Marble Kids Chapter One ran in Ribon May 1999 Disclaimer: This translation is meant as a guide for those who wish to read the manga. Please don't steal this translation or do anything illegal with it. Please don't use this for commercial use or sell it, etc. >.< Another note is that I am translating with Japanese One basic knowledge- there are very well mistakes in this. I welcome all help/corrections. -Meimi Translation by Meimi ( January 5, 2001 %thoughts (side notes) [narration] $flashbacks ------------------------------------------------------------ pg 3 Moka: % I'm Kisaragi Moka, % My dream is to give others courage with my dancing... % Just like that person gave courage to me... Moka: FIGHT!! Moka: HM? pg 4/5 Marble Kids pg 6 pg 7 Aoi: The wind that blows at miniskirts... The sight of the panties of those sweet maidens... This is true youth... Moka: Matsuyuki Aoi! Put your hands up! You perverted camera freak! pg 8 Moka: You were taking panty shots again, weren't you!! Moka: % This guy's Matsuyuki Aoi. He's in the same class as me; a % first-year at Kouyou High. Aoi: There's no way cute little me would ever do such a thing~<3 Moka: Don't even bother with the cute and innocent act! You just hid you camera behind your back!! (Anyone could tell!!) Aoi: Oh, shut UP... pg 9 Aoi: What's wrong with taking panty shots of the Panty Club?! Moka: Don't give me that look! Aoi: I could have sworn you were just dancing to show off your panties to everyone- am I wrong? Moka: WHA... pg 10 Moka: HOW DARE YOU CALL US THE PANTY CLUB~~~! (I won't forgive you, Aoi!!) Hana: (Moka, you're scary...) But our miniskirts are 20cm above the knee; it can't be helped that people call us that... Moka: (That's not the point!!) Because we, the cheerleading club of Kouyou High, have a good name to uphold!! ...and I won't let a jerk like him damage our future!! Hana: We haven't really got much of one yet; you only formed the club two months ago. pg 11 Hana: Even though I was kind of freaked out when you were so outgoing as to form the club as soon as you came to school... Moka: Ehe! Hana: But thanks to Aoi, our club has become famous under the name of the Panty Club. And I can forgive Aoi-kun since he's sooooo cuuute anyway~! Moka: He's NOT cute!! He's a perverted camera freak who PRETENDS to be cute!! (Don't let yourself be fooled!!) pg 12 Girls: (Kyaaa~~) Moka: How can everyone else be so happy about it? (I don't get it...) Hana: Because most people in the photography clubs are so boring and depressing that they seem half-dead already! But Aoi's such a great guy with a nice smile! Moka: I told you, don't let him fool you with that!! Hana: Well, one or two pictures don't really matter that much anyway, right? (Let's practice!) Moka: ...yeah. Moka: % The amount...of pictures...? % I really can't think of pictures that way. pg 13 Moka: % Because I was saved because of just this one picture... % My precious charm... Girl: Moka, what are you doing? Girl: She does it before she dances every time- she says it's spiritually calming. Banner: In a world of her own Moka: READY! Start the music! pg 14 Moka: YAAAY! pg 15 pg 16 Aoi: Nice angle! Moka: Like I'll allow that?!! MATSUYUKI AOI, PREPARE TO DIE!! Aoi: HUH? pg 17 Aoi: That hurts!! What're you doing?! Moka: It's because you're staining the dignity of the cheerleading club!! Ah, I feel better~<3 Hana: Couldn't you try to be a little nicer to him? Moka: No way! Me and that perverted camera freak are going to be eternal rivals!! Ah, I wonder if all people who take pictures are sickos... No, I'm sure HE'S not! Hana: Huh?! Who's "he"? The guy you're in love with? pg 18 Moka: Ryou-kun's a photographer. Good enough to have his photos in magazines! He's not a perverted camera freak like Aoi, he's a real cameraman~~~! Hana: Hey, show me what he looks like! He sounds too good to be true- is he cool? Handsome? Moka: W-Well... pg 19 Moka: ....I don't know what he looks like. Hana: .... Whhhat? So you just made him up?! Ahahahaha!! Moka: I did not! He's the person I'm longing to meet!! Moka: % I've always been looking for this Ryou-kun...when I don't % even know what he looks like... % So then, too... Aoi: $ You ruined my shutter chance when you talked to me! Moka: $ S-Sorry! You were taking pictures of the cherry trees, $ right? Aoi: $ No~! It was the ideal chance to take a panty shot of that $ girl on the second floor, when the wind was blowing~!! Moka: $ PANTY.... Moka: % Now that I think about it... % He really didn't seem the type to be taking photos of % cherry blossoms anyhow... pg 23 Moka: % I wonder where he is...the Ryou-kun that I've longed to % meet... Moka: (Mm...) Guy: Moka-chan! Cheer us on today at the match! Box: Soccer team members Moka: Okay! Leave it to me! But before that, I just have to calm my- Moka: Huh? pg 24 Moka: % My charm is gone...! % No way! % Where did it go?! % If I don't ave it...I... Aoi: Kisaragi...?! pg 25 Moka: I...I lost my picture... It's my charm...if I don't have it, I can't dance... Aoi: A picture? What, you walk around with a photo of some guy you like or something? Just take another photo of him! (You're making too big a deal out of this.) Moka: You wouldn't understand... Moka: % You couldn't... % Because that one picture is so important to me... pg 26 Moka: You wouldn't understand, Aoi! Moka: % It happened back in middle school... Sign: Ballet Studio Girl: $ Moka-chan's way too quiet! % (It's kinda depressing.) Girl: $ Can she really dance at all? pg 27 Moka: % I was always so shy, so I would dance in the background; in % the shadows... % I didn't have any confidence in my dancing abilities. % No courage... % ....until that day. Girl: $ Moka-chan, look at this!! Girl: $ A picture of you dancing at the last recital was published $ in a magazine!! pg 28 Moka: $ This...this is me? $ I dance like this? Moka: $% Ryou? pg 29 Girl: $ Yeah! It's such a waste of talent for you to hide in the $ background! Girl: $ I bet the cameraman noticed! $ Your dancing ability that you've been hiding! $ (It's the kind of thing that people who are watching would $ see...) Moka: $ I wonder what kind of person he is.... Moka: $% But I'm sure he's a wonderful person... $% Because this photo gave shy little me some courage.... $% Because it cheered me up, and told me to "Do my best"... pg 30 Woman: $ You want to make a club? Moka: $ Yes!! $ I want to cheer people on with my dancing. Moka: % Because that photo gave me courage... Flier: Cheerleading! Let's dance together to cheer others on! See Kisaragi Moka in class 1-B for details. Moka: % But even though... Moka: Where did I drop it...? pg 31 Girls: Ah, it's pouring.... The game might be delayed... Moka: I can't find it anywhere... Moka: % Even though it's my precious charm... pg 32 Aoi: Geez. You should at least look while you're crying- if it's that important to you, you ought to put it on a necklace... (It's cold...) I'm tired from searching. Kisaragi.... pg 33 Aoi: Here. This is what you were looking for, right? Moka: % Ah... % Aoi...looked for it... % And...he got soaked in the rain? pg 34 Moka: Thanks, Aoi! Moka: % Thank goodness... Aoi: Anyway, you'd better get to the match! Moka: Ah! Aoi: Better hurry- the Panty Club'll lose their confidence without their club president there. pg 35 Aoi: Go on! Moka: Yeah!! Aoi, thanks a lot! Moka: % And then, as I thought of Aoi searching for my precious % charm out in the rain... pg 36 Moka: FIGHT!! pg 37 Moka: % I thought... % Maybe...he isn't so bad after all. Moka: Yay! pg 38 Guy: Hm? There's Moka-chan now. Aoi: I brought her here- she was out in the rain. (Thanks to her, I got soaked, too.) Guy: Then take a cute picture of her for me. I'm paying you, after all. Aoi: Leave it to me. Moka: (Hm?)