-pg83- Issue 3 "Pirate Hunter Zorro" appears! Rufi An animal, eh ? Coby YES, Rufi-san! The fearsome Roronoa Zorro is known by the strange name "Pirate Hunter Zorro!" He has a wolf's hunger for blood! He sails round the world collecting bounties! People say his figure is not that of man, but of an 'animal'... Rufi Hmmm. Coby Now you see why I think it's such a dumb idea to put him in your crew ? Rufi Dumb nothin'...Ya gave me nothin' but reasons to sign him up! If he's as good as you say... Coby He's a bad guy, so they caught him! -pg84- Issue 3 "Pirate Hunter Zorro" appears! -pg85- Rufi At last!! The navy base!! Coby Yes!! At last!! Rufi You're fantastic, Coby! Coby Eh ? Rufi You're here at last! Coby Only thanks to you! With my measely abilities, I'd never have made it out to sea... Rufi-san, if you keep drifting like this you'll never become a pirate! You don't even have any sailors in your crew! Rufi Yep, I know! Let's eat! -pg86- Rufi Well, this town's where we part, Coby! You'll join the navy and become a splendid sailor! Coby Yes! Thank you so much! Rufi-san, make sure you become a splendid pirate! At any rate, a good rival... Rufi Oh yeah; I heard that he's at this base; that Zorro guy! Coby Looks like Zorro's name is some sorta taboo... Rufi Hunh. -pg87- Coby I saw a poster a bit ago; this base is led by some guy known as Captain Morgan... Eh ? Rufi Ooh! Hah hah hah hah, wasn't that an interesting shop! They sure aren't gonna forget US soon! Coby That was just weird! I'm getting a bad feeling about this... If it were only Roronoa Zorro's name that they ran from, I could understand, but, as it is, it's got me nervous... Why would the Navy Captain's name scare them ? Rufi Yeah...don't you wish your name could blow people across the room ? Coby THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEAN! I'm being serious! -pg88- Narration Nave Base Rufi From this close, it's sorta...gaudy. Go on! Coby. Coby B...but...not yet, I-I'm not quite ready... After that weird stuff... Ah! Rufi-san! Rufi The animal... Where is he ? -pg89- Coby You won't find him by peeping over the wall... He's probably in solitary... Rufi Nope! He's just over there! I'm sure it's Zorro! Coby Eh...........!!..........!!! Rufi Look, that him ? What ? Coby That black bandana! I-it's really...really Roronoa Zorro! What intensity....that's gotta be Zorro! -pg90- Rufi Thought so. That rope...it's not gonna be simple springing him. -pg91- Coby P-please don't say such stupid things!!! That guy...if he escapes, it means the end to peace in this town! They'll all be killed! By him!!! Zorro Oi. You there. Coby Eek! Zorro Come on over here...this rope... Untie it for me, will ya ? I been stuck here for 'bout nine days, and I'm fuckin' dyin'... Rufi Oi, he's laughin'... Coby H...he spoke... Zorro I might even thank ya. The reward money they put up round here's enough to tear a man apart. I wasn't lyin' when I promised to protect her. -pg92- Coby D-don't do it, Rufi-san! He'll take you for a ride! The second you untie that rope he'll kill us and get away clean! Rufi He can't kill me. I'm... Too strong. Zorro Ah !? Coby Wh-why me ? Rufi Mm? Coby Eh? Girl Shhh. -pg93- Coby Ah...!! Wait, that's dangerous! Zorro Oi! What the hell... Coby Rufi-san, stop her! He's gonna kill that girl! Rufi Stop her yerself. I don't think he'll do anything... Zorro They'll kill ya...get away from here! Girl Excuse me...I brought you some onigiri I made! Oniichan, I thought you must be getting very hungry, stuck here like this! It's...my first time, but I worked very, very hard on these! Zorro I'm not hungry! Just get outta here, before they get you! Girl But... Zorro I don't want it! Go home! They'll flatten you, kid! -pg94- Hermeppo (Note: His name could also be translated as Mr Absurd) Roronoa Zorro!!! Such a bully! At your age! Narration The Navy Captain's son, Hermeppo Rufi They sent out the weirdo. Coby Could that gentleman be the captain ? Thank god, he'll keep the kid from dying... Zorro Ch... Here comes the idiot son again... Hermeppo Idiot ? Do my ears deceive me ? My old man is Captain Morgan!! -pg95- Hermeppo Hey there, girlie. Shall I try a little of that scrumptious onigiri you have there ? Girl Ah! No! Hermeppo Blegh! Yuck! Sweetend shit! How much sugar did you put in ? What about salt ? Usually you put salt on onigiri! Girl B-but...I think they taste good sweet! Hermeppo This is inedible, twit! Girl Aaah!! Stop it!!! Stop!! He hasn't eaten anything yet!! Coby H-how cruel...that girl worked really hard on those! Hermeppo Okay then! You can feed them to the ANTS! Heee heee heee Heee heee Girl Aah... -pg96- Girl You meanie! I...I put hours into those! Hermeppo Tut tut...don't cry now, don't cry! This is why I hate kids. Do you see what you did wrong ? Can you read ? What does this sign say ? "Anyone who helps a criminal shall be considered guilty of the same crime." "Navy Captain Morgan." You do know enough to be frightened of my old man! If you were an adult, we'd have to kill you! Oi, throw this brat out. Marine Ha ? Hermeppo Throw her over the damn wall! Listen when I give an order! I'll tell my old man! Marine A-at once, sir! -pg97- Girl Nooooo! Coby A-are you okay ? God, that guy was nasty... Hermeppo My, but you do cling to life! Zorro Ah...well, it's only been a week. To protect her, as promised. Hermeppo Heee heee heee...proTECT!! If you're still alive after another week I promise I'll let you go! Do your best! -pg98- Zorro What, ya here again ? Yer just a boy; I oughta tell yer old man. Rufi I guess. Right now, I'm lookin' to put together a crew of pirates. Zorro Pirates ? Henh...! Yer barkin' up the wrong tree; save yerself the trouble. Rufi I'm sure of this. What's so bad about bein' a pirate ? Zorro Bad ? After you untie these ropes. Help me out a little and I'll spill the beans. Rufi Nah...you tryin' to bribe me ? Yer sorta famously evil, ya know. -pg99- Zorro Evil, hunh ? Call me what you like; it's just rumor. Things just sorta happen to me. You run away now; I can survive this on my own. I only have to live another week and I'm home free. The idiot son promised. Why do I know I'll live ? I have...I have things left to do! Rufi Aaah, I see! But, are you sure you won't starve to death in a week ? Zorro I got more strength of will than you. Go look for your crew some other place. Oi! Hang on a sec... Rufi Mm? Zorro That...give it here. -pg100- Rufi Ya gonna eat this ? This ain't onigiri, it's mostly mud, ya know ? How hungry can ya be ? Zorro Ya can cut the jabber! Shut up and feed me! Shove it all in! (Crunch, crunch, gulp...) (Cough) Rufi See what I mean ? Nearly killed ya! Zorro Now I'm even...g-give the kid a message for me, will ya ? Rufi What ? Zorro "It was delicious." "Thanks for the food." Say that. Rufi Haha! -pg101- Girl Really!? Rufi Aah! He chomped up everything that was left! Girl I'm so happy! Coby I wonder if he's really as evil as the rumors say... Girl He's not! Oniichan didn't do anything bad at all! Even though everyone in town's scared of him... He let himself be captured to save me... He killed a wolf Captain Morgan's son had raised. Before that, he'd been letting it wander around the town, bothering everyone! Rufi So, the reason Zorro was captured... Was only because he killed HIS (pic of Hermeppo) pet wolf ? Girl Mm. Coby I see...!! That was it, hunh!? He's racked up that price on his head because he's got a horrible temper! But he didn't commit any real crimes. -pg102- Girl The bad ones are the Morgans! I may be little, but even I know everyone's afraid of being killed by them! Hermeppo Heee heee heee heee!! You raise your head, and I'll tell my old man! Who was it managed to crucify Roronoa Zorro !? In three days, Zorro'll be publically executed! That'll be a fun lesson to him! Rufi In three days ? What happened to promising him a week ? Hermeppo What ? Who're you, and where'd you hear that ? Don't raise your head! That promise was fake! You don't tell him the truth, he's some sort of twisted animal! Heee heee! Zorro I only have to live another week and I'm home free. The idiot son promised. -pg103- Man AAAUGH! Coby Rufi-san! Rufi Ya son of a bitch! Coby Please stop! You can't win! You don't want to make the navy into enemies! Rufi I've made my decision, Coby! Coby Eh ? Rufi Zorro's joinin' my crew! -pg104- Step2: Draw your own skull! 1. Draw a circle 2. Draw three circles inside it. 3. Dangle another below. 4. Put two lines inside it. 5. 3 vertical lines cross those... 6. Put bones behind it... 7. It's finished...What !? 8. The finished picture. 9. Oh yeah, Rufi's skull also gets a hat drawn on it...