This is a subpage of the WWW Vampire Miyu Archive. HTMLization of the original version was done by --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kakinouchi Narumi's Vampire Princess Miyu, (Akita Shoten, 1989) translated by Robert Paige, between 10-28-93 and 11-4-93 final version printed 11-11-93 I know this may be a bitch to read, since I wasn't planning to keep it in this form for much longer anyway, but please enjoy it. Any criticisms, suggestions, etc., please send to: Especially appreciated are comments from native speakers of Japanese. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Splash page: In the cold, dark dimension of the night, the Shinma sleep. A land where there is no calm. And so, the guardians of the Shinma's slumber, The vampire clan... The confused hearts of men beckon to the Shinma. And so, they have slipped away from the Darkness to wander the human world... Thus begins the story of one girl who must hunt the stray Shinma, now that her blood has Awakened. Her name is Miyu...... The new guardian of the Shinma...Vampire Princess Miyu --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1: Bewitching Time pg. 10 There is no end to this age of vampires. "Larva, I hear a sad voice." I am Vampire Miyu "Now where is it coming from?" Little.... Sounds as though her heart were crushed... Where? "Mama..." "Mama... Papa..." pg. 11 "Mama......" Found her! "I've found her, Larva." "Heh heh heh....Shall I give it to her, Larva? My blood, a vampire's blood..." If I do that, will you escape your pain and sadness, and embrace eternal bliss? Will you mix your blood with mine? Yui-chan...I'm coming now. pg.12 huun "?" "Yaaa!" Kuwaaaa pg. 13 Kyaaaaaa a a a Huh? Shinma? What the hell... "Beaten to her by a Shinma!!" pg. 14 "Blood-sucking Shinma..." "I must return you to the Darkness." "I was planning to give that girl eternal happiness, but I was interrupted." My responsibilty imposed upon me by this world, I must hunt the Shinma..... "Yui!" "Damn it..." "Now where did she go off to?" "Even though Auntie went to meet her..." "Did you find her?" "No, is something wrong?" pg. 15 "Well, let's try and look for her." "Yui..." Now I'm scared.... Don't cry! Mama and Papa are dead now. We're two sisters alone, So I must be brave. "Larva" "I hear that voice again. Like yesterday..." "A similar feeling..." pg. 16 "But," "Today, it seems like she also harbors some hatred." hic "Yui...Why did you have to die?" "I want to die, too..." "What were those marks on her neck?" "What's the matter, Aya-san?" "Who's there? You know me?" "Yes, I do. You've been crying all night, haven't you?" pg. 17 "Shall I Make your wish come true?" "My wish?" "You want to go, right?" "To join your parents, and Yui." "I can do that for you." "Who..." "are you?" "Miyu..." Mi... yu? pg. 18 "Aya-chan!" "Yes..." "Is everything all right?" "Um, yeah." "Are you taking this photo album?" "If it hurts to remember" "Are you going to leave it here?" "Oh, there's also a picture of me and your mother in there." "Auntie!" "?" "This girl! Do you know her?" pg. 19 "Oh, you surprised me there." "Well, do you know her? The girl with my mother?" "Umm, now who was that?" "She was a girl from the neighborhood, but I've forgotten her name." "She was so cute that all the boys came to take pictures of when was that? But this picture was taken twenty years ago." "Her parents died around that time." "She was in middle school, just like you...and soon after she moved away somewhere." Just like me... "She was left in the care of some relatives, but I've forgotten who. Why do you ask?" pg. 20 "....I know that girl." "?" That's her all right. White kimono, red sash, could she be... A ghost? She hasn't aged a bit. Yes, indeed. Maybe it's her daughter? "Larva." "Are you bitter?" "That I've dragged you around, I mean." "I just wanted you to be my aide." pg. 21 "The smell of blood..." "It looks like the Shinma has shown up again, nearby...." "Oh, no. Again?" "Hey, how many people?" "Do vampires really exist?" "They say every last drop of blood was gone." "I think I'm going to be sick..." "Larva..." "Let's bring this to an end, tonight." "I can't stand this. Not only does she seize my prize...but imitating us vampires as well...." I'll seal you away, Shinma! pg. 22 "Miyu. Please, take this." "In case of the vampire..." "Well, thank you." "Miyu." "What are you?" "Well." "I'm not all that sure myself," "Why I'm alive, or why I hunt Shinma..." "Shinma?" "Say, do you have something to do with the vampire attacks? Are you..." "...a vampire..." pg. 23 "I'll see you tomorrow, Aya..... Tonight there's a job I have to finish up." Miyu? You promised me, right. To take my family. Mama.... That girl in the picture, her name is Miyu, isn't it? Time has stopped for her. Are there vampires who aren't affected by the crucifix? pg. 24 "Shinma!! Return yourself to the Darkness!!" "This is not your home!!" pg. 25 Adorable Miyu----- Do you think I'll be caught by a little girl vampire?! "Mama..." "Come get me.... quickly..." Miyu... "Miyu... help me" "I can't sleep... the pain..." pg. 26 "Aya." That's Aya's voice. "I've let the Shinma go..." She's calling me. Larva. Come here!! Larva! pg. 27 "Thank you, Larva." "I'll leave this fight to you for the time being." Aya!! "Miyu." "It's you, isn't it..." "You're the one who got Yui, aren't you? And you're the girl in Mama's picture, aren't you?" "Shinma....are alive, but not like humans." "That Shinma is the one who stole away Yui-chan's life. Larva and I live only to return the Shinma to the Darkness...." pg. 28 "Shinma?" "Yes, Shinma. It's living in our world, drinking blood, and doing nothing else." "Now...." "That Shinma..." "Larva's caught the Shinma!" pg. 29 "Larva," "Return the Shinma to the Darkness, by these flames!" "To the Darkness..." "Aya-chan..." "I am not like the Shinma. I can make your parents yours forever." "" "Is that what you want?" "Good girl, Aya......" pg. 30 "Close your eyes." "Rest well-----" A photograph? pg. 31 "This is..." "Hmmph..." I hadn't Awakened, then. I was human. Mother and Father... Eternal happiness and dreams----- Were what I was looking for. pg. 32 "Hmmm" "How stupid of me...." "What am I going crazy over?" "Get with it, Miyu" What happens to a vampire who sees the past? You don't have a past or a future, Miyu!! No. I...something...strange "Larva." "Larva..." "It's all right...Come over here, now, please?" I've always been searching... "I want you close to me..." for my parents, and for happiness. pg. 33 The one I wanted to seal away in the Darkness forever... "Larva..." Is me. "Larva...." I'm sure of this, but... The dawn breaks. "Miyu..." Recurring sadness and love.... The dawn breaks. An age of ceaseless fighting. An age of vampires. "I am Larva, Miyu's eternal servant......ever since...." pg. 34 A new day breaks. Good night, Aya..... While you dream forever...... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2: Picture-book of Sleeping Young Girls pg. 36 "Ah......" "Sorry." "Good morning, Kiryuu-kun..." "Uh, good morning." "...? Is that girl in our class?" "Eh?" "You mean Miyu? No way! You're in this class too, so what are you talking about?" pg. 37 "Oh, nothing" Miyu.... "What is it?" "For a moment there, you looked a bit confused." "Oh...." "You're strange, Shou. Is your brain still asleep?" "Been studying too hard?" "Enough already!" pg. 38 "Say, Larva." "I've finally found a wonderful boy...." "It just seems like a waste for him to have been a human. I want him to keep his beauty as it is now." "Yes...for all eternity..." "Hee hee....It's settled, then." Kiryuu Shou...I'll give you my blood. "Shou!" pg. 39 "Chiaki...." "It's amazing! On the previous tests, Miyu has had the top scores all year!" "Miyu?" "Oh, Shou, you're such a ditz." "And how did you do?" "Me? No different from anybody else!" "But, you're number one at tennis..." "Heh heh...That's very kind of you!" pg. 40 "Well, now. Even after the test is over, you're in the library studying? But, by the time you get home from school, you've overdone it." "There's something I wish to investigate...But what do YOU want?" "He he..." "Do you love Chiaki-san?" "Chiaki..." "Doesn't it hurt her to stay like this forever?" pg. 41 "See you tomorrow!" "Who is that girl? Miyu...where have I heard that name before...." I can do it! Lock her away for later... "Or whenever... inside this picture-book...looking just like this." pg. 42 Together with all of you! I beg you. Release me....Shou! "Shou!" "Good girl. Your beauty and knowledge I shall absorb." "Ha ha....Living on inside me, still the same....You said you loved me...Are you happy now?" "Let me out of here!" "Help me!" "Shou!" pg. 43 "Next, Chiaki...." "Then Miyu, I'll take you, too!!" Hey, Larva... I talked with him today. Shou---- If I give you my blood... If I give you eternity... "Miyu." "Are you sure he's human?" pg. 44 "Larva...... You suspect Shou?" "It's just that...I've got a feeling about him." "What is it, Shou?" "I want to see you at the library today about the arrangements for the school festival." "Come right after school...." pg. 45 "OK, gotcha." "How's the tennis going?" "Taking a little break." "Hey, have you heard?" "This past week, already 3 people....all girls." "Wh- What?" "Oh, the girls who disappeared." "Yeah, about that...They say that every night...." "You can hear sobbing voices coming from the library." "Saying 'Help me...'" Kyaa! "What? You're kidding!" pg. 46 A group of missing girls....? Must be.... Shinma? Sign: Library "Ah-hah! They appear to have gone over budget!" "They've masked it, but some money is missing." "But, that won't affect the festival, anyway." "Well, Shou, what do you want to do about it?" "Hmmm... I" "I want to see you as our princess....." pg. 47 "You'll be such a cute princess..." "Shou..." "I...." "I love you, Chiaki!" "Chiaki..." "I've chosen you." "You'll become a part of me...!! Your kindness, your pretty face..." "In my hands...." pg. 48 Yes, rest a while, Chiaki..... When next you wake, you'll be in my picture book. Miyu Now do you see Shou for what he is? "No...." Miyu! pg. 49 "I don't want to know." "Miyu, he isn't human." "And you know what that means..." "NO!" "What are you saying, Larva....?" "What about that?" "I've since forgotten... these feelings." "There is a pain in my breast..." "Miyu..." pg. 50 "I'm all right, Larva...." "Now that I know for sure...." "I am the Vampire Princess...Miyu. And vampires send the Shinma back to the Darkness." "Hey...I heard another girl disappeared." "And the festival is coming up soon..." "And there's nothing but bad news...." "Say. Kiryuu-kun looks so sad, somehow....." "He was good friends with Chiaki, so....." pg. 51 "Kiryuu-kun...." "Would you come to the library on the day of the festival, before it ends? There's something I have to say." "I'll be waiting for you." Miyu You're a bit different from all the other girls..... Mysterious.... Miyu I think I've heard that name somewhere.... but where....? pg. 52 That's just right, though, the library...... Sign: Year 63 Showa (1989) School Festival blah blah blah "Oh, that's adorable!" "Eh! Mom's?" "Hey, look over there!" "It's Robocop!" "That class is running a splatter theme? Gross!" "Huh...? Say, check him out..." "I wonder which class he's in...Maybe in Miyu's?" pg. 53 "Kiryuu Shou..." "I'm glad you came." "Shou.... Do you remember" "What I said here earlier to you?" "Do you remember?" pg. 54 "I said I could keep you as you are, forever! Truly." "That is within my power." Miyu--? "I..." "I love you." pg. 55 "I wanted to preserve you exactly as you are...." What? This....ambience...? "Shou..." "I would have, if you weren't Shinma." Miyu....! So that's it! pg. 56 You're the Shinma-hunting vampire.... Miyu, can you be such a little girl... "Larva! Send him back where he belongs..." "With my blood, I'll guide you..." pg. 57 You, who locks away the girls' knowledge, sensitivity, and beauty in a picture book And absorb those qualities for yourself...Shinma!! "Uu......" pg. 58 "Heh heh....Thanks to those girls" "I've become more than human..." "In the second dimension, they'll grow old and weak....those girls..." "I can hear their voices, crying to be rescued...." "MIYU!" "You live only by sucking blood!" pg. 59 "I...." "I give eternal dreams, in exchange for reality." "But only to those who wish it...." Those girls gave me their love. ...And so, in my picture-book...They wished to become a part of me. Shou! "LARVA! Give me the power!" pg. 61 Sleep well Shou..... (Scream...) pg. 61 To the Darkness where you belong.... "What are you doing here?" "Huh?" "Uh...nothing! The campfire just started." pg. 62 "Sensei said to meet back on campus, quickly." "Oh, OK. I was looking for Miyu... Huh? Now who is Miyu?" "Miyu? Who's that? Really now! Wake up there, quickly!" "Hey, the finale's about to begin!" There is no place in this world where I can be at peace with myself.... Say, Shou. I wonder which of us is in more pain? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3: Shinma Lemures pg. 64 "Larva." "Is that Miyu?" "The last vampire to threaten our existence. Hmmph....." pg. 65 "A little country girl, isn't she? Why don't you kill her quickly? How long are you going to look at her like that?" "She'll awaken soon. Before then...." "Heh....heh heh....Let us toast our victory in Miyu's blood, Larva....." pg. 66 Miyu!! "Yes?" [Miyu....] "Who is it?" "Hey, who are you? You call me from time to time, right?" pg. 67 "Miyu..." "I've known you ever since you were a little girl. I should have done it this way... when I first found you." "Who are you?" "Why are you crying?" "My..." "My birdie...." "Died." "Hmmmm, it's too bad I can't allow you to reach your full potential...." pg. 68 "Who are you?" "I am Larva." "For the sake of us Shinma, you must be put to rest, forever...." "Your blood must not be allowed to awaken." My blood? "You're going to kill me?" pg. 69 Shinma? What's that? "Why?" "Miyu..." "Your blood...." Blood? "NO!" "Ouch!!" Blood? pg. 70 Blood.... My blood.... What is this? This...My heart... pg. 71 "MIYU!?" Miyu!! Vampire.... Vampire!? pg. 72 Larva---!! "You imbecile!!" "You let her awaken...Larva!!" Larva, my first victim...I let you share my blood. You will be my servant for all eternity. Ha ha.... So let's be friends, OK? LARVA!! pg. 73 "What do you mean, a vampire?" "Really, now. It's not like the movies, you know." "Oh, you mean what happened to Sarashina-san of #3 class?" "So there was no blood left?" "Stop, please, I feel sick." "But, she was slashed all over her throat." Sarashina-san The girl I chose--- Kyaaa! pg. 74 "SENSEI!" "Kizu-san!" "Why does this only happen at my school?" Maybe...Shinma? "Kizu-san and Sarashina-san, if anything, were good human could ever bear a grudge against them..." Probably. Maybe this is... "So, a degenerate then..." a challenge aimed at me? pg. 75 Only my targeted prey... Shinma? "So...I wonder who's next, then...." Anyone will do. I'll hunt all your prey. Starving you to death will be nice... pg. 76 "They say today's gym class will be on the grounds." "Aww!! But it's too hot today." "Are you just gonna watch today, Miyu?" "Yeah, I'm feeling kind of anemic..." "You do look kind of pale. Are you going to the infirmary?" "No need... I'm alright. Kana-chan, there's something I want to discuss with you." pg. 77 "Hey!" "You're an honors student, right?" "Aah! And popular, too, right?" "Uh, yeah!" "My, but you've got a lot of interests." "Well, yeah! What do you want me to do?" "Come to the old lecture hall, after school..." "O.K.!" "Miyu?" pg. 78 "I guess she isn't here yet..." "And after I rushed over here..." "Oooh, now I don't feel so good." "A deserted lecture hall..." "When did they stop using this one?" pg. 79 "Miyu really places a lot of importance on beauty, doesn't she?" "I, on the other hand, don't care for girls at all." "Sorry, miss. You've committed no crime, but...." "To make Miyu suffer, and" "To retrieve my friend Larva!!" pg. 80 "You must die!!" "" pg. 81 "Pretty good, Handsome." "Too bad, though, I have to send you back to the Darkness." "Right, Larva..." "Larva?" "What's happened to you?" It's been a while, Lemures!! pg. 82 Larva!! Finally, we meet again. Do you remember me? "Lemures, you have to go back to the Darkness...." "Here is not a place for Shinma to live." "What?!" "Larva...How long have you been deceived by this brat?" pg. 83 "The presence of Miyu's blood in my body limits me." "Her grief, her fate... I sense it all...." "This kind of..." "This vampire snatching you away..." "Miyu is..." "I won't allow it..." "Open your eyes! Larva!!" "You are Shinma!!" pg. 84 "Vampire Miyu!!" "Die!" Lemures, return to the Darkness! "LARVA!!" pg. 85 To the Darkness with him!! Larva! "Wh.....why....?" pg. 86 All I ever wanted....was... to bring you home... Good night....Lemures. "That Shinma, did you know him, Larva?" "Ah, he is an old friend of mine, since before I met you." "Hmmph." pg. 87 "This is my blood, Lemures." "Anyway....The time when I must return to the Darkness is coming....Then, together, we'll drink a toast, in our blood." My old friend, Shinma Lemures. pg. 88 Good night. Lemures--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4: Yuri pg. 90 "You want to die, don't you." It's sad, really... "Every night you come to this lake, just don't have the courage, do you..." "Shall I help you?" "Who are you?" "I'm Miyu..." pg. 91 "You'll help me? I want to cast everything aside, by this lake. I want to be released from my friends, my exams, everything." "Hee hee hee...I'll give you eternal happiness...." pg. 92 "Good night." Vam.... Vampire? pg. 93 She's a vampire! Did she.....see me? Oh, now, what do I do? Did I see something I shouldn't have seen? Should I tell somebody. Who'd believe me? Oh no... "How can vampires exist in this day and age?" pg. 94 "Hey! Have you heard?" "She was a junior, wasn't she? By the lake..." "They said it was suicide, probably from exam neurosis." "Aaww! Next year, I'll be an entrance exam student, too." "Yuri, what are you going to do?" "Huh!?" "Are you taking your entrance exams at another high school?" "Aaaw! Her beloved brother is coming to see her!" pg. 95 "You dog! You seem to have cheered up!" "Yuri's older brother is quite a piece, eh?" Onii-chama I need your help. Take me away from here... Please... "Yuri-chan." "What kind of book are you looking for?" pg. 96 "Is that book interesting?" "Uhh..." "Hmmmm..." "I'd like to read this, too." "Return it later, would you? After you've read it, I mean." pg. 97 That girl goes to school here.... An upperclassman? "What's wrong, Yuri?" "Oh, I just don't want to eat." "Are you ill?" "Yuri?" "I'm going back to the room." "Will you be okay all alone?" "Yeah." pg. 98 "Onii-chama.." "Save me..." "Save me..." "That vampire will get a hold of me." pg. 99 "Yuri!" "Wake up! Mr. Sunshine's shining on you!" "Selfish, aren't you!" "Big brother's spoiled you rotten!" "What did you say? Is he here?" "So, you're awake." "Really." "Brother-lover!" "Day by day, they get even more cruel, don't they....Don't you just love dorm life, Yuri?" pg. 100 "Yuri! There's a letter here, from your brother, Kazuya." Yuri, How is everything? "Yuri, you're going to be late. You can read that letter some other time!" "Everything's great." I'll be there for certain, at your school's tea festival. I've picked out a new townhouse, and I'll tell you all about it... "Yu..." "Yay! Now we can live together!" "Yuri! Get to class!" pg. 101 "Wow.." "Since Kazuya-kun will be in college one more year yet..." "And your aunt is getting frail... Yuri will be going to a boarding school" "I'll be waiting." "To live freely in the house of a relative..." "After you've graduated, found a job, and settled down," "Come get me, 'cause I'll be waiting." "Yuri..." "Without fail...Come..." very soon, now very soon, indeed... pg. 102 "Larva..." "Larva....Where are you?" "Uugh......" Miyu! pg. 103 "Miyu" "What's wrong?" "Larva, you're here?" "Whenever I close my eyes these days, I have these terrible nightmares. Does it have something to do with this school?" "Hmmm, nothing....." "It's not quite like a dream...It's like being bound hand and foot, I can't move, can't breathe...." pg. 104 "But I'm not human." "But, you can't forget when you were human...That's always with you." "That's not it...." "People are stupid beasts. Selfish... cowardly, and incapable of living by themselves." pg. 105 "Why does Yuri believe in her brother so much? I don't understand that." Miyu... "A brother and sister....they can't possibly have a future together." "That's a given..." "So why does she want him so much?" pg. 106 "I..." "I'm glad I'm a vampire..." "I may not have brothers, sisters, or even friends," "But I do have you, Larva." "You're always right there by my side." "It's true..." pg. 107 "It's true, you know." "In this whole world, I love you the most." "Miyu..." "Thank you, always. For giving your blood to me.." "The tea festival will be over, shortly. I'll be leaving this school then... To go with you to hunt Shinma again..." pg. 108 "Yuri! It's your turn!" "Here's the tea... Oh, no, it looks like there aren't enough tea cups." "Your brother's in front of the auditorium." "Thanks." pg. 109 "There he is! With Sensei. Huh? Who's that?" Yuri! "Yes?" "?" "Must have been the wind." "Sorry! There aren't enough tea cups, so could you go bring some from the tea-room?" "Okay!" "Onii-chama!" "Yuri..." pg. 110 "I've been waiting for you!" "Have you been a good girl?" "Of course!" "Hold on a minute, OK? I've got to run an errand, and then I'll come right back." "Restless, aren't you?" "Hee hee!" Yuri... "Cute little girl, isn't she." "Aaah..." "She's very important to me." "Ooh, I'm jealous now." "Shall we wait until she comes back?" "I'll introduce you two then." pg. 111 "Tea cup, tea cup. Ummm..." "One, two..." "Three." "Huh? Three?" "I want one, too." "Oh." pg. 112 "Yuri-chan, you look cute." "That kimono suits you well." "Wh..." "What do you want?" Calm down, Yuri.. "If you want tea, it's in the auditorium." Everything's alright, Onii-chama's here. pg. 113 "You can't live with your brother." "Wh..What?" "Yuri, didn't you just see her?" "Your brother has a fiancee..." "They're getting married." "And so, you'll just be a nuisance." pg. 114 Nuisance? "Tea is always bitter...but" "Blood is warm and very sweet." "O..." Do vampires really exist? "Onii-chama.." ...Miyu... "Miyu..." "Onii-chama...." pg. 115 "Yuri-chan," "Maybe you'd better see for yourself?" Why are you so sad? Your brother is happy. Why don't you share his joy? I don't want to see her...This girlfriend I don't know, who he didn't even write about in his letter... It's alright... "I don't want to see this..." "It's horrible, awful..." NO! pg. 115 "Don't cry, Yuri..." "I can make your brother yours and yours alone. Is that what you desire?" "Close your eyes. Gently, now..." Good night, Yuri... pg. 116 Even though that girl wanted to dive in to that lake, she couldn't, so... I gave her a dream to guide her there. Is that what she should have wished for most? Eh? "Kazuya-san, isn't it a little late? I wonder if she noticed me?" "Ummm..Do you know whereYuri is?" "Yuri?" pg. 118 "She was really looking forward to your visit..." "Really!" "I figure she hates me then?" "Hey, do you know where Yuri is?" "Yeah. She's in the courtyard!" "That's..Hmmm. That's strange. Yuri..." "?" pg. 119 "Yuri.." Heh heh... Look! Heh heh heh... "Yuri. What's the matter?" "Yuri?" Aren't you happy now? "Yuri...?" Your brother.... pg. 120 Now...Yuri is In the middle of a never-ending dream. I am Vampire Princess Miyu; would you give me your blood? If you like, I'll let you dream for all eternity. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5: The Awakening pg. 122 "I had... a dream." "From when I lost humanity." Oh, Miyu.. "I'd forgotten that I'd ever dream, but..." It doesn't have to be this way. "It was all so long ago." "Unfortunately, I remember now." The people I love... pg. 123 "Miyu!" "What are you doing? Hurry up and go to bed!" "Yes, mother..." "And in your pajamas...what were you up to?" "Well...Somebody called me." pg. 124 "He told me to hurry and get big...." "My, who could it have been?" "Looked like a tree spirit to me." "A tree spirit?" "Yeah, but..." "It was swaying and glowing red. And round..." "Am I sleeping with you tonight, Mother?" "Huh....?" pg. 125 "Oh..." "Yeah, sure." "REALLY?" "YAY!!" Miyu.... Aahhh... Please, don't Awaken... But instead remain just as you are... pg. 126 Miyu! "Who's there?" "Huh? Did something happen?" "Yeah...Someone's calling me." "Happens sometimes." "But today it's a kind brother's voice...." "Not like the usual older man." pg. 127 "I've met him before..." "The person whose voice it resembled..." "My bird had died, and I was crying...He spoke in such a kindly voice." The things of this world are ephemeral, so their time on Earth is beautiful.... This little bird's time of beauty is over, so now he's gone. pg. 128 "Hmmmm" "He was a lot like you, Kaoru-kun." "You'll look just like him when you grow up. That'll be great!" "Is...Is that so..." "Absolutely!" "Miyu!" Miyu pg. 129 "What is it, Mother?" Miyu... "What are you doing dressed like that? It's going to be cold tonight." Miyu... "Really?" "Say, Mother," "Do you know what they are?" Vampire! You, of the Shinma clan! "The voices that call me, do you know what they are...." pg. 130 "Well! Tell me!!" Vampires. The clan that takes the blood of Shinma... "I...I'm not human, am I?" Miyu Awaken! "Why, now..." Awaken! "Why are you saying these things?" "Miyu..." "Oh, mother, why are you crying? I didn't mean to... I'm sorry. It's nothing...nothing at all!" pg. 131 Why did I say those things? I don't even know. "Mother..." But, lately, I've been scared and restless. "My body is changing, somehow.." "That's what it feels like..." "Oh, no..." I should have done this the moment I first saw you. I can't allow your blood to Awaken... pg. 132 I knew something would happen sooner or later...! "My... blood?" Am I to be killed? "My fingertips, conversely, Awakened you..." "My...My mother knew, and it scared her." "But..Even then, you had such a sorrowful face." "I made you cry. I simply can not be human." pg. 133 Miyu! How about some blood? "I'm sorry..." Yes, you're getting thirsty... I shouldn't make mother sad.... Miyu "I don't need blood!" Deep down... "I don't want blood!" The Shinma are calling me out... "I am not a Shinma!" "I am not!" pg. 134 "Somebody..." "Help me...." "Kaoru-kun..." "If Kaoru-kun...knew about me..." pg. 135 "If he knew..." "Hey, Miyu." "Kao..." "What's wrong?" "Did somebody do something to you?" "Miyu, you've been acting a little strange lately. If there's something you'd like to talk about, you can talk to me." pg. 136 " I... not enough for you?" "I mean, for a while, we talked about everything..." This sadness, is it because I'm human? Because I'm human? pg. 137 "Kaoru-kun...I..." "Don't cry, Miyu..." I... "I'm right here." Miyu... Come here... "I'm a demon, Kaoru-kun. I suck the blood of humans... a vampire!" "I wonder if this human heart will wither away before then. If so.... Will my sorrow disappear as well? "Miyu..." "Would you come inside please? I need to talk to you." pg. 138 "Are you hiding something?" "I'm you mother, you know." "I'll know shortly." "The changes inside you..." I don't know.... "You've finally awakened, haven't you?" I really don't know. "I don't know!" "What is it? What are you talking about, Mother?" "I..." pg. 139 "I...I'm not a vampire..." Ah.... "Such sinful things..." "As soon as I knew all about them..." "I had to divorce myself from my life." "What!?" "Why!?" pg. 140 "We're vampires, this family." "The blood does not always awaken." "I...never knowing my own fate, was happily married" "We lived just like ordinary people." "You were saying....that voice." "I couldn't hear one, so I never woke. The day you were born...THEY...for the first time" "They presented themselves before us...." pg. 141 You of the vampire clan that commands the Shinma! Eventually a new guardian will be born unto you! "That was the first time I knew I was a vampire," "unAwakened." "That was my sole wish..." Please! Let Miyu remain a human... pg. 142 "No! I...." "Many Shinma are wandering the Earth, since there was no guardian for the longest time...You must return them..." "No..." pg. 143 No! I am not a vampire! "Miyu..." "Your blood will not allow you to lead a normal life." Why? Why, when you first found me... Why didn't you kill me? Larva! "You're a Shinma, too, aren't you?" pg. 144 "You have to return to the Darkness, too, right?" "Go, then!" "I...!" You... pg. 145 I...what? Kaoru-kun? I.... "Yo, runt! C'mon!" "It'll be cold soon, so let's go!" "Damn! Now where did he go?" "Oh, well..." pg. 146 "....." "MIYU!?" "Miyu, is that you? What's wrong? This kind of night...." "Please, stay back." pg. 147 "I..." "I'm going far" "I won't see you again..." "Even though you were always nice to me, I... I never thanked you even once..." pg. 148 "Thank you...." "Miyu...?" "Miyu?" Mi.... "My eyes opened..." "It hurts to breathe... but mysteriously, I'm not crying." pg. 149 "Surely" "I have to force myself to keep from remembering more than that. In order to forget..." "Right! I want to forget all about that!" "But..." I must.... I must never forget. "Miyu" I am a vampire.... pg. 150 "Miyu" "Mother" "What can I do? I...thirst." "I want blood. And I feel....strange." "Come here, Miyu. As your mother, I'll give you the last of my love..." pg. 151 "Miyu..." "The blood..." "I love you!" Mother!! What happened? Why didn't she stab me through the heart with that dagger? pg. 152 Why? Mother! Oh...They don't exist in this world, the people I love... And my dreams, they repeat...and repeat.... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6: Night Dances pg. 154 Miyu Even though chasing us is futile... Even though by the time we are temporized, your body... Will have already died... pg. 155 You pursue us even while knowing all this? pg. 156 "Miyu!" "You want this girl that much?" "Heheheh...If that's the case, I'll give you her body!" pg. 157 "I won't need it after I've used it for all its worth!" "Come, Miyu! You can have it now! pg. 158 What the... What's wrong? pg. 159 Give it to me Give me your blood... Now is the time "Eh?" You know about that, don't you? If you give her your blood, the girl will gain eternal life... pg. 160 What's wrong, Miyu? Miyu? If you end her life quickly... Why? Why is she there? Mother!? pg. 161 Hey.... Mother.... Mother! pg. 162 This girl...Is that what she wanted? Eternal... I... pg. 163 "Miyu! Been waiting long?" "Manami-san." "Sorry. Were you bored?" "Yeah!" "You looked great in that leotard." "Yeah?" "Are you going to join Gymnastics Club, too?" "I know you've just changed schools, but have you picked a club to join?" pg. 164 "After all, sports give me, a scrawny, bumble-footed thing, self confidence." "Hmmm.." "Using your body to its fullest," "to express yourself." "See? It's wonderful, isn't it?" "Yeah, it is!" "May I go see tomorrow?" "Of course!" pg. 165 "Hold it!" "Uh" "Fumiya-kun. What is it?" "Whaddya mean 'kun?' Try 'sempai!' You..." Aa.... pg. 166 Why? "Hey, wait! Just because I'm smaller than you doesn't mean I have to call you that!" "Why, you little..." Kaoru-kun? "You know they're finding girl's corpses around here these days." "So the teachers said, 'If you're able to, have a boy take you home.'" It only looks like him...Am I...Am I dreaming again? Help me Larva....What should I do.... pg. 167 "I think the boys are more dangerous." "Feh! Rotten girl." "Hold on a sec. Miyu..." "Miyu?" "Oh no, where'd she run off to..." "Miyu..." pg. 168 How is that my mother... Kaoru-kun... I'm hot all over... And pouring out sweat...I wouldn't mind if I melted! pg. 169 And all of fate... Miyu! pg. 170 What!? My body...being bound "Shinma!? Show yourself!" pg. 171 Will you pain go away when you see me? ? "OOF!" "Ohh...Larva..where are you?" "Come here!" Have I beaten you? pg. 172 Mother!? I'll give you dreams. Days of happiness with me. If you want, I can look like your mother. Are you mother...? pg. 173 So Your dreams are here, in my arms. So.... "Mother..." I want your... "M..Mother..." Your life... pg. 174 "WHO THE HELL!?" "LARVA!!" pg. 175 "As always, a resourceful Shinma..." "Though I wonder how long your makeshift enchantment will fool Miyu.." "You'd best think twice about returning next time..." "Because...Though she may look like a child, she is not." pg. 176 The hearts and souls of weak men fall easily into the hands of Shinma... Illusion seeking humans give Miyu their blood... Miyu, you are a vampire, and the guardian. You can't allow your heart to waver like humans do. No matter how much it hurts, you have to endure it... Because I'll be by your side to protect you...from her on out. pg. 177 "Manami" "Today, uh, the girl from yesterday?" "Yeah..." "Maybe she's out with a cold..." pg. 178 "I wonder if I should ask the teacher for her address and go visit her?" "Sure! Let's go after the club meeting." "I'll go with you." "Alright." "Aren't there any other houses but Shinto shrines around here?" "But, this address..." pg. 179 "What the!?" "FUMIYA-KUN!" "Mana...." pg. 180 "NO! FUMIYA-KUN!" "Where are you?" "Where'd you go?" "FUMIYA-KUUuuuuun! pg. 181 "That voice..." "Manami's?" What happened? Such an anguished voice... Shinma? Miyu... You must settle this with your own hands. "Right." "Thank you for your help, Larva." pg. 182 I am Vampire Princess Miyu...and I return stray Shinma to the Darkness. I am their guardian. pg. 183 "Hmm..." "So you're using Kaoru-kun this time?" "Hmmph. Didn't you heed Larva's advice? You fool." pg. 184 "As for your body, the days of being possessed by Shinma... are over.." I can hear Miyu's voice... Where? "I can use it still, to fight you." pg. 185 This guy's great! This light body, disciplined by gymnastics, It's a cinch to use! pg. 187 The bastard! "Yow!" This much nicer than using a girl. Hey, there! Even if you are a vampire, choking you will hurt. pg. 188 Hurt... Has you power disappeared...? This is too easy. You vampires, all you can do is suck blood... What gives you the right to be the Shinma's guardian?! Your eyes... pg. 189 Your eyes...Glowing gold? Is it from the moonlight... "Stay back..." I thirst... For blood... If I don't have blood, my thirst will never end... If I drink his blood...and exchange a little of my own... "Miyu... don't cry." Can I make Kaoru-kun mine forever? pg. 190 Golden pupils fascinate people... At the base of the throat... "It's a mysterious color...Your eyes....Gold? Red?" "Miyu!?" Bye-bye, Kaoru-kun! pg. 191 "Bye-bye." "Farewell, everything...I who was once human.." Larva! Let your claws act with my flames! pg. 192 "WH...AT!?" pg. 193 "Well." "Let's return you to the Darkness, shall we?" pg. 194 Miyu...I came to do the same thing you do. Humans want dreams. And so, I give them dreams... and in return they give me their bodies Miyu, you want your mother, don't you? I shape myself to people's feelings. I can change into your mother's form. pg. 195 "I...I'm not human, so..." "When I drank with my own fangs and this mouth, when I drank my mother's blood" "I became a vampire. And so..." "I don't know what's proper, but, it's just not the same...." "Good night...." pg. 196 Rest well, my dreams. "FUMIYA-KUN!?" "Hey! Open your eyes!" "Ohhhhhh.... Fumiya-kun! Hang on!" pg. 197 I am a vampire... There are still more wandering Shinma. Even now, I can feel their presence. I must be going. Come on, Larva... END --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finger the maintainer,, or visit my home page.