Chapter 56: Just go to hell! White = Dialogue (The words in parenthesis refers to the character's thought.) Gray = Character's Flashback Green = Action Red = Translation Note --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ging: Eventhough he used to be a famous pirate, now he's just a simple chef! I can kill him anytime. Pati: That man broke Honor's artificial wooden leg! Kalune: Damn it! Chefs: Honor!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rufi: I will beat him up! Sanji: Wait! Let's listen to him first! Ging: Do you want to spare this man's life? I beg you, Sanji-san, please leave this ship! Pirates: We are safe! I thought that Paloo-san will destroy the whole ship. But he was beated up! Sanji: Leave this ship? Why don't you just go to hell? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Creek: ! Chefs: Sanji! You moron! Don't tease him, or he'll kill Honor! Sanji: Why are you so suck, old man? You don't have any right to order other chefs anymore. Sef: Shut up, stupid kid! You don't have right to take to me that way! Sanji: Stupid kid? Stop calling me kid! Chefs: Is Sanji thinking to use this opportunity to get rid of Honor? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sanji: Ging. Point you gun to me! Ging: !? Rufi: What are you thinking? You will get killed! Sanji: That's alright. Sef: ! Chefs: What the hell did he say? Sanji! Ging: !? Sanji-san.. why? Paloo: If you wanted to die that much, I will help you! Sanji: ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paloo: You made my nose bleeding for 2 times in one fight. It's not just a luck, but you are too danger! If you don't want that old man to die, then don't move! Ging: ...!! Paloo: The ultimate killing techniques.. Paloo: .... Paloo! Sanji: !!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sanji: Oop! Ging: ! Rufi: Sanji! Paloo: That suit you best because you destroy my iron wall! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rufi: You..! Sanji: Don't get involve! Rufi: Why don't you avoid that attack? Sanji: Can't you see that he is about to pulling the trigger! Ging: ! Sanji: Ging, you are such a coward. You think that I can easily accept that deal? Ging: Why? It's the easiest and the best way. If you leave this restaurant, everyone will survive! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sanji: This restaurant is that old man's treasure! Ging: ! Chefs: Sanji! Sanji didn't hate Honor? Sanji: I've already taken everything from that old man's life. Pati: eh? Sanji: His power! Sanji: His dream! Rufi: .... Sanji: That's why.. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sanji: ..I don't want that old man lose anything anymore! Sef: This is not a time to talk about that stupid story, stupid kid! Sanji: Shut up! How many time have I told you not to treat me as a kid? Pati: Sanji, watch out! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paloo: Paloo... Sanji: ! Paloo: ...cross! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sanji: Ugh! Chefs: Sanji!!! Rufi: ...!!! Paloo: What are you bracking about? It has nothing to do with me at all. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paloo: Paloo service.. Chefs: He jumps up! Rufi: You are very low, Ging! Ging: This is our way of fighting! After all, it is your fault! If you give up your ship, everything won't happen! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paloo: Paloo... Chefs: Sanji! Get out of there! Paloo: ...plumb! Sanji: AGH!!!! Chefs: God!!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paloo: ha ha ha Have you realized my power? Chefs: You told us that you've taken everything from Honor. What do you mean, Sanji? Tell us now! This part is Sanji's flashback. Chef #1: All Blue? Sanji: Yep! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sanji: Didn't you know it? The legendary sea! Narrator: Cruise Obit Chef #1: I knew, but you are really crazy! Chef #2: That's o.k. because we are sea chef. It is not strange if we are dreaming of that sea. Sanji: Right? One day, I will find that sea. Narrator: Sanji. (9 years ago) when he was still a chef trainee in the cruise. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chef #3: You think that you will find it, Sanji? Chef #2: The legend is just a myth. No one will find that sea because it doesn't exist. Sanji: It exists! Chef #1: Hey! Think about this. Chef #1: All Blue is the sea that has every kind of fish around the world from East Blue, West Blue, North Blue, and South Blue. If that sea is really exist, it will be a paradise for a sea chef liked us. Chef #1: Because we can get all kind of material, and we can used our skills to cook any kind of food! Chef #2: Yes. Even you have to risk your life to search for it, it will pay off. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chef #1: Only if that sea is really exist. But that mystery sea, All Blue, is not exist. Chef #1: If you use your head, you will know that. Only day dreaming chef are thinking about that sea. Chef #2: Let's stop talking about work! Chef #1: Work work! Why don't you just get the plates back, Sanji? Sanji: .... Chef #1: [sigh] There are so many left-over. What a waste? Chef #3: They don't even touch this plate. I worked hard on that. Chef #2: Why these guests are so prodigal. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sanji: Everyone stop eating the left over. I've already get rid of some rotten food. We still got a plenty of food. Beside, we will arrive the port in 2 days. Chef #3: Because you always like this, you are so skinny. Don't forget that we are the sea chef! We won't know what will happen in the future in the middle of the sea. So, we should know the way to save! Chef #3: So? You want to eat this left over fish? Sanji: No! Guests: [screaming] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crew: Everyone, please calm down! Sanji: What's that noise? Chef #1: Pirate ship! Pirate ship is heading toward us! Sanji: Pi..pirates? Sef: Get to the cruise! Pirates: Aye, sir! Narrator: Sef, the red leg. Captain of Chef Pirates. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------