You also sail around and hunt the pirates, too.

Zoro: I did not remember when did I become a "pirate hunter."

Zoro: I just sail to find one man, but I can't find the way back home.


Zoro: I have to no choice. So, I have to hunt the pirates to get some
reward money to use.

Rufi: Oh! So, you are a lost child.

Zoro: Don't say something like that!

Zoro: I've never met the pirate who doesn't who how to sail before. It
seems that we'll never reach Grand Line. I think the first thing you must
do is to find a "navigator."

Rufi: Then chef, and musician, and....

Zoro: You don't have to think about those people now!!

Rufi and Zoro: I am so hungry!!!


Zoro: Oh! A bird!

Rufi: Pretty big bird.

Rufi: I'll catch it.

Zoro: How?

Rufi: Let's eat that bird. Rubber....

Rufi: .....rocket!!

Rufi stretch his arm and jump to the flying bird.


Zoro: Oh! I see! How convenient.

Zoro: eh?

The bird hold Rufi's head by its mouth and fly away.

Rufi: Ahh!! Help me!!

Zoro: You idiot!!

Zoro: What's a stupid idea? Damn it!!

Zoro quickly row the boat to catch up with Rufi.


Pirate #1: Hey that boat stop!!

Pirate #2: Yes! Stop!

Zoro: What? The drowning people? Damn! I am in a hurry.

Zoro: I can't stop the boat. Just get on by yourself!!

Pirate #1: Wha.. What?

Pirate #1: aahhh...!!!


Zoro: Ho! You are good at climbing.

Pirate #1: Do you want to kill us!?

Pirate #2: pant ... pant... This guy is so crazy.

Pirate #1: Hey! Stop this boat. We are the crews of "Baki, the clown

Zoro: Huh?


Zoro beat up all the pirates.

Pirate #1: he he he Sorry, sir. We did not know that you are Zoro, the
pirate hunter.

Zoro: I miss my friend because of you. Anyway, just keep going straight. If
my friend see a land, then he might be able to get down my himself.

Zoro: Anyway, why are you swimming in the middle of the sea?

Pirate #1: That's a very good question.

Pirate #2: Because of that woman.

Pirate #1: Yes! Everything happen because of that woman!

Pirate #3: And she is a very beautiful woman, too.


Pirate #2: It happened after we just robbed one of the merchant ship.

This orange section will refer to flashback of these pirates.

Pirate #1: This is a very valuable treasure!

Pirate #1: Even it's just a small ship, but it has a lot of good treasure.

Pirate #2: Captain Baki will give us a big reward.

Pirate #1: Eh? That's a boat over there.

Pirate #1: I see a person unconscious on that boat, too.


Pirate #2: Wow! It's a woman.

Pirate #1: Are you o.k., lady?

Nami: Ah! Am I dreaming now? Finally, I find someone in this wide sea.

Nami: I don't know who you are, but please.. Can you give me a cup of water
and a piece of bread? I am so starving.

Nami: I have some money here. Please help me.

Pirate #2: That's not a problem. We'll help you.

Pirate #1: But first, can we take a look at that treasure box?


Nami: Just cross over to my boat. But first, can you give me water?

Pirate #1: Wait for a sec, lady. We want to check the treasure first.

Pirate #2: Yes. And then, we will surely help you.

Nami: If you don't mind, you can have the whole boat.

Pirate #1: Hey! That woman get away boat and our treasure!!

Pirate #2: Ahh!! There's only fish in this treasure box!!


Nami: Black cloud is heading south. When it meets with the cold weather,
then not for long it will..

Nami: ..cause a heavy storm. The small boat, please beware.

The storm sunk that pirate's boat.

Nami: Bingo!!

Nami: Bye! Thanks for treasure.

Pirate #1: Damn it!! We've been tricked. Wait a minute!!


Pirate #1: That's all the story. Is that cruel?

Zoro: That woman know about navigation and weather? She's very good. I
wonder will she become our navigator?

Pirate #2: If we find her, we will kill her!

Pirate #1: But first, we have to take back our treasure.

Pirate #3: Yes! If we go back without treasure, Captain Baki will punish us
for sure.

Zoro: Who is Baki?

Pirate #1: He is our captain. Haven't you heard of Baki, the Clown Pirate
before? He ate some kind of "evil fruit," and he became a very dangerous

Zoro: Evil fruit?


At the town, Nami is running away from a group of pirates.

Pirates: Stop there! Give us back our map!!

Nami: pant.. pant… Finally, I got a map to Grand Line.

Pirates: If we did not get the map back, our lives will be in danger. I
don't want to get kill by a canon.

Pirate #4: Captain Baki, I see something on the sky.

Baki: Use the canon to shoot it down.

(It's Rufi and that bird.)



Rufi: Ouch!!

Pirates: Ahh!!

Nami: Scream!!

Pirates: A human falls from the sky!?

Nami: What is that?

Rufi: Where is that canon ball come from? Damn it!


Rufi: Anyway! I finally survive!!

Pirates: He's still alive!!

Nami: !?

Nami: ….

Nami: Ah! Boss! You come to rescue me?

Nami: Please take care of the rest for me.

Pirates: Hey! Wait!

Pirates: We don't have to follow her.

Pirates: Because her boss is here!! Even we catch his minion, it would be


Pirates: Boss, eh? The map is belong to our Captain Baki, the Clown Pirate.

Pirate hit Rufi and Rufi's hat has blown away.

Rufi: Ah!

Rufi hit that pirate on the face.

Rufi: Don't you dare touch my treasure.


Pirates: You…. Want to die?

Rufi beats up all pirates.

Nami: Great!

Nami: You are very strong. You can fight people with empty hand.

Rufi: Who are you?

Nami: I am a professional pirate thief, Nami. Do you want to join me?

Rufi: Professional pirate thief?
