Volume No. 4 Chapter: 25 Title: Drinking the Seed o' Love, Cheers ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ah ! My Goddess Fan-Translation: Not for sale, rental or publish. Ah ! My Goddess ™ is a trademark of Kosuke Fujishima, Kodansha, Studio Proteus, Dark Horse, etc. etc. Translated by Yong Choe (cmaster@ucla.edu) Edited by The Helper Goddess Office ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --Page 29-- Urd: ..... Urd: The taste of romance is sweet. [Holding a fishbone] Urd: The flower of love, red. Urd: Hehe Urd: (Spell) Burn, Burn, Flower of Love! Bloom, Bloom, Flower of Love! --Page 30-31-- Urd: From the tulmultous divide of love, the seed of love two into one. Chapter 25: Drinking the Seed o' Love, Cheers ! --Page 32-- Urd: Appear now within my grasp. [Pop! Appears seed of love] Urd: Uhuhuhuhu. (Thought) If I feed this to Keiichi, Urd: (thought) Kei and Belldandy will be burning (in love). Urd: HOHOHOHO! YOU JUST WAIT, KEIICHI! [NIT, Smaller inset frame, Urd drops Seed of Love into a thermos full of tea.] --Page 33-- Urd: All I have to do is have him drink this. Tamiya: Oh! Urd! What are you doing here today? Urd: !!!! Urd: (thought) This man-- I think he's Kei's sempai.... Urd: [pouring tea] (thought) Okay then. I'll test it on this man. Urd: Want some tea? --Page 34-- Tamiya: Well, if it is no trouble. (Nonbubble) Just one cup... Urd: Ah! [Tamiya grabs the thermos.] [Tamiya drinks right out of thermos.] Tamiya: GULP!! GULP!! Urd; Ah! Eeh! Ah! Urd: Oh well. At least I have this much left. Tamiya: Mmm. That was delicious. Urd: (though)What? It had no effect on him. Urd: You must have some as well. Urd: EH? No. I ... --Page 35-- Urd: I AM NOT THIRSTY ! Tamiya: C'mon ! Drink up ! [KA-BLAM] Bell: WHAT WAS THAT? K1: THAT WAS AROUND BUILDING NO. 1 ! K1: PINK SMOKE? [Urd and Tamiya passed out, smoke rising from their bodies] K1: I SHOULD'VE KNOWN --Page 36-- Bell: SIS, YOU'VE TAKEN THE SEED OF LOVE, HAVEN'T YOU? K1: BIG TROUBLE! PEOPLE ARE COMING! [Urd on K1's back, still passed out] K1: LET'S GET OUT OF HERE (or FOR NOW, LET'S RUN!) man1: What was that explosion? woman1: AH! woman1: What? It's Tamiya. man1: Should've known it was him. woman1: Probably messing with something that he shouldn't have. K1: Say, what is Seed of Love? --Page 37-- Bell: Simply speaking, it's a potion. K1: Potion? Bell: A phrase, or an item is like the arrow of love. So, you fall in love anyone that is assoiciated with those things. Bell: Why did she take it though? Urd: K1: That's great!! Bell: Wha? Urd: Z...Z...Z... K1: IF URD GOES STEADY WITH ANOTHER MAN BECAUSE OF THIS, SHE CAN'T INTERFERE BETWEEN TWO OF US!! [Urd Laughing] --Page 38-- Bell: (thought) It would be good for Urd to find her happiness... K1: EH? K1: U...URD! SHE'S GONE!!! Bell: OH MY! Urd: (thought) Cherry Blossoms... --Page 39-- Urd: (thought) Long time ago, the one who loved me... He was the spirit (or god) of cherry blossoms. Tro: I must find the Golden bird. Urd: EH ? Urd: WHY? WHY ALL OF A SUDDEN? Tro: Forgive me. For the god/spirit of cherry blossoms, the Golden Uguise is the necessary romance of a man!! Tro: GOOD BYE Urd: (thought) Wait. You can't fly.... Tro: ARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Urd: (thought) I really loved him, though he was strange. Narration: At this moment, the seed was beginning to work within URD. --Page 40-- Narration: Because of that though, what ever is assoiciated with cherry blossoms became Cupid's Arrow for Urd. [Heartbeat] Urd: (thought) That man! (one of the professors sitting under a cherry blossom tree) Urd: (thought) How can a man look so handsome! Reading alone. That lovely shape... --Page 41-- Urd: Can I sit next to you? [Bell and K1 running] K1: WHERE THE HELL IS SHE?!? Ootaki: Hey Kei! What a coincidence! K1: WHAT! I'M IN A HURRY! --Page 42-- Ootaki: Got the Auto-Club sweatshirts. Comes in all sizes, and in three designs. Get one now for only $2500! (yen) (no bubble) No tax! K1: Here ! So two for $5000 (yen) ! K1: GOTTA GO! I'M IN A HURRY! Ootaki: ah... Ootaki: This is not like him.. what's his hurry ? --Page 43-- Urd: Professor. Urd: I, I fell for those soft eyes of yours, professors. Urd: Even if you have a wife, just this moment. AH!!!!!!!!!! Bell: Sorry for causing you shock! --Page 44-- Prof: (thought) Students today. Their jokes are a little on the harsh side. Prof: But... Prof: (thought) I feel it... Romance... Urd: LET GO OF ME! K1: I CAN'T LET YOU FALL IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE WHO HAS A GRANDCHILD!!!! Urd: DON'T INTERFERE! K1: IT HURTS!!!!!!!! Bell: (thought) I hope that her sense of people aren't affected though she ate the Seed of Love. I want to help her... --Page 45-- Urd: IF NOT BY WORDS, THEN I'LL USE FORCE!! Bell: SHIELD!!! {Explosion} K1: Cough! Cough! Bell: Just in time.. --Page 46-- Bell: She just doesn't care when she's in the MOOD.. K1: Uh? K1: SHE'S GONE, AGAIN! Bell: Don't worry. I put a homing device on her, so we can track her. Urd: Don't interfere with me... Doorbell: Ring! Ring! Delivery guy: Cherry Blossom Express. (note: Actual translation reads: Ms. Bud, express delivery. This is a sound pun that won't work in english too well.) Urd: (thought) Cherry Blossoms... --Page 47-- Urd: (thought) He looks so handsome! Urd: Through the hardest rain, the deepest snow, delivering for people... Delivery guy: Ex...Excusee me. Who are you? woman2: (no bubble) Where's my package? Urd: oh, that strength. And that helmet that reflects your strenght. K1: Looks like this will go well. Urd: Let's Make lov.... Delivery Guy: EH ? --Page 48-- K1: NO YOU STUPID!!! YOU CAN'T START LIKE THAT!!! Bell: (spell) Your voice is my voice. My voice is my voice. Combine voices into one. Bell: (spell) I will become your mouth and speak for thee. Urd: I said.... Urd: Let's.... Bell: go watch some AyeAye? (some kinda monkey) --Page 49-- *AyeAye=A species of primates. Body=40cm, tail 60cm. Indigenous to Madagascar Islands. With its long fingers, it digs out and eats bugs from tress. Bell: That should take care of it. Delivery Guy: Aiai? What's Aiai? Urd: (thought) That spell. Belldandy... Urd: Don't interfere with our love. K1: gulp Bell: Delivery Guy: (thought) Well, whatever happens... --Page 50-- Guy: You know, I hear that Cherry Blossom Treehouse is pretty good. Urd: (thought) Oh my! That innocent looking teenager. Those clear focused eyes behind his glasses... Urd: WAIT FOR ME! K1: GREAT! OUT OF THE PAN AND INTO THE FIRE! woman2: What ah you doin' mistah? --Page 51-- Urd: EXCUSE ME, THE ONE WITH GLASSES!! Urd: SHARE YOUR LOVE WITH ME!!! (note: changing syntax to fit with the story line. Also uses sound puns that won't work too well in English.) kid: Where are we going dad? Dad: To watch the Cherry Blossoms, honey. Urd: (thought)Oh my! Beautiful wife and their cute kid! --Page 52-- Urd: A WONDERFUL FAMILY LIKE THAT! YOU ARE THE MAN I'M LOOKING FOR!! [Homing device comes off.] Bell: THE HOMING DEVICE MUST BE LOST! K1: WHAT?! Wife: Who's that girl? Dad: Got me. K1: LET'S SPLIT UP AND FIND HER. Bell: YES! --Page 53-- K1: Where is she? K1: [panting] Man, I'm hot because of that sweatshirt I bought from Ootaki sempai. Urd: Cherry Blossoms... K1: Eh...uh...Uh...WHAT? K1: [Looks back at his sweatshirt] AH CRAP! Urd: Kei... --Page 54-- Urd: You're really worried about me, weren't you? K1: I.. I.. eh.. Urd: I love you from the beginning, Keiichi. --Page 55-- Urd: HMM ! [Ping!] Bell: Sis! Urd: ah... Bell: EVEN FOR YOU, SIS. Bell: KEIICHI... K1: Um... Bell: I... Keiichi.. Bell: I... --Page 56-- Bell: I... Urd: >>pat<< Urd: Stupid. Can't I play around? Urd: Let's go. [disappears] K1: Is it over? Bell: I wonder...if she was kidding around? Antidote=cures one of current condition. Narration: Meanwhile, Tamiya was still under the spell of Seed of Love. Tamiya: I love you Ootaki!! Ootaki: KKYAA!!!!!!!!!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- End of Chapter 25 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Manga ] * [ Main Page ] * [1]