*** Violinist of Hameln Translation : Volume 17, movement 68 ***************************************************** By:Watanabe Michiaki Published by: Gan Gan Comics, Enix English Translation: Skuld (Quistis@email.com) 1999 Some additional editing by Ashley Auld (Soujiro_no_Miko@hotmail.com) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( )= words in parenthesis are small side text or things characters may say under their breath or to the side. :: :: = words in between two sets of colons are denoting action or sound fx. < >= Those in between the "carrot" symbols are words I'm not sure are entirely an accurate translation or I just have NO idea what this word is... so I'll guess. If you know what it is then let me know and I'll make appropriate changes! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pg. 6 Flute: A box...? Pandora's... Bo... Pg. 7-8 Movement no. 68 Our Homeland (The Moldau) Pg. 9 Flute: The box has... Ke... Pg. 10 Flute: Wha... some...somebody... save me... Pg. 11 ::Mazoku Hamel destroys the monsters and zombies who are attacking flute:: Pg 12 Flute: Hamel... It can't be... you're Mazoku...? Eh... wha Pg. 13 :: Hamel turns into an angel with white wings:: Pg. 14 Flute: Hamel... You have such... lonely... cold...and sad eyes... Pg: 15 Sizer: Flute... Flute: but... Sizer: FLUTE!! STOP IT, FLUTE!! Flute: But...come here... Sizer: It's me!! Sizer!! You're still half-asleep-! Cut this out, wake up-! Flute: Come, here... Sizer: Flute-! Flute: Don't look so sad Sizer: Why does this happen to me--!! Pg. 16 Flute: Eh...Huh... What? I wonder what happened... I.... Sizer: Idiot- You were half asleep and I had to wake you!! ::huff, huff:: ::thump, thump:: Flute: Hm? What? Augh! Augh Sizer!! What happened-!? Sizer: You wouldn't wake up, so I came up to call you!! Today is the day we leave Score! And it was about time you got up, it's already 10 o'clock. Pg. 17 Sizer: Everyone is finished getting ready Flute: Eh? A dream? It was a dream? Sizer: We're waiting for you, so hurry up and get ready! I'll be waiting downstairs. Flute: I involved Sizer in my dream? Eei! I did that--- Sizer: About time you realized that was a dream... Flute: (thinkign) A dream... Whose fault was it... It couldn't have been some magic spell- That's right... it was just a dream... So then why'd I have a dream like that? Like that... Pg. 18 Flute: A dream... where Hamel and I... kissed... ::thump thump:: ::remembering when she fell and Hamel almost kissed her:: Because that happened... because we almost kissed Now, what do I do... Hamel.... If only you would open yourself to me, but it's hard... Pg. 19 Flute: (still thinking) But how do I do that... What does that dream mean...? Pandora's box... was broken... and then the Mazoku came out, they... were destroyed by Mazoku Hamel... And Hamel became an angel Pg. 20 Flute: Good Morning, Everyone... Tron: Fl...Flute neechan!! Thank goodness Flute neechan!! Flute: Tron... Tron: You're all better now! You really are! Oboe: Are you alright without crutches now? Flute: Yes... Raiel: I'm glad to hear it I thought we'd leave in about an hour... thanks to Queen Horn Pg. 21 Flute: Thank you... Everyone... Tron: Oh yeh, Flute-neechan... Flute: What? Tron: How'd you get those Flowers on your hat...? Flute: Well these... they were... Tron: You got them from Hamel, right? And he said "These are for you"-- (heart) Flute: Wha Pg. 22 Flute: Wha... Wha... Tron: I know that you two went out by yourselves! On a date, right? Flute: Wha wha wha Tron: And after Flute-neechan saved Hamel, he held her in front of everyone... Flute: Eh? Not likel that... Eh? Eh? He couldn't have...? ::thump, thump, thump:: Tron: He was incredibly gentle-- Flute Hamel ::thump:: didn't do that... to me... But I can still feel his warmth ::thump:: Pg. 23 Flute: My heart... hurts... [Sforzendo Dukedom] Coronet: ::who's been listening to this conversation between Flute and Tron on her Crystal Ball:: Shit.... AUGHHH-- Damn it-- Aranferus (the bat): Eek Eek Pg: 24 Coronet: flute oneesama--- She went out with Hamel on a date, just the two of them-- Aranferus: Eek (Eii) Eek (I'm scared!) Coronet: Please say it's just a joke-- "Corurin's room" Aughhhh it hurts--!! Damn it-- He held her closely, just thinking of it-- shit my chest hurts I'm sure it was pained eyes he showed you! Ah, shit!! Orgel you idiot!! You surely couldn't done better that time!! Oh, poor me Aranferus: Eek (Eii) [Her pet bat aranferus] Coronet: Because I am an imprisoned bird... Hamel-sama is being snared by an inferior lifeform... Right, Aranferus, my pet (heart) Pg. 25 Coronet: In which case, She'll find her end by being gobbled up!! I'll summon an eat-anything hungry demon ghost from Hell. And send it on to Flute, and let it suck on the marrow of her bones Hee hee hee. Poooor Flute-oneesama (heart) Because you won't be able to escape Oh, it has such a nice feel to it, Hahahaha....Ha ::Achoo!:: Augh--! Damn, it arose before I could send it away--!! Pg. 26 Coronet: Save me Save me-- It's gonna eat me--- aa----- And once it eat's you, that's the end--! Augh-- Clary-- Save me- ::door rattles:: "Corurin's room" "The room of a maiden of flowers, don't enter!" Clary: What's she up to? Corurin... [ Coronets Revent Attempt 1-- complete--] [Back to Score] Tron: So, how'd it go? ::nudge nudge:: When you got around to the important stuff... You'll tell me, won't ya? You two quickly drew close together... You took his hand... Pg. 27 Imagined Flute: I like you. Please, be my boyfriend Please let me be the one who's most important to you Tron: When you confessed-- (heart) Flute: Wha-What're you saying, Tron!! Stupid... ::thump:: [Sforzendo Dukedom] Coronet: Aughhh SHIT!! Aranferus: Eek (I'm scared!) Pg. 28 Coronet: Damn it they came together and she said "Please take me as your's"--!! You're the stupid one! Flute in crystal ball: Stupid- Aranferus: Eek (hey she didn't say those things--) Coronet: Well in that case (Okay, so the last attempt failed) With this "Whirlpool to suck things down into the depths of the darkness of Hell" magic... I'll send this to her and let her suffer for eternity in Hell (heart) Hahahahah Flute oneesama, try to get out of this one (heart) Ah, the book... (falls) Iii-- Save me-- I'm gonna be sucked into Hell~~~~!! Aranferus: Eek (Iie) Pg. 29 Coronet: Oh NO-- I can't get out of the whirlpool-- SAAVE MEE~~~~~! Aranferus: Coronet-sama... Coronet: Clary-- Save me-- Please~~~! Clary: What's she doing in there? Corurin... but you told me not to enter.. [Coronets revenge attempt 2-- complete--] [Back to Score] Tron: Hey Flute, how'd you do it-- with him-- Raiel: Hey, Tron!! Tron: It unexpectantly became a 'dangerous' situation and you two were about to kiss Flute: Well... that's...that was... Pg. 30 [Sforzendo again] Coronet: Aughhh WHAT'D HE SAY~~~~!! I've come back from Hell alive!! Damn it-- Flute oneesama got herself into a 'dangerous' situation with Hamel-sama ::huff, huff:: On top of that kiss she said " I just can't get used to always being taken by the hand, it's too embarassing." Aranferus: Eek (She didn't say anything like that) Coronet: Well in that case, made with "The blood of a living bat"...this special potion will finish off Flute oneesama!! When she drinkst his potion, it'll be her end!! Her body will turn into a scary, ugly, monster--!! Pg. 31 Coronet: I'll get Flute with this (heart) Though all this work has made me thirsty-- I'll just have a sip of this!! Ah shit, I drank it--!! Augh-- My body is changing, it's changing~~~! Save me~~~~! Clary-- Clary: hm? Coronet: Save me~~~ Pg 32 Clary: A monster came out of Corurin's room!! Coronet: My stupid brother-- Clary: Everyone, finish it off-!! Guard: How'd a Mazoku get here? [Coronet's Revenge Attempts- Finished--] Flute: Tron, Seriously!! Where'd you ever get those ideas.. It wasn't like that at all! These were.. Pg. 33 Flute: These flowers were... given to me by a cute little girl fromt his city. To Hamel... to us... you see.... Hamel's hat fell off and we became mistrusted by the townspeople... And then... A courageous little girl... came up in front of us. Pg. 34 Flute: And she defended us... And even though they knew Hamel's identity... the townspeople believed in us. They said that seeing us gave them courage. They said beautiful things. And these flowers.. are filled with the precious thoughts of those people... Pg. 35 Oboe: Oh... All of that... Raiel: Heh Flute: Hamel was pleased as well... It was wonderful. Oh, speaking of which, where's Hamel...? Raiel: Ah... He had something to attend to... so he went out! Though, he's late... Sizer: Shall we go call him? Flute: Sure! I'll go search for him! Everyone wait here... Oboe: I'll come too! Pg. 36 Flute: Oboe, let's go! Oboe: yup ::huff huff:: Flute: It's brilliant, the city is sparkling... Because all these things happened... Pg. 37 Flute: This city is amazing... Oboe: Hamel is trusted now by these people. He is the child of the Great Demon Lord... the son of a Devil... before he was hated in all the lands we've gone too... But in the kingdom of Score... because of a girl who gave him flowers... Everyone in this town... understands him now.... Flute: The rebuilding of what Hamel destroyed looks difficult! Oboe: And Hamel... is trusted by the people now... Flute: Where are you, Hamel-!? ::music notes float past them:: Oboe: This... isn't........? Flute: Eh? This...is? The music... from a violin... Oboe: Yes, it's... This music is... Flute: Ah, over there...!!! Pg. 37-38 Two page spread of Hamel standing on a high tower, playing his Violin. Pg. 39 Flute: He's...way over there... but... Oboe: Yeh... Flute: It's lovely music. Oboe: He's playing it for the townspeople... Flute: Huh!? Oboe: This music is a symphony of the great Czechslovakian composer Smetana, called "Our Homeland" (The Moldau)... At that time... He wrote this symphony to fill the citizens who loved their homeland Czechslovakia, which was being controlled by Austria, with pirde... This music.. "Our Homeland"... Pg. 40 Flute: Wow... it's the first time... That Hamel has played for the people, and not for the purpose of battle... But... but he is... -Our Homeland- This city must be very... special to Hamel... Bell: Mom! Mom! Pg. 41 Bell: Listen... Listen!! Mom: Ah... this is really... beautiful music Bell: Yeh--- King: Oh hoh... this is.... Workman: Hey, what's this music? Ah Pg. 42 Workmen: It somehow has a nice feel to it... Yeh, it cheers me up! Ha ha ha, this work isn't so hard. Raiel: Wow... it's "Our Homeland"... So that's what Ha-chan was doing... Sizer: "Our Homeland"...? Raiel: Yeah... Smetana wrote this music as a memory of his hometown Bohemia... Pg. 43 Oboe: (Thinking) People say they believe in Hamel... they love him... and they should hold to that belief even after he's departed the town... Pg. 44 Oboe: (thinking) He's set out on a journey to save his mother... But he may have turned into the warrior he claims to be. Pandora-sama would be pleased... He carries on his shoulders the hope of mankind... A true warrior... Pg. 45 Oboe: (still thinking) Although, speaking of changes... Flute's changed too... Yes... Somehow.. Pg. 46 She's become beautiful ::cough:: She.. looks just like Horn-sama... Pg. 47 View of Vocal perched on top of a cross on a roof of some building pg. 48 [Mountain road North-west of Score] ?: We've walked quite well ?: Yup, we've put a lot of distance between us and Score How far have we come? I've lost count... Because Score is so far away Oboe: But lots of things happened there... Flute: That's right (thinking) lot's of things... Things about Orgel... things about Raiel, things about Pandora and... End of Movement 68