Miyuki By Mitsuru Adachi Translated by Jose "Chepin" Garcia Edited by Jane Tung Wide-Ban Volume 2 Chapter 11 Revival Announcement Page 233 Narrator: -Everybody, do you remember? -This man--- -This man... Page 234 Narrator: ---Yes!! He became engaged to the wrong Miyuki...Seika High School P.E. teacher, Torao Nakata, 30 years old... Nakata: It's completely autumn, isn't it... Narrator: At last, next Sunday, the wedding--- Well, what a happy, happy event!! Page 235 Girl: Ei! Nakata: OK...next you come around, do it again. Next... Miyuki: OK! Miyuki Wakamatsu, here I go!! Page 236 Miyuki: Ya!! Toh!! It's settled! Nakata: ....it's settled. Page 237 Nakata: Torao Nakata, a life-long favor!! And, the last favor!! Page 238 Nakata: Tomorrow after school, let's go on a date. Miyuki: Eh? Sensei, the wedding is the day after tomorrow, right? Nakata: Yes! That's why----at least it will be a moment of a beautiful memory. I can clearly give you up in my heart with that, so this is preparation for attendance to the wedding!! Please!! Without fail!! Miyuki: Isn't it unwise? Saying thing like that... Nakata: I know I shouldn't be doing this. For a moment, I won't be much of a teacher. Page 239 Nakata: But, you see... Like this...it's too sad....please... Masato: ---and? Miyuki: Eh? Masato: Don't "Eh" me. You definitely refused, didn't you. Miyuki: Surely not. Masato: Surely not? Page 240 Miyuki: I couldn't do anything like that. He put a lot of effort into it. Masato: So what? If you were asked with a lot of effort, would you commit a murder? Miyuki: What. It's OK, isn't it, just for one day, to cooperate in making a memory. Then Nakata-sensei can settle his feelings. Page 241 Masato: I guess so... It's not like I don't understand his feelings. Miyuki: Popular women are heart-breaking. Masato: Hey. Miyuki: When it's time for me to get married, let's go on a date, OK, Onii-chan. Masato: Wha-t? Page 242 Miyuki: Making a beautiful memory. Masato: Dummy, even if you get married, a sister is still a sister. Miyuki: But, we won't be living together anymore, right? Come on, let's go on a date, OK. Masato: OK. -Making a beautiful memory...huh. Page 243 Masato: -Sometime in the future we'll probably be living seperately after all... -Doing things like these will probably all become memories... -It's autumn, isn't it... Page 244 Miyuki: Thanks for waiting. Let's go, sensei. Nakata: Uh-huh. Ryuuichi: Eh Wha, what!? Page 245 Ryuuichi: Hey! Engaged teacher!! Masato: Calm down. Ryuuichi: Ah, Brother! That--- Masato: Just for today, shut your eyes. Narrator: Sympathy, gentleness...that uncertain autumn... Page 247 Miyuki: Well, sensei. Nakata: Thank you...really, thank you... Miyuki: Be happy, OK. Nakata: Miyuki-chan... Page 248 Nakata: It's great, as I thought... My youth has ended... Shit! Let's drink!! I'll drink and forget!! Bartender: Welcome. Page 249 Masato: So, finally that Nakata-sensei, he's saying farewell to bachelorhood. Like this, he'll can manage to go without cancelling the engagement with the other person. That must be quite a family. Miyuki: Uh-huh. Ah, but, it seems he hasn't met the other person's father. Masato: Eh? Miyuki: He's in a foreign country doing some kind of work. Same as our father. Masato: Hmm. Page 250 Miyuki: But, since the wedding is coming...he'll probably return to this country around today, right? Masato: Probably. Nakata: Sake!! Bartender: Getting wild, right, mister. Nakata: Yes! Getting wild!! Page 251 Nakata: Hey, mister...will you listen!? The reason I cannot be without drinking!! I, am getting married tomorrow. Man: How unexpected. Nakata: Huh? Man: Nothing, that an auspicious occasion. Nakata: HA-HAHA!! Auspicious? What's so auspicious! You bastard!! Man: ouch Nakata: Look, these two pictures!! Page 252 Nakata: Which is cuter? Man: Eh...ah... this one. Nakata: Mister, you're drunk, right. This is the person who will become my wife tomorrow. I said that surely you understand, you bastard!! You're probably thinking that I'm in no way suited to this cute girl, right!! Page 253 Nakata: You probably want to say that I am matched with this ugly woman!! Shit! Making me an idiot!! Uo--h!! Narrator: ---and, ---that's why, Page 254 Narrator: Eventually... Girls: Ah, sensei. How was the wedding? Nakata: Huh? Wedding? What are you talking about? Narrator: Seika High School P.E. teacher, Torao Nakata, 30 years old... Nakata: Ah, Miyuki-chan!! Narrator: Unmarried---