Chapter 47: Don Creek, Pirate Major White = Dialogue (The words in parenthesis refers to the character's thought.) Green = Action Red = Translation Note --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kalune: I told you. That is Creek! And he want to take this ship? Guests: Let's go. Before we get killed! Pati: Ouch! What are those noise? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ging: Captain Creek. How about the promise? Rufi: Hey Ging! Are you alright? Pati: Wha... what? Creek: Our ship has worn-out, so I want a new ship. After I finish with you, you'd better get the hell out of here. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Creek: Right now, I have about 100 crews in my ship! They are all starving and injured. Creek: First, prepare the food for 100 people and give it to them. Creek: There were many crews that die because of starving. Hurry up! Pirate: Wa..water.. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kalune: You want us to bring our food to the pirate, and when they regain their streght, they will attack us? I refuse to do it. Creek: Refuse? It seems that you are misunderstanding. I did not ask you to serve my crews. Creek: But this is an order! Whoever dare to refuse must die! Chefs: !!! Ging: Sanji-san. I am sorry. I've never thought that it would turn out this way. Pati: It's all your fault. Where are you going, Sanji? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sanji: Kitchen. I'll prepare food for 100 people. Chefs: What!? Ging: Sanji-san!? Creek: That's the best decision. Rufi: Sanji. All chefs are pointing their guns at Sanji. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chefs: Are you a Don Creek's pet? We won't let you go into the kitchen. From now on, stop doing foolish things! Sanji: What are you waiting for? If you want to stop me, why don't you shoot me now. Sanji: I knew how bad these people are. Sanji: But it's none of my business. When I give them some food, I don't want to think about whatever consequence that will happen. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sanji: But for the chef, if there is someone asking for a food, then chef must cook for him. Sanji: What's wrong with that? Chefs: .... Sanji: !! Chefs: Pati! Pati: Tie him up. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pati: Sanji. You always sneak some food from the kitchen and give it to the people that I kick off. I won't say that it's right or wrong. But this time, it's absolutely your fault. I won't let you do anything anymore. I will protect this restaurant by myself. Pati: We're lucky that we got only one enemy, even he is Don Creek. I don't think he can fight us. Pati: This place is a floating restaurant with many pirates as our customers. So, we have to be well-prepared to welcome any kind of customers. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pati: After the meal, why don't you have some of this heavy dessert!! Pati: Syrup canon!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Creek: This must be joking. Ging: Boss! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pati: I break the door? That's bad. Honor will be so upset. Kalune: Don't worry. You did it to protect our restaurant. Sanji: What are you gonna do with the rest of Creek's crews? Pati: Just spread them with butter and burn them up! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Creek: That sound delicious, bald head! Pati: That's crazy! Creek: Your dessert taste very bad. This restaurant is really suck! Rufi: His body covers with iron armor! Pati: It's just a simple armor! Let get him, everyone. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Creek: This is so annoying!! Chefs: Ugh!!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rufi: The bullets.. Sanji: ..come out of his armor! Creek: Don't ever try to against me, weaklings. I am the strongest man. Remember that. Creek: The powerful arms. Creek: The iron body. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Creek: The diamond fist that can destroy everything. And many secret weapons that equip with myself. Creek: I got more than 5,000 crews and 50 ships. I always win, and everyone accept my power. Creek: When I order you to prepare food, you have to follow my order no matter what. Whoever dare to against me,... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sef gives food to Creek. Chefs: Honor Sef!? Sef: You want food for 100 people, right? Take this to your crews. Creek: Sef? You are Sef? Chefs: What are you thinking, Honor? If we let those pirate have the food, once they regain their strenght, they will take this ship. Sef: That will depend on their spirits! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sef: Isn't that right, fugitives from Grand Line? Chefs: That's unbelievable. Creek is the fugitive from Grand Line? Even the most powerful pirate in East Blue and his 50 ships? Chefs: They still can't live in Grand Line. Rufi: Grand Line!? Creek: You are... Sef, the red leg! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------