Miyuki Mitsuru Adachi Translated by Chepin Wide-Ban Volume 4 Chapter 8 Sister Page 161 Masato: WAH!! You bastard! You bastard! Muraki: What. Masato: Don't "what" me. Who was that girl? Huh? Since when have you had that kind of relationship? Keeping something like that a secret from me is too distant. Muraki: Hah hah! That is so, so I'll tell you. Page 162 Muraki: She's my sister. Masato: What? Muraki: My sister, who entered into Seika High School this year! Masato: You had a sister!? Muraki: You're surprised, aren't you, Wakamatsu-kun. Masato: But, until now, you hadn't mentioned it once--- Muraki: That's it. Unlike you, it's not a thing I can boast about to anybody. A dwarf, chubby, and ugly. With a sister like that, anybody would feel relieved if she wasn't around... Masato: Don't say terrible things. Muraki: That's reality. Page 163 Muraki: Anyway, even though they are both sisters, compared to yours, she is remarkedly different, the moon and the turtle. Masato: Aren't you overdoing it? Muraki: It's OK, thanks to that, when she becomes older...unlike you, I won't worry about anything. Masato: What do you mean. Muraki: * For example, looking at your sister as a single woman, getting a boyfriend, being jealous... Masato: Who is worried about things like that. Muraki: I can't believe your sister doesn't have even one boyfriend. Masato: There aren't any. Page 164 Muraki: I suppose you are always worried to death. Masato: You're very obstinate. Muraki: Ah--ah! I'm really happy that I don't those kinds of worries!! Dammit!! Come today to my house. Masato: Huh? Muraki: My parents went on vacation and aren't home. Masato: Don't change the conversation all of a sudden. Miyuki K.: Good morning, Wakamatsu-kun. Masato: Ah, good morning. Page 165 Muraki: I have some good erotic books. Don't be with Kashima only, what about ocassionally some male companionship...OK, you rascal. Masato: I got it, you rascal. Page 167 Miyuki: Onii-chan! Page 168 Guy: Y-, you're sister? Ah, I'm Oonishi from Toyotama High School, glad to meet you! Guy2: I'm Yoshihiko Koizumi, graduate from Akitsu. Voices: I'm [***], glad to meet you I'm [***], glad to meet you Masato: Yeah, yeah, hello. Muraki: Well, how awful. When you have a popular sister--- Ever since my sister was born, she has never gotten anything like a phone call from a guy...there's no use for worries. Miyuki K.: Wakamatsu-kun. Page 169 Masato: Hi. Miyuki K.: What are you doing today from now on? Masato: Well, nothing... What are we going to do, Muraki... Muraki: I'm sorry, Miyuki-chan. I'll borrow him for a little while. Miyuki K.: Is that so... then, I'll see you again tomorrow. Muraki: Come on! Page 170 Masato: What's this. Muraki: I had exactly 2 invitation cards... Masato: Idiot! If that was the case, invite a girl!! What are we going to do watching this romantic movie, idiot!! Muraki: I invited some, at random... Masato: That's the main point... Page 171 Masato: Yeah, I'll drop by Muraki's house...yeah. Since, I'll be late, eat dinner first. See you later. Page 172 Masato: Come on, let's go. Muraki: OK... Masato: Well, that was a good movie, right. Right, Muraki. Muraki: Don't worry. I'm still a man....but, when I think of my sister's future... how sad, how sad.... Page 173 Muraki: Come in. Masato: Thanks. Muraki: Huh, Yukari hasn't returned yet? Ah, my room is over here. Page 174 Muraki: How about this!? This... Masato: Hmmmm. Muraki: I have a better one in here... Voice 1: Didn't you hear a voice just now? Voice 2: It's just your imagination. Muraki: Here, Wakamatsu. Page 175 Muraki: Wow, I'm amazed. Masato: Huh, the room next door--- Muraki: Next door? Guy: Ah... Ah, hello. Excuse me. Muraki: Wh- Who are you!? Why are you in my sister's room? Guy: Ah, well, that is... Page 176 Yukari: What, onii-chan! Didn't I tell you I was going to be late because I was on a date!! Muraki: Muh...you had plans, but... Other than that, what's with this guy!? Yukari: It doesn't matter. It doesn't have to do anything with you. Let's go, Nakajima-kun. Muraki: H-, hey! Where are you going!? Yukari: You're too annoying! I'm just sending him off!! Page 177 Muraki: I didn't know...that guy, since when.... Masato: That's great, Muraki. Muraki: What is!? Masato: Huh? You were worried about your unpopular sister, right. Muraki: That's it! She didn't have any interest in guys, that brat!! I was tricked!! And it's a good thing our parents are away from home...both of then alone in the room...shit! Besides, what's with that sissy guy!! Huh!? Page 178 Muraki: I hate that type of guy the most!! Masato: -After all, -even though he said those things... Muraki: Usually, that guy... Masato: it meant that Muraki, in his own way, loved his sister... Muraki: Dammit! Masato: ---Of course, that's the love of blood related siblings... * -so, even here, the situation is seen with a smile.... Page 179 Masato: I'm home. Voice: Hasn't your brother returned yet? Masato: -A man's voice--!? Miyuki: He won't return any time soon. Page 180 Voice: Then let's do something fun together. Miyuki: OK. Masato: -What---- WAAH!! Miyuki: Rock, paper... Masato: ah... scissors. Miyuki: Growl----, welcome back.