Volume: No. 3 Chapter: 18 Title: Life's Just Like a Game Of Roulette --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 27 TV: Capture the new year .. TV: in brilliant Poji-color !! Keiichi: Hmm.. Keiichi: That's gonna be my new year's resoultion !! ( p.s: I resolve to get closer to Belldandy-chan. by Morisato Keiichi ) Bell-chan: What's that you are writing ? Keiichi: Gack !! Volume: No. 3 Chapter: 18 Title: Life's Just like a game of roulette Page 28, 29 Bell-chan: I made you some special new year's food ! Urd: And so did I ! Page 30 Keiichi: Wow.. so gorgeous.. Urd: Hey ! Keiichi !! What do you got there ? Lemme see ! Keiichi: Don't bother me.. Keiichi: Did you make this all by yourself, Belldandy ? Bell-chan: Yes.. it took me all day yesterday. Keiichi: Mmm..boy ! this is delicious ! really gourmet cooking ! Keiichi: Yum yum Bell-chan: Thank you ! Urd: So you're just not gonna show me what's in your hand uh ? Page 31 Urd(magic): Dissolve, dissolve, break the bonds of matter, and come to me Urd(magic): Come together, here in my hand.. and reform ! Urd: Ohh.. Urd: This is a job for the older sister. Keiichi: You make this one, Urd ? Urd: Yep ! you bet ! Keiichi: Uh.. Good thing I didn't try any of it. Background: Looks like boiled lizard, crickets, and who dare to eat this ? Page 32 Background: Dong, dong Keiichi: Who is it ? Megumi: Hi, Keiichi ! I brought some new year's rice cakes for you ! Keiichi: Oh, it's you, Megumi. Megumi: Not just me ! Ootaki: Yo, Morisato Tamiya: Hey, happy new year ! Page 33 Keiichi: So.. you guys really hit it off, haven't you ? Ootaki: Nahh.. Sayoko: Hmph ! I don't wanna be friend with those people.. Tamiya: Ohh, so you are Keiichi's sister, uh ? Bell-chan: New year food anyone ? Urd: Okay, everybody ! Urd: You're supposed to play games on new year's day, right ? Urd: So how about a game of " Life Sugoroku Special " ? background: " Life Sugoroku Special " ? what's that ? Urd: Hehehe, this ain't no ordinary board game ! Page 34 Urd: In this game, what's written in the space you land on will really come true ! Urd: Only the sacred wheel knows what fate has in store for you ! Sayoko: What a crock ! Everybody: So.. what's the board say, anyway ? Everybody: WOW !! ( Goal ! You win ! The person you choose must make your wish come true ! ) ( Go back to the start ! ) ( Go back to 10 spaces and lose 1 turn ) ( Hide in the closet and pretend to be any star ! ) Everybody: All right !! Page 35 Sayoko: Only three years old child will believe that.. Keiichi(think): I can ask Belldandy to.. to.. Ootaki(think): I'll make Tamiya buy me a bowl of noodle. Tamiya(think): I'll make Ootaki buy me a big steak. Megumi(think): I'll make daddy buy me a camcorder.. Bell-chan: Okay.. then I will go first. Bell-chan: Here I go ! Bell-chan: Let's see.. one.. two.. Page 36 Bell-chan: Five.. Everybody: What.. what's it say !? ( You will soon be called " Mama " ) Everybody: HUH !! Keiichi: Heh ! it.. that's impossible.... Megumi: This joke is too big to handle. Tamiya: Really impossible.. Background: HA HA HA ??: Mama ! Page 37 Bell-chan: Aya.. its Risa from across the street ! Risa: C'mon and play with me " Mama " Belldandy ! Bell-chan: She often come here and wanna play with me. Ootaki: Oh ? Tamiya: Uh ? Sayoko: I guess now its my turn. Ootaki: Well, what do you know ? it did come true, didn't it ? Sayoko(think): What do you mean came true ? it just a coincidence. Sayoko: What the.. !! Keiichi: What did you got ? Page 38 ( You will dance around while taking clothes off, and everyone will pay you 5000 dollars for it. ) Sayoko: I will never do that kinda thing !! Urd(think): There's no use ! everything written on the board will always come true. Sayoko: !! Page 39 Sayoko: Ek !! something's crawling down on my back !! Keiichi: Yow ! Tamiya: Wow !! it came true once again !! Ootaki: Ahh !! please remove your hand !! Keiichi: Okay now, I am next !! Keiichi: Yeah ! I got ten ! Bell-chan: Wow ! You are further than anyone !! Keiichi: Nothing to it, nothing to it. Page 40 Tamiya: Hey, come over here, Morisato. Keiichi: ? ( You will clear up the yard wearing nothing but T-shirt and pants. ) Keiichi: Give me a break ! Ootaki: Hey ! if that's what the board says.. Tamiya: We have to make it come true, right ? Keiichi: Brr.. no fair ! Ootaki: That sould take care of it. Tamiya: Don't be such a wimp ! Bell-chan: Urd, you didn't do anything to the game, right ? Urd: Of course not. Urd: I don't know anything about it. ( But in fact, Urd did do something to the game, ) ( She's inserted a magic stone that senses the momentum and position of the wheel. ) Page 41 ( and with the stone, Urd can calculate the momentum and poistion, ) ( and control the wheel in advance. ) Urd(think): That magic stone is called Laplacian Demon's Stone. Ootaki: Alright, my turn ! Ootaki: What.. ? ( You will take a walk around the town with a company. ) Ootaki: Ha ! who can make me walk all over the town ? Satoko: oh, look ! isn't he cute ? Ootaki: Ahhhhhh !!( Ootaki's afraid of dogs ) Satoko: Ootaki !! Page 42 Bell-chan: Risa, did you bring Chabi over here with you ? Risa: Uh-huh ! Megumi: I am not afraid of this game, its my turn now. Megumi(think): Four ! what is it ? I sure hope its a good one.. Megumi: One, two, three.... four ! Megumi: .... ( skip one turn ) Tamiya: Your luck just not good enough ! Watch me do the work ! ( Go back to the beginning. ) Page 43 Urd: The best is yet to come !! Bell-chan: !! Others: Feel something evil is gonna happen.. Tamiya: Yo, Morisato ! Keiichi: Jeez.. finally its my turn now ? Page 44 Keiichi: Where.. where's other people ? ( Pick any player and send that player back to the beginning point. ) Urd: Pick one ? then I will pick.. Urd: Keiichi ! Bell-chan: Keiichi-san ! please keep it up.. Bell-chan: Ten.. Urd: Which means.. Keiichi: It can't be.. Keiichi: If that's the way it's gonna be.. I will clear up the whole damn yard ! Page 45 Bell-chan(think): Something's up. Why's Urd doing better than anyone else ? Bell-chan(think): of course, I'm not doing too badly myself.. Megumi: How come I always get " Skip one turn " ? Tamiya: You are better than me.. I always back to the start.. Bellchan: Is there anything in the spinner ? Stone Demon: What do you want ? I am very busy ! Bell-chan(think): Just as I thought.. the Laplacian Demon ! Bell-chan: I need to ask you for a favor, sir. Stone Demon: Who cares ! Stone Demon: What.. What are you doing ? Page 46 Bell-chan: Pretty please ? Stone Demon: Okay.. I'll do it for you, but just don't tell your sister. ( If you are here, you can go straight to the Goal ! ) Urd: Hmm.. she got the Laplacian Demon on her side insensibly.. Urd: Well, that's okay. Bellchan: Keiichi !! Page 47 Bell-chan: You poor thing ! you must be very cold !! Keiichi: N..n.othing.. rea..lly.. Bell-chan: Your lips have freezing to blue !! Keiichi: Oh, yeah.. Bell-chan: Here, let me warm it up for you. Page 48 Keiichi(think): A good start indeed for this new year.. Sayoko: She got the prize I wanted.. but I'm gonna win this year ! Urd: Just got back ? the game's over ! Ootaki-sampai: I walked around the whole town.."hff" Satoko: I have to take a taxi to catch up with him.. End of Chapter. 18 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back to The Helper Goddess Office [1]