-pg97- Movement #35 Evil fighter Corr Net! -pg98- Dragons Gyaa! Guh! -pg100- Corr Hiiiii! -pg101- Corr I'm the ArchBishop... Clari Net's little sister! Magic Angel Beautiful Corr Net! It's so Nice...To...Meet...You! Isn't it ?:) [Smiley's indicate hearts. Get used to them.] (You can call me Cornet) -pg102- Flute C...cornet ? Hamel From Sfortzando ? Oboe A th-thirteen year old girl... Corr YES! Oboe Arch Bishop Clari's... Little sister...? Flute (He has a sister ?) Corr YES!:) I am an EVIL fighter! :) Flute (Is that pose supposed to mean anything ?) Hamel Evil fighter ? Corr Just let me do something about this magic cross... Sharp!:) [Yes, that's 'sharp' the musical term; apparently, 'ei' means that.] -pg103- Corr YES!! CorrCorrCorrSon! CorrCorrRiiin! (Whee!) Sharp:) Hat Wah! Corr Sharp! Hat Wha ? Corr Sharp!:) Old woman G-grandpa! Candy Eek! -pg104- Corr Yes, this way!:) Shapes (What is this ? It's so embarrasing!) (Geh...the houses too...) Corr My gorgeous magic is used for Love and Dreams!:) Uh hunh!:) Crowd (Wah! Put me back, you stupid bitch!) (Enough of this farce!) (Dumbass!) Oboe (The town is haunted...) Corr I'm a sorceress, of course. Dragon D-damn... That woman... This must be a joke! -pg105- Corr I wrestle monsters too, like this!:) Oboe What horrors have been unleashed upon this world... Corr Whaaat ? Crowd AAAAH! Corr You're all so very CUTE!:) Star Ugh... I guess we'll live... Corr Bye-bye!:) Ohh!:) I've made everyone so HAPPY!:) Oboe (Not quite...) Flute I'm not so sure... -pg106- Oboe So, basically, you're saying that you're a sorceress and a powerful fighter. Corr Yes! Oboe Indeed, you must be extraordinary to defeat a Dragon with your bare hands. And your magic powers as well... Certainly... Y-you aren't a normal person... Corr Uh-hunh:) Flute S-she's really strong...(and so young) Oboe And this little girl is supposed to come... With us... Corr It'll be great!:) I'm strong! From now on. I'll be GLAD to follow you... -pg107- Corr The Hero, Hamel-sama:) Hamel Uh...yeah. Corr Ooooh, I'll work so HAAARD! -pg108- Flute What's with this chick... She's scary about Hamel... Corr Princess Flute-sama! I've very pleased to meet you too! Flute Eh...uh...yeah... Corr Oh, how I longed to meet Princess Flute-sama!:) Flute Henh? Corr Because Princess Flute-sama is... Lovely and beautiful and pretty... And you see like a very kind woman! You seem just like a big sister!:) (Just like I dreamed!:)) Flute O...oh... What's with this kid ? Corr (Is it okay if I call you 'Flute-oneesama' ?) Flute (Yeah...) She seems to be very childish... -pg109- Flute Not particularly modest, but a cute kid... (Though she picked strong hobbies for a kid...) I always wanted a sister... And she seems very nice... Corr Oh, yes, Flute-oneesama, this... Is for you, oneesama! Here... It'll produce a tornado accident! Oboe F...Flute! Flute! Flute (AAAAGH!) (Heeelp Meee!) Star (Ooh! Look!) Cake It's a tornado! Bunny Ah, that little girl's been blown sky high! -pg110- Corr Oopsie :) Flute This is NOT an "Oopsie:)"! Corr My hobby is fortune telling! Oboe (That's harsh...) Corr They always seem to come true! (Astrology AND the Tarot!) Flute Don't change the subject! Corr I hope that I shall be useful. I wish to serve Horn-sama as best I can. Flute M-mother sent you !? So... Oboe Horn-sama was worried... About Flute. Flute Mother... -pg112- Corr Flute-sama... Um... Is it something about Horn-sama ? Flute Yeah. I suppose... We met so recently we didn't have time to get to know each other... That's basically it... We told a few stories... But we're still so seperate. I think that's a bad thing. I mean, isn't that... Why I met my mother ? After all this time... Mother... Corr Communication from your mother coming in. Horn Yoohoo, Flute!! -pg113- Horn It's your mom! How ya !? I'm doin' just spiffy! Flute M...mom... Horn And now, I thought I'd tell you a story! You can keep the story in the crystal. Betcha didn't know that, hee hee hee. Flute Uh...right. Horn After you left the castle, the chaos was really interesting, you know! Especially Percuss, hee hee hee! Everyone here is doing well, so don't worry! From now on, we can be together more often! You don't need to ever worry about bothering me! Flute Uh, okay... Horn But I'm a little worried, my little girl travelling... Be careful! -pg114- Horn Are you eating well? Be sure to eat three meals a day! And make sure they're nutritionally balanced! And brush your teeth after! Be sure you don't catch a cold! The colds this year seem to be really bad! Bathe properly, okay ? I won't be able to marry you off if haven't been bought up properly. Flute Aaaah... Horn Don't forget to put on clean underwear everyday! Flute AAHH! I KNOW! Horn Oh, sorry, I... Got too motherly. Flute I thought e were too different... (If I hadn't cried...) Horn Hamel, you're the Hero. Even if we had to give you money. Something's happened. -pg115- Horn You... Cross the sea. Get yourselves to the Eastern Continent. Go to the Eastern Capital, Slur. Corr Slur ? Horn The Republic of Slur; it's the capital of the East and a pretty big country. And there... 'Pandora's Box' is hidden. -pg116- Hamel Wha... What ? 'Pandora's Box ?' Horn Yes. Until now they've persistently kept it hidden. But now that the Mazoku have the key... They will begin to search for the box; time is of the essance. The republic of Slur has long been an ally of Sfortzando. For the sake of mankind, we guarded the 'key' and Slur the 'box.' But now that the key has been stolen...and the Mazoku will next appear in Slur. There is no mistake! -pg117- Horn The power of the box is tremendous. Used for good, the power brings hope; used for evil, the power could bring despair. It is no exaggeration when they say that box holds the future of the entire world. If it falls into the Mazoku's hands... If they open the box with the key... It will destroy this world. And we can do nothing to prevent it. I want you to recover the key and the box. I beg you all! -pg118- Horn That... And Flute! Corr Net accompanies you... For a reason. Since childhood, Corr Net... Corr (Oh, no, Horn-sama...) Horn As only Clari's sister could be... Has been one of the sorcerer's elite. I think everyone will have to use their power soon, but... Flute... Learn magic from this child! Practice magic! (From now on...) Flute Henh ? -pg119- Corr I...will...be...so... GLAAAD to help YOU! :) -pg121- Phoenix Air Force Raid and Plunder Unit Jig Fleet -pg122- Transmissions Altitude 8000; The trade winds are nearby to the North East... They're an obstacle to sailors, but they're in our favor; advance and ride them. Pull out of the clouds when we hit east longitude 46... Fix our course SSW... Take your directions from the cruxifics as it indicates... Sizer Hmph. The crucifix is leading to the Eastern continent... -pg123- Sizer Slur... It's there. Heh... Bird Sizer-sama ? Sizer This cramped bridge doesn't suit me. I'll be on deck. Bird Aye. Sizer We shall ask firmly. For the answer Bass-sama expects. -pg124- Sizer Hmph. -pg125- Corr It's an honor! :) Hamel-sama and Flute-oneesama and Oboe-sama! How I longed to be with you all... On my way to the North Capital too :) I'm SO happy :) Flute Oh ? Corr Because... Oboe (The cross is floating!) Corr I'm with the hero who saved Sfortzando! Our own greatest star! The 'Five Great Hopes' are my IDOLS! :) -pg126- Corr That's why I have this POSTER! :) Poster Violinist of Hamelin Five for Justice! The Five great hopes... Flute When did they... (That sort of...) Corr And these are your image CDs! :) Oboe's Underground Blues Trom's Dal Segno's pain Hamel's To the Hero, Baby Raiel's Love's Firey Drama! Flute's Princess Rumba! Flute These are... (Those titles are a little...in bad taste.) Corr Especially... Hamel-sama. He's SO cool. -pg127- Corr Flute-sama is also very cool! :) Of course, being one of Sfortzando's royal family! Flute Eh ? Corr You could only be Horn-sama's daughter! :) (Horn-sama's beautiful!) Flute Eh...ah. Uh... B... But... -pg128- Flute I wonder if... I actually can... Be any good at 'magic.' I haven't the foggiest... How... Corr You'll be just FINE! Flute-onee-sama :) Even at that stuff. Take this, it's from Horn-sama. I brought it with me :) Here :) It's a magic wand! Flute Magic wand ? Corr It's yours, Flute-onee-sama! If you wave this while chanting a spell... It will start the magic working! :) -pg129- Hamel What, like in TV anime ? Those are just a way for toy makers to sell a lot of stuff! (I bet those lights need batteries...) Flute What in God's Name are you TALKING about ? Hamel Oh, nothing. Let's go find something to eat. Come, Oboe. (How about some bird pie ?) Oboe (Uh...I don't think much of that...) Corr Of course, you have to start practicing at once! :) Flute Eh ? Oh, yeah... Corr It'll be fiiine! You're a member of Sfortzando's royal family! Just be calm! -pg130- Corr See, what Horn-sama can do... Is make GREAT magic seem... SIMPLE. Flute B-but...I wonder if I... Corr Of course, you can too, Princess-sama! Just say "Flu flu flu lin, flu flu liiiin, pinky touch, princess praaaactice! " And then your dess will metamorphasis into a FABULOUS dress, Like a Princess should have! Flute Ahh.... -pg131- Corr Yeah, yeah! (Hurry) Flute uh...kay... Flu flu flu lin (This spell is embarrasing...) Flu flu liiiin Pinky touch... Princess praaaactice!! -pg132- Flute Moo... Moo...[Wha ?] Moomoomoomoomooooo!? [What!? I'm a...] Moo....Moomoo! [A c...cow ?] Moomoomoomoomooooo!? [This isn't right!] Corr Heh heh heh heh... Flute MOO! Corr You are TRAPPED! -pg133- Corr HooRAY! :) A HUGE success! :) Tee hee hee... "Pinky touch" is an old Sfortzando word It means "Become a cow." Flute Moommooomoomoooo moomoomoooooo!! [Wha-what's that supposed to mean ?] Mooomoomoo moomoomooo!? [Why did you do this ?] Corr Heh heh heh...I was a wolf in sheep's clothing, awaiting this chance! And now LOVELY Hamel-sama is MINE! :) At last! :) Flute mMoo ? [Eh ?] -pg134- Flute Moomoomoo Mooomoomoomoo moomoo? [You got a crush on Hamel ?] Corr Oh, YES! :) I went on this journey... So me and Hamel-sama would become a fabulous LOVELY couple! That's why I'm here! (Oh...I'm so shy...) Flute Moommooo moomoomoomoo moomoomoomoooomoo? [That's really twisted, you know.] Corr TOTALLY. His handsome appearance, his face awash in beauty, the gorgeousness of his playing, his unfailing rebelliousness and corrupt character -- it's all INCREDIBLE!:) -pg135- Corr Ahh...When the cosmos flower blooms, it turns the plains as white as snow... and then Hamel-sama, riding on a white horse... Hamel (Hahaha! Like this!) Corr (Oooh, no, Hamel-sama...) I want him to kick me... Flute (This kid's off the deep end...) Corr And then the two of us will be together... Hamel Honey, I'm home! Corr I'm SO glad you're back!:) Hamel Feed me now! Corr Ooooh, it's almost ready!:) Yes :) You'll love this stew :) Hamel Oh, yeah. Today's our anniversary. Here's a present. Fish Super love! -pg136- Corr Oooh, a cool sunfish costume!:) (It seems to fit :)) Thank you, My...Dar...ling!:) Hamel Hmph. I'm full, time for bed. Corr Eeek, these things you say! I'm blushing...:) Flute (This is insane...) I'm embarrased just watching... Moomoomoomoo mooomoo moomoooomooo! [Anyway, change me back!] Corr Hee hee hee...No. :) You are my romantic rival. You'll stay like that... For now.:) Flute Mooo Mooomoomoo moomoo.... [I...I'm not...] Corr Heh heh heh...I know better. You like Hamel-sama. I have only one thing left to say! Flute Moo! Banner Passionate Love! Corr While I am on this journey... I will definately end up going steady with Hamel-sama! -pg137- Corr Mm ? Flute-onee-SAMA ?:) Flute She's very confident... What a strange child. Corr But I can only get a good chance... WithOUT Flute-onee-sama. Flute Moo ? Hamel What ? How did... Flute MMOO! [Hamel!] -pg138- Flute Moomooomoomoooo moooomoomoo moooo [That child is so mean, Hamel!] Moooomoomoooomoo moomooooo!! [She made it so I look like this!] Hamel Hunh ? Flute Moomoomoo [Please!] Moomoomoomoo moommoomoommoo [Understand what I'm saying!] Mooomoomoo...[Hamel] Hamel Yay! We get to have sukiyaki today! Lucky!:) Flute MMMOOOO! -pg139- Flute Mooomoomoomoo mooooo!! [Stupid Hamel!] Hamel H...hey! You... Hold still! Sukiyaki! That's my sukiyaki! (Wait!) Narration The bringer of this tempest was the little devil Corr Net. -pg140- Narration And for Princess Flute... Flute That's it... Narration This was the start of a battle between women! To be continued.