*** Violinist of Hameln Translation : Volume 16, movement 63 ***************************************************** By:Watanabe Michiaki Published by: Gan Gan Comics, Enix English Translation: Skuld (quistis@email.com) and Acclimate Solution (sorta) Additional editing by Ashley Auld (Soujiro_no_Miko@hotmail.com) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The original intent of this translation was to make the translation I bought from Acclimate Solution more legible for the english reader. The original translation was incomplete, with limited vocabulary and obviously the person doesn't have a very good hand on modern english slang, lingo, etc... So, the translation was so illegible, that we basically ended up retranslating it without intending too. ^^; I was originally not going to post these on the internet. But we've worked very hard to make the translations better to the point that it's so unlike what was originally translated, that it would be absurd to NOT post these up cause of all the time it's taken. (did that make sense? errr...) Anyways, hope you enjoy! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pg 37 Horn: Good, Flute... Pg 38: [Violinist of Hameln Movement 63: Maria's Lullaby] Pg 39 Oboe: You're feeling better already Flute. Flute: yes... Pg 40 Oboe: But you should still get your rest... it was a really serious injury... Sizer: But... To believe in someone is a great power... Flute: What? Sizer: The three of us tried to stop him... and we failed... Pg 41 Sizer: But you saved him, just by trusting in him. Your trust can beat the Flesh and Blood of the Demon King. Us by ourselves couldn't do it, you are not a burden... feh... Pg 42 Oboe: Yeah... you saved all of us.. you're the most important member of our party! Flute: N..No... I was just... I ... I mean... I... didn't...know what to do... Oboe: Oh hoho... Oboe: Yes Flute... your kindness saved Hamel... that is the basis of your magic. Flute: Oh! Speaking of which, where is Hamel and everyone else? Sizer: They went to talk to the king, here, have an apple. Flute: What's this? Has it already been eaten? Sizer: Is that so? Pg 43 Flute: Sizer, I'll just eat the peel. Sizer: S...Sorry... Oboe: Benevolence... Flute: It's strange... When Hamel turned Mazoku... he stabbed me through the chest.. I should have been greviously wounded...but... I feel... Pg 44-45 [Picture of Horn healing Flute] Pg 46 Horn: Flute, you made it... even though you're injured... even though you had a rough time... Flute... Pg 47 Horn: I should have saved you before all that... I'm sorry... I couldn't do anything for you... and I'm your mother.. Pg 48 Clari: (Queen Horn... you were patient until she grew to eventually find the value in trust... and you sacrificed your life for her...) Pg 49 Clari: (You sacrificed yourself, again...)H...Horn-sama! Horn-sama hold on! Oboe: (I see... she is spending the last of her life...) Horn: It's alright everyone... Clari: But.. Horn: It's alright... Pg 50 Horn: Don't worry... this will be the last magic I am able to give Flute... Trom: H...Horn-sama... Oboe:( I...it can't...) Pg 51 Oboe: (You have so little... Horn-sama...) Flute: I...I would have died... by Hamel's wound...but... Pg 52 Flute: She..She is.. oh... Pg 53 [Queen Horn appears in the crystal] Flute: M...Mother!! Oboe: Queen Horn... Sizer: She is... Flute's mother... Flute: (You spent your life.. because of me...) pg 54 Horn: You did really well Flute. Congradulations. Your kindness saved your friends... And moreover, you saved all the people of Senza. Thank you. Flute: N...No...No way... mom.... Pg 55 Horn: You learned a very important lesson from this experience. ?: Horn-sama... Horn: The importance of believing in someone... that kindness... Oboe: ( It should be hard for her to even stand like she is now... but she is doing her best to speak normally for Flute...) Sizer: (Mother...) Pg 56 Horn: You have to always remember that from now on... Oh! I know you won't forget this very valuable lesson you learned!! Flute: (She spent her life.. but she's still worrying about me...) Yes! Mom! Pg 57 [In the Crystal, Horn collapses] Clari: Queen Horn!! Damnit! Hey! Turn off the screen!! Don't let Princess Flute see!! Horn-sama!! Horn sama!! Hold on!! Flute: Hey!! What's going on?! Mom!! Mom?? [crystal ball: Please Stand by] Pg 58 [Crystal ball suddenly shows Horn sitting up in bed surrounded by doctors] Horn: So, Flute. Don't forget! Flute: Why are there so many doctors?! Horn: Oh? Them? They're just... umm... member of my fan club! Don't concern yourself with them. Flute: No way! Horn: I'm so happy! Now, we are having a festival in our city in your honor to celebrate this special day! It's called the "Flute's struggling cow festival!" Flute: Ho...Haaa.. (Flute wha ?) Pg 59 Horn: After the parade, we will eat the Flute cow at a big BBQ! Flute: Mom... (this is ridiculous) Horn: We'll also use you as a decoration in our funeral ceremonies... Flute: Why? Horn: At any rate... it makes me happy. Flute: Hoa... Oboe: Does she really love Flute? Sizer: T...That's her mom... Horn: But... Pg 60 Horn: Don't even think of coming back to Sforzando. you are an important member of Hamel's party! Flute: Mom... Horn: That is the destiny that you chose! Oboe: [Aside] Queen Horn's health isn't well... Sizer: Eh? Pg 61 Horn: But, I can't save you anymore... to the point that I can't even see you in person anymore. Take care of yourself. Try not to let it get as bad as it did this time. (translator note: she's talking about Flute's wound) Flute: Y...yeah... Horn: And so... your decision to take care of yourself must not be weakened. Oboe: Ah.. it's as she said... Sizer: Mother... Horn: What's that face for? Cheer up!! If my child can persevere and be cheerful, then I can be cheerful too! Pg 62 [Flute smiles] Horn: If you are fine! I can be too!! Flute: (M..Mom..) Horn:.. GEH! Clari: H....HORN-SAMAA!! Hey! Stop the transmission to Princess Flute! Turn off the picture! Horn-sama!! Hold on!! Percus or a doctor?: A Terrible situation!! Pg 63: Clari: Horn-sama, you exerted yoruself too much! Horn: I just had to let her know I was ok... Because, I can't meet her anymore, in person. I can only communicate through the crystal... I can no longer be there... Pg 64 Horn: (As her mother...) Pg 65 Clari: She'll be ok. Flute is strong. Horn: Yeah.. Pg 66 Horn: (We'll believe in Flute... Flute...) Flute: Wahh!! My mom just died!! Oboe: She probably didn't die!! Flute! Calm down! Horn: (Try hard) [End of Movement 63]