ROCKMAN X4 - THE SAGA CONTINUES ( a continuation from RMX3 - The Fight for Everlasting Peace ) Colonel Kanissa walked up towards the surveillance computer. Things did'nt look good at all. An island named Ikaros that was situated towards the west of Reploid City 7, was taken over by Mavericks. These Mavericks are extremely agile in the air since they're all capable of flight. " How's our current situation? " barked the firm Colonel. " Ain't too good." A surveillance officer replied. The Island Ikaros has four major factories which manufactures various military warfare ranging from Plasma Launchers to Sonic Jets. Located in the inner core of the Island is a gigantic nuclear circulator called AX-10 with extremely high-powered raw energy. " The Colonel narrowed his eyes and thought hard : What do they want with the Island? Could they be after the power of the AX-10? Even if they did gain control of the circulator, there's no possible way to control such great power!" His thoughts were rudly interrupted by a military officer. " Colonel, a representitive from the Maverick Hunters wishes to see you. Someone called Zero." "Yup, that's right" said the blond hair reploid. "We've received info about the takeover on Icarus."Now, I'm here to repay you back the favour I owned you back the other day." The Colonel looked at Zero, a plan slowly coming into his head. Hundreds of semi-attack pods flew towards Icarus. On them were none other than the Maverick Hunters led by Commander Zero. The reploid commander took a brief glance at his right arm. Questions once more arose in his head as to why he couldn’t use his arm cannon. But questions aside. He had a job to do. The squardron was greeted by a sight of Flight-able Mavericks - hundreds of them. " That's it baby...just come to papa." mumbled Zero. " Come on..don't be afraid...just a little more...LAUNCH THE MISSLES NOW!!!" At this, all the semi-pods released a trail of heat-seeking missiles. The Mavericks were caught off guard and many were brought down. " Attack with full force! Teleport back should too much damage be sustained" ordered Commander Zero. The missles managed to bring down a good 40% of the Mavericks. Despite being on a semi-pod, Zero showed great performance. With just a leap, he easily brought down three Mavericks with his Beam Saber. The Mavericks went down one by one. Zero took advantage of the Mavericks and treated them as platforms while slicing his Saber through each Maverick he saw. Deep in the oceans, a Mother Submarine was slowly heading towards Icarus. The Colonel was in it. "Impressive", muttered the Colonel as he saw how Zero was fighting the Mavericks. " Indeed, there is none who can fight like you do." Turning away from the computer screen, he looked at his three best generals - Frost Walrus, Storm Owl and Slash Beast. "We'll attack the Mavericks from land. With Zero taking care of the Flight Mavericks, the remaining ones on the Island should be easy to deal with." With that, all three generals begun assembling their troops and headed for Island Icarus. The Colonel took a last look at the computer screen that showed Zero and his squadron. Then he joined the others. Within seconds, their defences were down. The Mavericks attacked again and again but to no avail. The Colonel and his troops were just too powerful for them to handle. With Zero attacking from the air, the Mavericks' strongest defence was gone and now, it was the Colonel who attacked their land forces. It was no wonder that just a couple of hours, Icarus was finally free from Mavericks. The remaining ones were quick to surrender before death caught up with them. The Colonel stood up strong and proud. "Soldiers! Cease attack. We are Victorious! " The cries of cheer were soon drowned by the noises of semi-pods flying by. Colonel Kanissa looked up and saw none other than Zero, giving him the thumbs-up. Suddenly, the ground shook violently. Zero scaned the current situation from his semi-pod. "What in blazes is going on? "he wondered. Towards the centre of Icarus, the ground started to crack and molten lava shot out. Something big was slowly rising from the ground. Something big yet radioactive. Within minutes, a gigantic circular object was visable. And it's still rising up! " AX-10!" gasped the horror-stricken Zero. "It's those cursed Mavericks. When they knew that they were gonna lose this battle, they must have set the AX-10 to self-destruct!" The AX-10 stopped rising. It was now in mid-air, raw energy covering it. From far, anyone could easily mistaken it for the Sun. Should the energy it contained overloads and explodes, it could mean instant annihilation for a quarter of earth's inhabitants. And the only way to stop this mass destruction was to take out the control unit that controlled the AX-10 itself. The control unit was located none other than in the middle of the AX-10. " Troopers!" roared the Colonel. "Return to base and re-enforce yourselves to prepare for the AX-10 entering. The radioactive waves that thing produces can easily melt our bodies. We'll need to armour up in anti-radioactive suits." With this, all troopers turned and headed for base. All but one. This reploid was already clan in an anti-radioactive suit. A horizontal eye-visor helment was worn by him. This reploid headed for the opposite direction. The direction of the AX-10. "Wait!" shouted the Colonel. "Individual work is useless here. There's no way you can take out that thing alone! Return to base at once. THAT'S AN ORDER!" Yet the reploid merely turned his head away and once again headed towards the direction of the AX-10. "Are you for real?......I'm sorry but I am now forced to punish you the military way." With that, the Colonel sent a trail of Electric Energy Burst from his Beam Sabar towards the solo reploid. "Forgive me" he whispered." But discipline has to be observed and maintained." The Electric Burst headed for the solo reploid. However at just inches away, the solo reploid did a triple-step mid-air jump through making use of the falling boulders that fell from the AX-10. And with that, he continued upwards towards the AX-10. Colonel Kanissa stared wide-eye at the moving solo reploid. "Your courage and skills are admirable but I can't get the whole troop into trouble just because of you alone." With that, he too turned and headed back to the base submarine. The Maverick Hunters circled the AX-10. Barrages of missiles were released were to no avail. The radioactive waves that surrounded the AX-10 grew more intensive with each passing moment. It would'nt take long for it to explode. A semi-pod flew up behind Zero. "Commander, "the reploid pilot shouted. "It's no use! Our missiles are completely useless against that thing!" Zero stared at the huge glowing mechanical sun in front of him. "Can't give up now!" whispered Zero. "If he was around, he too would not have given up."Just then, an incoming message appeared on Zero's semi-pod's system. "Zero, I'm Colonel Kanissa. I'm back at my submarine base and I would advise you too do the same too. That thing is just too much for us! We'll have to analyse the situation further before we take any action." Zero accelerated his semi-pod and headed for the AX-10 himself. " Escape from this......Can I? As long as he's in my heart......" The remaining Hunters looked on helplessly as their Commander went to battle the mechanical sun alone. " ZERO!" shouted the Colonel. He clenched his fist hard to force himself to say these words." Retreat with full force!" Kanissa closed his eyes. "Zero. If only you knew just how much I want to help you. But I have my whole squadron at stake and I can't risk their lives just for my sake." Zero flew round the AX-10, looking for an opening. There was none and by now, he could feel the effects of the radioactive waves on his armour. Just then, Zero saw a figure firing away at the AX-10. It was the solo reploid and he was most probably trying to create an opening. Zero looked at the reploid and for an instance, he saw an image of Yakasa. "Why did I see an image of Yakasa?" thought the baffled Zero. "Why would I mistaken a reploid in an anti-radioactive suit for Yakasa? It's got to be someone else...But...that's it. I now know!" "Colonel!" shouted the survelliance officer. "Commander Zero has jumped off his semi-pod and towards the sun!" "WHAT?" the Colonel hastily made his way to the survelliance computer. "Reroute radio wave to Zero. Make contact now!"roared the Colonel "Done sir! Communcation established" " Zero! Just what are you doing?" Zero picked up the signel from his helment. " Is it Kanissa?" he asked. "It's him. He's here." "Who's this guy?"asked Kanissa. "It's Yakasa!"Zero replied. "He's here!" "It can't be. Yakasa is dead. There's no way he could be here!" Zero was now getting very close to the AX-10. "It's definately Yakasa. He's the one in the anti-radioactive suit!" The brief image of the solo reploid came into the Colonel's head. "But how can you be sure since he's wearing an eye-visor helment?" asked the Colonel again. Zero smiled and replied "I don't have to see him to know. I can feel it in my heart. " The Colonel opened his eyes wide. "Feel it in my is that possible? " Zero summoned his inner most energies to his right arm. Even though he had lost the ability to switch to arm cannon mode, he still could channel his energies to his right arm. "I know it's him. Yakasa and I are partners. He is the only one I know who dares to take the most foolish risks ever such as challenging the power of this mechanical sun. Because in him, lies a sun that shines so bright and strong, none will be able to be his match. " Colonel Kanissa stared that the computer screen, unable to utter a word. "Yakasa!" Zero shouted. "Let me create the opening for you!" His hand was now covered in a mist of pure energy. With a war cry, Zero slammed his fist into the core of the AX-10! This great impact cause a huge explosion that threw Zero towards the sea. As Zero dropped towards the sea, he started to think. "Even though I could not destory the AX-10, the damage I caused should have created an opening. I've now got no more power nor strength in me left. Once I reach the sea, I'll most probably sink to the bottom...who would have thought that such an end would come to me? If only I could just see him one more time..." With that, Zero closed his eyes and waited for impact. The huge shadow appeared in the sea. In a blink of an eye, a gigantic submarine rose from the sea. On top of it was the Colonel himself. "ZERO!" The red mechanical body dropped lifelessly from the sky. The Colonel opened his arms and managed to catch the falling Zero. "Zero, I've got you. You can't die now!" Zero slowly opened his eyes and looked at the Colonel. "Check it out,"he said. "Made use of the submarine huh." He shot them all. The solo reploid. He was now in the AX-10. The interior was similar to a power station since that was what it was originally made for. His anti-radioactive amour was now starting to crack. The place besides being filled with raw energy, was also filled with defence robots. The solo reploid now reached a door that was labelled 'Danger'. "This must be it"he thought. A gurdian robot was at the door. He reached for the solo reploid who calmly raise his right arm. A shot of energy went through the gurdian robot. All was silent once more. the solo reploid entered the door and a sight beheld him. A huge mechanical-like sphere was floating in mid-air. Tubes filled with green circulatory liquid was stuck on it. This was the brain of the AX-10. The control unit that was paralyse the entire movement of the AX-10. The solo reploid stood in front of the 'brain'. A shimmer of light came from within him and suddenly, his anti-radioactive armour begun to disintergrate. The pieces burst open one by one! His eye-visor cracked! With a mighty heave, the armour totally explode into pieces, revealing a shining blue armour underneth. The solo reploid raised his right arm that turned into an arm cannon. Pure energy flowed into his arm cannon which glowed bright blue. Within seconds, his arm cannon was covered with ripples of pure energy waiting to be released! Yakasa took a last look at the brain and unleashed the mighty power of his trusted X-Buster. The AX-10 shook violently as a huge beam of energy tore through its core, creating a huge hole. Within minutes, the raw energy that was built up within the AX-10 dispersed. The AX-10 lost its glow. Its power dissipated. Colonel Kanissa and Commander Zero looked at the lifeless nuclear reactor that was slowly falling back to Island Ikaros. "It's finally over"said Zero. But the Colonel was deep in his own thoughts. "Who this Yakasa guy?" He wondered. "And for what reasons do he take such risks?" That night, the Navy came over to clear the mess. "Ain't you gonna stay and see what they're gonna do with the AX-10?" asked Zero. He and the Colonel were taking a walk by the cliffs." I've finished my work here. It's time to head back. Besides, I've already reported to the General and told him that I'll be back tonight." "But how about Yakasa?"continued Zero. "Don't ya wanna met him?" The Colonel stopped and looked towards the ocean. "If he's such a person you describe, I will meet him in due time when justice needs to be melted out.""Yeh, you're right" replied the blonde reploid. "Oh well, nevertheless the battle this time was tough and it was nice to fight side by side with you."said Zero. Colonel Kanissa turned from the ocean and looked hard at Zero. "I, Kanissa, Colonel of the Military Defense Unit will take my leave now! I thank you for your help in aiding this mission!" And with that, Kanissa gave the surprised Zero a Military salute. Zero watched the Colonel's plane flew off. He took in a deep breadth and looked closed his eyes. The gentle wind blowing across his face. "Commander Zero," a voice shouted. "Look, it's Commander Yaksa!" Zero spun around and saw an bunch of rookie hunters crowding round a familiar face who was clan in a shining blue armour. A thin smile appeared on his face. Far, far away. In a land covered by mist and long forgotten. A mysterious shadow roamed the place. It had no legs and simply floated in the air. A ghost perhaps? Whatever it was, it was surronded with an evil aura. Very evil. "So they've decided to form a new organisation called the Reploiforce eh?" that thing said. A figure covered in a brown cloak slowly rose from the ground. Its red eyes glowed with bitterness. "Things are getting more interesting......ha,ha,ha,ha,ha......HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA!!!" The End The story you've just read is translated by Redflute from the manga comics. Redflute has absolutely no part in creating the original concept and idea. The translation was done because Redflute wants others out there to know what's going on in the RMX manga world and also for those who have the comic but can't understand Japanese nor Mandarin. Original comic and story is done by YOSHIHIRO IWAMOTO. Comments or suggestions? E-Mail me at --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mechadrake Assemblies Inc.