*** Violinist of Hameln Translation : Volume 16, movement 67 ***************************************************** By:Watanabe Michiaki Published by: Gan Gan Comics, Enix English Translation: Allison Auld 1999 Some additional editing by Ashley Auld (Soujiro_no_Miko@hotmail.com) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( )= words in parenthesis are small side text or things characters may say under their breath or to the side. :: :: = words in between two sets of colons are denoting action or sound fx. < >= Those in between the "carrot" symbols are words I'm not sure are entirely an accurate translation or I just have NO idea what this word is... so I'll guess. If you know what it is then let me know and I'll make appropriate changes! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pg. 157- Movement no. 67 Flower Waltz Pg. 158 Flute: Eh? Hamel: And so... go out with me... Pg. 159 Flute: Eh? Hamel: Well you're pretty much recovered, but if you stay inside all the time that won't do any good for you... I'e got some shopping to do in the market place. And it'd be nice to take a walk by the temple. Flute: Wha Hamel: So let's go out together... Come here... Flute: Wait... waitasec... Pg. 160 Hamel supporting Flute, who's trying to walk with one crutch, a flustered look on her face. Raiel, Obo and Tron peer from the doorway. Pg. 161 Oboe: What's that, what's that? Tron: What's that mean? Raiel: Ha-chan got Flute to--? Where are they going? To someplace without us...all by themselves... Tron: What, What? They couldn't be going on a date!? Raiel: Ha-chan and Flute, just the two of them... Tron: It's a date, it's a date, for sure. Way to go, that rascal. Raiel: Ha-chan, heh (Maybe he's trying to do over again what happened at ) Oboe: Ho ho Pg. 162 Tron: Heheheh this looks interesting, lets follow them and watch! Raiel: Don't, Tron! Oboe: We have to let them be alone... Tron: What, aint it alright? Raiel: Tron! Tron: Damn ::bi-dah:: Raiel: (However, if that Ha-chan can-- heh heh) Sizer: ::appears casually:: What is it? What happened to Flute and Hamel? Raiel: Aah, Sizer-san, nothing big Those two just went out There's certainly a story to those two. Pg. 103 Raiel: Because this time they have really tried hard. Flute-chan had courage, and believed in Hamel... Hamel had courage and energy as well, and because of that they've figured something out... Sizer: You've done well Raiel: Eh? Sizer: During your childhood... your mother and father... were killed by... Hamel taken over by his Mazoku side... Even then you thought of Hamel, and tried as hard as you could to stop his fighting... It would've been understandable if you'd held something against him But it's great you didn't! You... ::She turns to see Raiel lying face down in a puddle of blood:: Towns Ladies: Wait a sec, Ma'am... There's blood, blood... He's dead, isn't he? It can't be a corpse? That woman is suspicious! She ran him through with that scythe! And after that she hit him with a piano She's a criminal, A criminal Pg. 164 I wonder if he was gonna leave her? Her expression betrays it all! :: Sizer turns and walks away redfaced:: pg. 165 Flute: (thinking) What is it? Hamel You're in such a hurry even when everyone isn't here... You invited only me... What does this mean...? ::huff:: ::huff:: What are you thinking? ::puff:: Pulling me by the hand... You startled me when you invited me to come wtih you... Just me and... Pg. 166 Flute: (thinking) Hamel... His hand's warm... ::thump(heartbeat):: Being pulled forth by the hand doesn't hurt, his hand is comforting and warm, Aa... but... ::thump, thump:: I wonder if he'll feel the quick beating of my heart through my pulse...? ::thump:: Pg. 167 Hamel: Flute... Flute: Eh... Ye...Yes Hamel: U-um... If you... keep going on like this... Flute: Hamel... Pg. 168 Hamel: You'll fall into a manhole It was left open Flute: ::COUGH, GHECK, COUGH, GLEGH!:: Hamel: Hey, you shouldn't drink that water... you'll get sick! You look like a drunk mourning her lost love. Flute: Well--! If you had told me sooner I would've been fine! I to my maiden's pounding heart! Hamel: But I thought you could tell (Maiden's pounding heart--? What's that?) Flute: Oh-- Damn it... This this should happen to me... Hamel: You're so emotional, are you ok? Flute: Hm? Hamel: Er no... well that's... just me, I've... Pg. 169 Hamel: Stabbed you in the chest... I hurt you... badly... It wasn't like I wanted to... And so... I'm... worried... Flute: (thinking) Hamel Hamel: Your not a kid... You're strong and you're still alive... But it's my fault... Ever since I was little... Pg. 170 Hamel: I've brought bad luck to everyone I become close to. Mom and Raiel's parents too... And everyone from that town... Pg. 171 Flute: SILLY!! What're you saying!! Because I feel this great! I'm FINE!! (Still on crutches, but) I"m feeling great, just great! What're you worried over? That's not like the Hamel I know at all--! When I was stabbed by you... It was shocking... and I lost conciousness... If I'd been careful Pg. 172 Flute: There was a beautiful river flowing in front of me Hamel: Eh Flute: And on the other side of the river there was a flower field... " Hahahahah...", "Come over here--", "Welcome" And beautiful men and women were waving their hands and calling me over. Hamel: .... Flute: I was going to go to that place, but... "Waah-- it looks fun--" And then there was a scary creature (Drum w/ little harp, halo and toga) yelling out... " Oh, Oh! *cackle* Come over here!" Pg. 173 Flute: And I became scared, and although the other side looked pleasant, I didn't go there. Angel Drum: "What, you bitch! Come here so I can kill you--!" Hamel: Ah... I see... IT's good you didn't go there... Fulte: But then my mom told me, that I must not let myself give in to such things. For my mom, I must stay healthy, and I AM healthy-- so it's decided!! I'll hurry up and make this world safe and tranquil. Pg. 174 Flute: For sure... I'll go back to Sforzendo. pg. 175 Flute: And until then I won't loose! Not to those Mazoku! Not to that Orgel! Not to the Demon Lord's Blood! Not to *bad luck*!! I'll support... you and... Pg. 176 ::Flute's looses her balance at the top of some stairs:: Flute: Ah... Hamel: ? ::Hamel dives to catch her:: Pg. 177 :: They both land on the ground, Hamel fully on top of her-- (the view of the picture makes it look a lot like they're kissing) His hat flies off:: Hamel: I'm.. Pg. 178 Hamel: ::Hamel rises, his knee in her face becoming evident:: I'm sorry Flute. I got you with my knee... Flute: ::blood squirts out of her nose:: WAhahah.... Hamel: I'm really sorry, I tried to save you but... *laugh laugh* Flute: Seriously-- What do you think you're doing stupid! You can't just appologize-- Hamel: Wow-- what a terribly evil expression-- looks like Raiel-- Flute: The pounding of my maiden's heart--- waah But... if it was just his knee... ::thump thump thump:: Then my lips didn't ... Pg. 179 ::Flute turns around, Hamel is standing in front of her, and there's a huge crowd of people watching them unsteadily:: Pg. 180 Flute: Don't! Hamel!! ::She grabs his hat and put's it on his head, holding it there securely with arms protecting him as they both cower:: Townsfolk:: Hey, what's that Hey, did you see? A horn, he had a horn on his head, he's a Mazoku. Ahh Why does he have a horn? I... know. That man is Hamel the Warrior, i heard that from the castle. Hamel the Warrior who is going to the Northern Capital to take down the Mazoku. But if he's that Warrior, why does he have the traits of a Mazoku? It's awfully strange isn't it? I heard that that man got angry and destroyed the castle... What was that...? Pg. 181 Townsfolk: *From the perspetive of Hamel and Flute* Mazoku... Mazoku... Mazoku! Mazoku! MAZOKU!! ::A mother pushes her little girl (Bell) over too the two:: Pg. 182 Bell: ::holds Flowers out to them:: "Here!" Hamel: Huh? Pg. 183 Bell: (To townspeople) You're wrong! This guy was suffering too, but this young lady cured him with her gentle power--! And it's allright-- Don't worry! They're not evil Don't beleive those bad rumors, Don't! Mom: Excuse me, you two Bell: Mommy! Mom: I'm sorry for my child to bother you two with those flowers. But, my husband... is a knight of the kingdom... Bell: -Mommy- Mom: and we've heard stories...from him about you Bell: Lady! Pg. 184 Mom: Try hard to persevere over the suffering. I'll give you whatever help I can... But watching you two has given us courage. Girl: Try hard! Mom: And please keep persevering Townspeople: ::clap, clap, clap, clap;: Pg. 185 Townsfolk: That's right, good luck-- Warrior Flute: (thinking) Hamel... you... Townsfolk:: We'll help you all we can! I"m sorry to have doubted you! ::Hamel takes Flute by the hand, and they dash through the cheering crowd:: Flute: (thinking) ...always look sad, and lonely, and cold... With those distant eyes, but...but...now... End of Movement 67