Volume 3: Something You Can't Lie. Chapter 18: Baki, The Clown Pirate Chapter 19: Evil Fruit Chapter 20: The Way of Thief Chapter 21: City Chapter 22: You are Monster Chapter 23: The Introduction of Captain Usop Chapter 24: Something You Can't Lie Chapter 25: 800 Lies Chapter 26: Captain Kuro's Plan --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 18: Baki, The Clown Pirate --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before you read this chapter, I just want to say that this chapter and the next one are really hard to translate because there's a lot of action going on. I can't translate those action completely, so I decided that I will put some picture later. Hope you'll enjoy it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rufi: Red hair? You mean Shank? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Baki: Huh? That's sounded interesting. What if I knew him? Rufi: Where is he now? Baki: Where? Maybe I know or may be I don't know where he is. Rufi: What are you saying? Are you idiot? Baki: You can me idiot? That's really rude. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Baki: I am not that good person that will tell everything you want to know even though it will make you rest in peace. Rufi: Then I will make you tell me. Baki: Ha ha ha.. Before you can ask me, I think will die, first. Baki: Even though your body is a rubber, I don't think you can't bounce the knief! Rufi: No, I absolutely can't. Baki: Separate… --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Baki:…. Deadly wheel! Baki separate his legs and use them to attack Rufi. Rufi jump and miss the attack. Baki: If you jump up, then… --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Baki: … you can't move. Baki throws knives at Rufi. Rufi: What said that? Rufi grabs the pole and be able to escape from the knives. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Baki: Ho! So, you want to play this way? That's interesting. Rufi: You, too. Rubber bullet.. Rufi: … punch! Baki is able to escape from Rufi's punch. Baki: Your skill is very interesting. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Baki: Even though you can stretch your arm, that becomes your weakness. Baki tries to cut Rufi's arm. Baki: I will cut you in pieces. Rufi: Rubber.. Baki: huh? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Baki: Separate neck. Rufi: …scythe!! Rufi tries to hit Baki's neck, but Baki is able to escape by separate his neck. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Baki: ha ha ha ha. Baki: You don't have enough guts, rubber man. Rufi: hmm.. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rufi: You are good at separating yourself, huh? Nami: What kind of fighting is this? Am I dreaming? Pirate #1: Did you see that? Pirate #2: You idiot! Just pretend that you still unconscious. Pirate #2: If we get involve with this fight, we will get kill. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Baki: Separate bullet! Baki carries knives and separates his arm to attack Rufi. Rufi can catch Baki's arm. Baki: Separate second time! Baki again separate his hand from his arm that Rufi carried. Rufi: ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rufi is hurt and fall down. Rufi: You! Baki: What's wrong? Are you mad because of the scars I made on your face? Rufi: You are really bad. Because of you, this hat is ripped a little bit. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Baki: huh? Rufi: This hat is my treasure! I won't forgive anyone who destroy this hat. Nami: ! (Rufi: This is my treasure that I've got from my best friend when I was young.) Nami: (I thought that he is not a serious person. I've never thought that he will get mad liked that.) Baki: That hat is really important to you? Rufi: Yes!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Baki: If it is that important, then you should try hard to protect it! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Baki uses his separated hand to stab Rufi's hat and steal it from him. Rufi: (Shank: I want you to keep my hat.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Baki: ha ha ha. You think that this stupid hat is your treasure? Rufi: [gnashing his teeth] Nami: …!! Rufi: (Shank: It's my favorite hat. Just return it to me when…) Rufi: (Shank:… you've become the great pirate.) That's that hat that I have made a promise with Shank!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Baki: What? You mean this is Shank's hat? No wonder that I feel that I've seen it before. Baki: Shank and I used to be in the same pirate ship when we were young. Baki spits his saliva to the hat. Baki: Which also means that he and I used to be friend while we were training to become pirates. Rufi: Shank is a great man. You said that he is your friend? Rufi runs to Baki, and Baki separates his neck. Baki: Separate neck. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rufi: Don't compare him to you! Rufi attacks Baki's body instead. Baki: ….!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------