Millennium of a Witch The following is a tranlation of all the lines in "Millennium of a Witch." This tranlation was made for foreign readers who don't understand Japanese, but want to read this comic book. As English is not my mother tongue, I 'm afraid there are lots of mistranslations, but I hope many of you would understand the storyline. The pages are based on Biblos Comic Bunko, Chojin Locke vol.3 Honoo no Tora, and vol4. Majo no Seiki. P192 C1 Oh! C2 Who is it? P193 C1 Teresa, what happened? C3 W...who are you? C5 Grr. P194 C2 Done it? C6 Hurry up, let's go. P195 C1 Wow, Rasor ray would have done better. C2 Why did they tell us to use these guns? C4 Do just as you're ordered to, by Lady Cahn. She'll never make a mistake. C5 Bye! C6 Hey, what are you... P196 C1 Galactic Federal Bureau of Investigation Headquarters on Earth C3 It's the time. Now you are the director. I expect you to do an excellent job, Colonel Yamaki. C4 Thank you very much, General Valenshtein. P197 C1 is a record of an Esper I've investigated. I don't need this any more. You shall have it. C2 An Esper? C3 The one I traced for thirty years, from the Dinahl war to the case happened in Maia. C4 He's ...well, called Locke the Superman. P198 C1 Planet Toa It's likely to rain. I have to gather my goats. C2 Hey, Locke, I've just been to your home, and found a guest there. C3 Mr. Lopez, a guest at my home? Yeah, he's young, but a man of great presence. C4 Thanks for telling me this, Lopez. C5 A nice boy. I suppose he has a hard life alone after his parents'd gone. I should find a good wife for him. P199 C3 Ahh, the Investigating Bureau, again. C5 Hey, are you Locke? Shall I introduce myself, or C6 don't I have to do that? C7 How did you find me, commander Yamaki? The record of General Valenshtein...and my guess. P200 C2 We need your help! We're now chasing a person... C3 You have the most advanced computers and splendid armies. C4 Well, listen to me! The person seems to be growing Espers by herself and plotting something. C6 Please....The person is Lady Cahn. I suppose you met her 17 years ago. P201 C1 Tryac girls' private school, Migoal City, Planet Dinahl C4 How come? You are so absentminded these days. P202 C1 So? Well, it may be so. It's because of the dream. C2 Dream? What dream? C3 What dream? I can't remember so much, but it bothers me. C4 Hmmm. Well, Hiroko in the next class said something like that, too. C5 She says she dreams so often these days, but dosn't remember it at all. Is that influential? C7 Jessica Ohlin G-17-21 the first stage normal P203 C3 I'm here, Lady Cahn. C4 Principal! Professor Ramses. P204 C1 The Federal Government is on the move. I heard the incoming general got in touch with Locke. When can we get Jessica finished to that level? C2 Lady Cahn, could you wait for some time. Two months, then she'll be a strong counter-Esper. C3 Two months? Too late. There isn't time. C4 Stop all the training of other students, and make Jessica useful in two weeks' time. C5 Stop all the training of other students? It means a great deal of loss of our effort. C6 None of your back talk! In fact, it should be done within a week, but taking your ability and facility into concideration, you'll need at least two weeks. P205 C1 All the existence of Cahn Foundation, or Cahn Millenium depends on it. Mark it! Never fail to complete Jessica into usefulness within two weeks. C2 Understood. Well try as you wish, Lady Cahn. C4 ...Two weeks C5 What? Two weeks? Impossible! P206 C1 I know it's reckless. Other students' training should be stopped. We'll deal only Jessica. C2 Stop it? If such things were done, we'd have to start at the beginning. C3 Lady Cahn herself ordered this! We must complete Jessica into usefulness within 2 weeks without fail. C4 Understood. We'll try somehow. C7 Brain waves, a-72 normal. Pulse, normal. Static electricity normal. C8 OK. Start. P207 C4 Pulse, going up. Energy level 6. C5 Go on! Be careful of the deflection of energy. C6 Our training of esp is to make full use of the subconsciousness. We make pressure to amplify her psychological field and force out her hidden esp. C7 Of course careful observation and prudent operation are needed. P208 C5 What she's dreaming now was made by rebuilding her ancient experience virtually. In many cases, such illusion experience is very effective. Of course she doesn't remember it while she's awake. C6 The brainwave pattern has become disordered! It's dangerous to continue any more. C7 Cut it! P209 C2 What's the matter, Jessica! Terrible sweat. C3 She's tottering on the edge of explosion. If a moment later, then. C4 Do we have to continue this...another ten days? C5 You have terrible sweat. C6 Did you have a dream? Oh, Yes. What kind of dream? C8 I don't know! I can't remember. P210 C4 This scar is from a communications accident, when I was still small... C6 That's wrong C7 Surely, that scar is...? P211 C2 Jessica! What's wrong? Answer me. C5 Did Jessica faint? Yes. C6 I suppose it's because we forced the, it's dangerous to continue at this pace. C7 Are you telling me to slow down the pace? It'll be too late! C8 She can't manage it at this pace. Do you want her to be as good as dead? C9 What should we do? C10 Well, how about giving her a guru? P212 C1 A guru? Miss Cornelia Prim. She's my cousin and a graduate from this school. C2 I hope she can draw out her Jessica's power well. C5 The president of the Kahn foundation! It has as many as 17 companies including some spaceship building companies. Even the Galactic government can't put its nose into its affair carelessly. C6 I know. It had eight companies 17 years ago, though. C7 17 years ago. It's before you make your appearance in Maia. Then what did she say? P213 C1 I was tempted. They wanted me to lend them power with which to plot their Millenium. C2 Millenium? What's that? C3 I don't know. I wasn't interested neither. Therefore, I refused. C4 Anyway it has something with espers. After that, they have been gathering espers, but... C5 They stopped it soon. It was because they couldn't find espers of any use and.. C6 Refused by espers. Like myself. C7 That's it! It's too natural, isn't it? C8 Then what do you think she did next? P214 C1 Next? C2 Hey, don't peep into my brain! It's a dirty work. C3 Then what? C4 She started a school! Then she has gathered lots of children that seem to have talents and they are doing Esper training. C5 It means they are making Espers by themselves. We presume about ten Espers graduate from the school every year. C6 Ten espers every year? C7 Yes. The calculation shows that Lady Kahn has 200-person team of violently powerful Espers. What on earth is she going to use such powers over? P215 C2 Probably I have become insane before I notice it. C3 Unbelievable C4 Jessica? You are Jessica Ohlin, aren't you? C6 Who are you? C7 I'm Cornelia Prim. Your guru. P216 C1 We are selected new human beings. We? Students of this school? C2 Of course not all the students. We are 16 in all including you. C4 Do you know ESP? C5 I've heard of persons called Espers, but does it have antying with this? P217 C4 Are you surprised? So are you. C5 Impossible. I can't do anything such as moving something... C6 Now you can't. C7 Say, you are the only special Esper in the Galactic System. P218 C1 I am a graduate of this school, too. Oh, are you? Yes C2 My mission, from Lady Kahn's wishes, is to bring out the power sleeping within you. C4 Yes, so believe me. P219 C1 Adding to that, the school teaches thorougoing loyalty for Lady Kahn. C2 We found this out only after a 5-year investigation. However, I lost 7 officers. C3 7 officers? C4 Two of them were turned away before getting deeply involved. Five died in "accidents." P220 C1 We must know what Lady Kahn is conspiring and what does this Millennium mean. C2 So, please, cooperate with us, Locke. C3 Our enemy is going to use no less than 200 Espers. I want to get your cooperation by any means. C4 I'm not interested. I refuse. C5 Why? Think it over. As many as 200 of your associates are involved to this. They are used as Lady Kahn's tools to do the will of her. C6 But then, you, too will make me into your tool. C7 What do you mean! P221 C3 I apologize for shouting. Has the rain stopped yet? C5 Wow, it's going to be fine. C6 Locke, I examined all the archives about you. Indeed your power is destructive. If you wish, you could move a planet. C7 It might be impossible that the society now accept you. But isn't it unfair to hide away in such a place in fear of using the power? P222 C1 I'll wait. I have time. C2 Time... What's time for you? C3 How... old are you really? C4 It's certain I'm older than you. I forgot. C5 It looks like so. Otherwise, you couldn't endure such a life. A life with goats, caring the weather... C6 It's an ideal life for an old man to spend the rest of his life. P223 C2 I'm staying another three days at a hotel in town. Please visit me when your mind changes. C5 Commander Yamaki. An interesting man. P224 C2 Is it really Yamaki? Yeah, sure. C3 The commander of the information office. He is a chief of the General Staff Office. C4 To lodge in this sort of tranquil hotel, why bring guards...? What a man, you mean. He doesn't care about such a thing. Since years ago. C5 This time I'll stop the fellow's breath at the source. C6 He's come P225 C2 Key, please. Room 617. C3 Welcome, back. C5 A robot hotel is so inhospitable. P226 C1 Hmm. Someone came during my absence. C3 They used plastic explosives. It'll go off when it's opened. Fools. C4 Here, this way and ... C8 Haha! Idiot! What? P227 C1 Good Evening, Mr. Lopez, are you in? C2 Who is it? at this time... C3 Good evening, Mr. Lopez C4 Oh, it is you, Locke. Why standing there? C'mon in No. I don't have time. C5 Are you going somewhere? Yes. C6 It looks as though I'm going on long journey. I thought I'd ask you to take care of the sheep.. P228 C2 Shit! The explosive on the door is a decoy. C3 But it's too optimistic if you think Ryu Yamaki will give up with such an attack. C4 I know that. C5 So I came here to terminate you. C6 You, Luke Orr. Weren't you in planetary exile two months ago? P229 C1 Oh, you remember me very well. I didn't think you'd give thanks. Yeah, I came stealing out of exile, Yamaki. C5 This hotel looks shabby, but its soundproofing is perfect. And there's no human employee C6 So we have enough time to torture you to death, Yamaki. P230 C2 Heehee, a nice state you're in. Hey, scream! Run around! C3 You will despair, as I did in exile, soiled with shit. C4 There! P231 C1 What? A barrier? C2 Yamaki, are you all right? You are... C3 Have I come in time? It took me more time to search here. C4 Who are you? When did you come here? C5 You said you're Luke. Give up. It's your end. C7 Your companion is laid fainted outside. He won't come to himself fow a while. Your gun is useless, neither. P232 C1 Inexperienced novice! Don't think you can make a fool of me! C3 What? P233 C2 Is it you, Locke? C3 One or two people in this kind of scrape.. C4 With such wound C5 Don't move! C7 Whew, I don't believe it. The wound's healing! Why don't you start this spritual medical treatment, Locke? Surely you're making money. C8 Oh, I've never thought of that! C9 Then what shall I do with the money? P234 C1 Hmm, I didn't think of more than that. C2 I suppose it'll be much more interesting than to take care of the goats. I left the goats with my neighbor. C3 What? C4 Well,'re going with me? C5 I think it's a better idea than spiritual medical treatment. C6 W..well, that's right! C7 If that's what you've decided, let's have a drink! P235 C1 Planet Toa, Galaxy Trader@Co.Ltd. a branch office C3 Was Commander Yamaki of the Federation Government attacked? C4 Yes, it's by a hooligan named Luke Orr, who has been in exile since Yamaki arrested him two months ago. He escaped it and attacked him as revenge. C5 Of course he failed. But I must report this because the Esper had something with this incident. P236 C1 What? Is it true C2 I couldn't make sure... Yamaki has already left this planet I suppose the Esper was with him. C3 I underatand. good job. C5 It's too soon that Locke should go with the Federation. @I have to revise my plan. What a nuisance they did! C6 No one will interrupt me until I will build my Millenium, an eternal paradise, whether he is a god or a devil. P237 C2 Ok, Anytime. P239 C4 Splendid as usual! C6 Cornelia. What's the meaning of this. It's not the common aparatus. P240 C1 The apparatus is insufficient? Well, how about a living Esper? C3 I want to borrow your powers. Come. C6 Calm down, Jessica. Do as you were taught. C7 Disappear. C8 Phhh. P241 C1 What's that? Pretty coarse Esper, isn't she? Is that a Holy Mother? C2 No, she's a warrior, same as you. C4 Ha ha! Saying she's a warrior! That B class Esper? C5 You don't think much of her, do you? C6 If you two can't bring out her power in the same way as the other machine, then she cannot be transformed into a fellow Esper, and it's no use. C7 And what to do then? Are you saying you want us to fight that girl? That's right. C8 But you can refuse; this is a very dangerous thing to do. P242 C1 I know. We'll use our discretion. C2 You don't understand, do you? The danger lies in the way you do things. C6 Jessica. You've done very well. You are making a rapid progress. C7 Miss Cornelia Prim. How long do I have to do such a training? C8 From now on, do the last test. If you finish that, you will be whole. You will leave here to serve Lady Kahn. P243 C1 Really? I'll be allowed to serve Lady Kahn? C2 Yes. She's especting from you so much. We'll begin. C4 Have at you? P244 C4 Different...This is quite different... C5 Is it really all right, if we go on, Cornelia? This girl.....might be dead! C6 Go on. P245 C4 Help me...Help... C5 Now we are finishing. Hang on. A little more, Jessica. A little more.. P246 C4 Papa....Mama... Stop....STOP! P247 C1 Planet Dinahl Migoal city Private Triac Girls' School C2 I am Ortas, the Headmaster.What can I do for you? C3 Huh? I was informed that the Headmaster was a person named Prof. Ramses. C4 Ah, Professor Ramses was transferred to the laboratory at Kahn University. C6 Well, we came here to tell you that your students were among the droogies guided in Dinalia city... P248 C1 Who's that? Did you see him? There! Two men are walking! C2 Shame on you! but....he's handsome? Hey, don't push me! C3 Somewhat young, isn't he? The boy with the green hair! C4 How's that? Eh C5 Did you find any espers? Ah,, well... C6 There's not a single Esper here. What? C7 Impossible! I lost 7 officers!! C8 They've gone calculating our visit. P249 C1 Empty beds? Where in the world did they go? C2 I suppose there's a training school and the students and facilities were moved there. C3 Hmmm. But how do you find it out? C4 Why don't you ask Lady Kahn? C5 What? Do you know what it means? C6 Hey, but the older man looks a little scatterbrain, doesn't he? It has another appeal! P250 C1 Anyway, we should go out of here! C2 Ten years ago, Lady Kahn had an spaceship accident and after that she stopped appearing in public. Since that no one has seen Lady Kahn... Some rumor says that she's already dead and the computer she programmed are giving orders instead of her. C3 Even her presidents don't know where she lives now. She always gives her order directly through her own line. C4 How about the Kahn University? What C6 Ramses' chage of office in advance...? I'm certain it is on planet Lonewall. P251 C1 Grrrr! C4 Relief squad! Emergency, projection room G2! C5 Cornelia....What's that? C6 Jessica's power. C8 She can neutralize all the kinds of ESP...and then resolve them. Those who used Esp to her should be influenced without fail. P252 C1 That is to say, she can resolve not only Esp but also Esper himself. C2 Terrible.. That kind of, well, dark if it were drinking me in... C5 Probably they can't be used as warriors any more.Although they were excellent espers... C7 But ...this means Jessica became a muchless Esper as far as Espers concerned. Any esper cannot use esp power on her without being neutralized and resolved. P253 C1 With this, she is now the only Esper killer in the Galactic system, who can wield the power freely. C2 Now I remember. That man... killed Mama and Papa. C5 I'll kill him.