-pg177- Side Story 2 I do not regret a moment of my youth! Raiel Waah! I'm late, I'm late! I'd better hurry! Sizer P...please stop! Raiel Mm ? -pg178- Sizer You hurt me. Why are you doing this ? Raiel Wh... What ? A beautiful girl! Even if she is an angel with a huge scythe and a weird helmet! She is wearing a sailor fuku! Beast Heh heh heh...shut up. This chick... -pg179- Beast Stepped on Guitar-sama's tail! And you thought you could get away scot free ? Wake up! Guitar Kukuku You are pretty good lookin', ain'tcha ? Sizer P...please don't! Beast (Guitar-sama...what divine legs she has!) Guitar And what will you do the NEXT time we meet ? (Kukuku) Sizer S...somebody... Raiel You there, stop! All What!? Raiel Never mistreat a woman! Set her free, vile dogs! -pg180- Beasts Ah ha... Guitar You've made things more interestiing... Fine then; I will show you how strong I am. My sword skills... Will make you wish... You had never been born! Raiel PIANO MISSILE! Beast EEK! Guitar, what have they done! Beast2 R...run away! -pg181- Raiel Are you all right ? Sizer Ah...um... Th-thank you very much... For saving me! Raiel Damn, look at the time! I'm soo late! Sizer Aah! Please wait! At least... At least tell me your name! Hm...what was that all about ? -pg182- Raiel Ah, she was wonderful... Hamel Ya moron! Didn't ya even ask her name ? Christ, yer useless, Rai-chan! Flute Heh heh heh...Better luck next time! You've got a nice face, go to a good school, and come across as stylish! You're the student president; you're fair, and strong, and with your money, you'll go on to a prestigious high school! I wish I had that much going for me! Hamel Really! This isn't like you, Rai-chan! Raiel Pft...all right then, you two... Harp Hey, look! Clari Sizer-sama's at practice! She's really pretty! Flute WOW! Harp She's the volleyball team captain! Raiel Th-that's... -pg183- Sizer Hah! Fife Get it, Sizer-san! Sizer Aiee! Unh... Fife S-sizer-san! Lute Idiot! You didn't block it! And you're supposed to be our ace jumper! Sizer S-sorry, Coach! -pg184- Lute Your weakness is our weakness! Sizer Sorry, I'm sorry, coach! Basket Vollyballs Drum Guh heh heh heh... Lute Mmm ? Sizer Aah!? Drum Looky! Sizer AAIIIIEEEEE! Raiel Ah! That's... -pg185- Drum Here! Is this who you assholes were bullyin' ? Guitar Yeah, this is her, Drum-sama! Beast Why do we need a giant to look at some legs ? Flute Eek... Harp The town's deliquents! Hamel Hey, where's Rai-chan! Flute (Not here ?) Drum Hey! Where are you, Piano man ? Sizer AAAAH! Drum We've ganged up to teach ya a lesson! Raiel STOP!! Scoundrels! (From the same angel as the last time ?) Drum What! -pg186- Guitar Kukuku...ah, there you are, Piano man... But this time, the tables have turned! The strength that saved you this morning will not be enough! Why, Drum-sama here knows 5 levels of karate, 7 levels of judo, and can breath fire! He has raised 30 dragons within his own body! Sizer N-no... Please...run away! Raiel Wh... Why you... Taste my Piano Missile! Guitar D-drum-sama! -pg187- Drum Geh heh heh heh... That puny attack... Didn't even faze me! Raiel H... How did he...? I don't care if it's the same as last page! I'll persevere! Piano Once again, Piano Missile! Beast Eek! Drum-sama was defeated! R-run away!! Drum H-hey... -pg188- Raiel I'm so glad to meet you again! Sizer I am as well! Thank you. My wonderful Prince! Hamel Oi... Raiel's sleeping through another nosebleed... Flute He's surrounded by an ocean of blood. Trom Prolly havin' more bad dreams. Oboe (He looks like he's been quietly murdered...) Flute Won't he die if we don't do something ? Hamel Leave him, leave him. Trom Honestly; yer supposed to feel good while you sleep. (Turn a blind eye...) Appeared in a Special Edition of a Fresh Gangan in 1993: The Special Spring Vacation Issue The Violinist of Hamelin Vol 8: The End