Please Save My Earth Vol.2 -------------------------- Chapter 1 --------- Translation and markup by Asbel [], 1998. This work is copyright to its author, Hiwatari Saki; as far as I'm concerned you may use and distribute this translation as you wish, just please exercise your best judgment. In other words, please don't do anything with it that might affect my ability to make translations... This is intended as a supplement to, and definitely not a substitute for, the manga "Please Save My Earth" vol.2, ISBN 4-592-11486-8, 400Yen. Go buy it! There are no real chapter marks, but I've split off where the end appears to be. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05. Please Save My Earth 2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------(06)------------------------------------- Alice: ...It's morning... Reality... this is reality, isn't it...? ...What was that dream...? -------------------------------------(07)------------------------------------- Alice: The room was like a botanical garden And looking up to the ceiling, you could see the Earth And the me in the dream called a dark-skinned, black-haired handsome man, "Shion" And this "Shion" called me... Shion: Mokulen Alice: ... -------------------------------------(08)------------------------------------- Alice: No way... ...couldn't possibly be... [...making yourself Mokulen...You're shameless, Alice] Those two's dream story is still in my head That must be what touched it off... But somehow It was so real... -------------------------------------(09)------------------------------------- [Mrs. S.:] --Ah Alice, you're up Alice: Good morning Mrs. Sakaguchi: ... ...Last night after you went to sleep, Mrs. Kobayashi and her husband came round again. They said... ..."you needn't take it too seriously as it's only a promise to a child" -------------------------------------(10)------------------------------------- Alice: [...I see] [...Then what I fainted over...] ...alright ...In that case... yes Mrs. Sakaguchi: Really!? Alice: ...Yeah Mrs. Sakaguchi: I'm... I'm sorry...! [You poor girl] Alice: Don't laugh, Hajime Hajime: [My poor sister...] -------------------------------------(11)------------------------------------- Alice: Byee ...Ah The moon's bright -------------------------------------(12)------------------------------------- Alice: I guess it was roughly like this... ...What should I do... I suppose I should speak to them... -------------------------------------(14)------------------------------------- Issei: ...Sakaguchi-san... these... Jinpachi: [These... these are... great... much better than Issei's, mmm...] Alice: ...Yes, I saw them... in a dream... Jinpachi: Hey, Mokulen's and Shion's appearance... Issei: We didn't describe in that much detail for sure...! And seeing the Earth from the ceiling, and a place like a botanical garden...! It's all exactly like we see it...! -------------------------------------(15)------------------------------------- Jinpachi: ...Then Sakaguchi-san... could it be you're... Sfx: *thump! thump!* SHION...? Alice: ......No,... Er... Issei: --Then...! -------------------------------------(16)------------------------------------- Jinpachi/Issei: MOKULEN!? Alice: I'm... I'm sorry!!! -------------------------------------(17)------------------------------------- Alice: [Waaaah, it's like I've broken into your dream] Issei: [Well... Hey hey, it's nothing to cry about] Jinpachi: B... but Is it right that this has happened!? Alice: [That's what I think too] [Sniff] Jinpachi: This is just like in a manga It's too much of a coincidence! It's like it was pre-arranged Issei: [Jinpachi-kun, st-stop that p-please] Jinpachi: And in that case If we search, maybe we really can find the others...!! [And fill in some of the unknown pieces of our lives(?)] -------------------------------------(18)------------------------------------- Jinpachi: ...And then... Alice: [If we did...] [Shion-san would...]] [be real...?] -------------------------------------(19)------------------------------------- Alice: Shion-san would... -------------------------------------(20)------------------------------------- Minions: Welcome 'ome...! -------------------------------------(21)------------------------------------- Takashi's Dad: Will you cut it out with these depressing greetings! [Dammit all] We aren't Yakuza or something, so buzz off! Minions: [Yessir! *runrunrun*] Tamura: Excuse me Sir, could I... have a word? -------------------------------------(22)------------------------------------- Takashi's Dad: Oh Tamura, it's you. I came back early because you called Tamura: I'm sorry. Um... it's about the young master Takashi's Dad: Has something happened to my son? Tamura: Yes... for two, three days he hasn't been himself at all... I thought perhaps if you'd speak with him yourself, Sir... -------------------------------------(23)------------------------------------- Takashi's Dad: Takashi, it's me I'm coming in ...Why are the lights out -------------------------------------(24)------------------------------------- Takashi: Turn out the light, turn it out, turn it out! Takashi's Dad: Hey, what are you crying like that for, at your age, hmm? Takashi: Dad, I'm I'm I'm I'm scared! -------------------------------------(25)------------------------------------- Takashi: Help me, Dad! Help me! Hey, Dad, haven't you always given me everything I wanted? The gang? The bike? The money? Please! -------------------------------------(26)------------------------------------- Takashi: Please Dad, Please, you're doing the reconstruction of the Tokyo Tower aren't you? So, so, please, give me the Tokyo Tower! Please, give it to me If you don't I'm gonna be k... killed! -------------------------------------(27)------------------------------------- Takashi's Dad: Killed!? What kind of half-baked thing are you on about? Takashi: Please, Dad I'm begging youuuuuu End of chapter.