*** Violinist of Hameln Translation : Volume 16, movement 62 ***************************************************** By:Watanabe Michiaki Published by: Gan Gan Comics, Enix English Translation: Skuld (quistis@email.com) and Acclimate Solution (sorta) Additional editing by Ashley Auld (Soujiro_no_Miko@hotmail.com) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The original intent of this translation was to make the translation I bought from Acclimate Solution more legible for the english reader. The original translation was incomplete, with limited vocabulary and obviously the person doesn't have a very good hand on modern english slang, lingo, etc... So, the translation was so illegible, that we basically ended up retranslating it without intending too. ^^; I was originally not going to post these on the internet. But we've worked very hard to make the translations better to the point that it's so unlike what was originally translated, that it would be absurd to NOT post these up cause of all the time it's taken. (did that make sense? errr...) Anyways, hope you enjoy! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pg 7 [The Violinist of Hameln, Movement 62: Morning] Pg 8 [The Northern Capitol, Hameln] Bass: Th...That idiot... For Hamel to turn back to normal... Pg 9 Bass: The blood and flesh of... our Great Demon Lord Kestra-sama! For the one who inherited his blood... to transform...BACK to a human... what an idiot----! Kestra-sama's....blood lost---!? Pg 10 [ In the crystal, Pandora smiles] Pandora: (voice over) Hamel... you will have increasing hardships as life progresses... because you see... you are the child of a Mazoku, no... the child of the Great Demon Lord. Pg 11 Pandora: (voice over cont.) There is a girl who believes in you... that is what I was worried about... Flute: Uh...mmm...mnn Trom: Flute nee-chan!! Flute: Ah? Pg 12 Trom: Flute neechan!! Flute: Gya!! Trom: Thank...Thank God! You finally woke up! Flute: Eh...ah... Trom: WAHHH!!! Flute: Ah...Ouch!! Pg 13 Oboe: Now Trom... calm down. She still needs to take it easy and rest. Flute: O...Oboe Trom: Ehhh... Oboe: Flute, you've been uncontious four the last three days. This is the castle in Score. Your urgent condition continued for a while. It was a really frightful situation. Trom: That's right! You didn't wake up at all! I was so worried! I thought you might have died! Flute: Trom... Raiel: Seriously, for just one person to do something so impossible...it's really... Flute: (Raiel-san) Pg 14 Sizer: Idiot... I was really worried about you... heh... Flute: S...Sizer-san (everyone...) W...Wha...? W...Where is he? Where's Hamel!? Pg 15 Flute: Where is Hamel... Hamel!? Oboe: Flute... sorry... I couldn't do anything, when you left us... Flute: Oboe... Oboe: At that time... Hamel was about to transform into a Mazoku... Pg 16 Oboe: He would have killed you and everyone else around him... If he ever transformed...then there would be no going back. That is the reason he keeps his distance from people... Hamel: [ Go back to Sforzando] Oboe: Bute... we both know that avoiding people is no way to solve his problems... Flute: ... Pg 17 Oboe: You trusted him... and you fought against his cruel destiny... your power defeated the "blood and flesh of the Demon King." Flute: eh Pg 18 [View of Hamel standing by a window] Pg 19 [Flute has a look of amazement on her face, Hamel smiles with a sweatbead] Sizer: feh Pg 20 Flute: Hamel... I... I'm sorry Pg 21 Raiel: F...Flute-chan. Why are you appologizing? Trom: Yeah! You didn't do anything bad, you saved us all... Flute: But... because... In Senza... because of what Orgel told me... I doubted you... even though I told myself I believed in your... I didn't... I'm sorry... (you were hurt because of that} Pg 22 Flute: (cries) Hamel: (wipes a tear from her eye, looks at it) It's... not your fault Pg 23 Hamel: (blushes) I'm... sorry too.... I shouldn't have said "Go back to Sforzando..." like I did... I should have used kinder words... sorry...but... when you weren't there... I... well... Pg 24 Hamel: Because of your power...I was able to turn back... Flute: (Hamel...That is...) Hamel: That was helpful...err..So it's okay if you stay...I... want you to stay beside me... Flute: ( I can be with you...I want to be with you...) Pg 25 Flute: (Hamel...) Hamel: Uhh... Flute: Wha? What's wrong Hamel? Pg 26 Hamel: RARRR!!! Flute: WAAA!! Hamel: GEHEHEH!! Trom: Hiiii!!! Hamel transformed into a Mazoku again!! Oboe: He's transofmed three times already! He must be getting used to it by now! Hamel: GEHEHEH!! Trom: WAH!! Please don't eat me!! Hamel: GEHEEE!! Sizer: Wah!! Stay away!! Trom: Flute-neechan!! SAVE ME!! Flute: Aahh... Pg 27 [Flute Heals Hamel] Hamel: Wah... Thanks Flute... you saved me again... Flute: Oh...no... Hamel...It was... Pg 28 Hamel: RARRRR!!! GEHEHEH!! Trom: NOOOooo! HELP ME!! Oboe:Hiii!! Trom! Sizer: KII!! MOMMY!! HELP!! Raiel: Sizer-san! Pg 29 [Flute Heals Hamel...again] Hamel: Thank you.. Flute... Flute: Ha...ha... Hamel: RARRR!! GEHEHEHEH!!! Trom: WAHH! SAVE ME!! Oboe: He's making fun of us... Flute: I don't want to be with him afterall.. [Heals him again] Hamel: Thank you Flute! You saved me again... HEY! WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING?!! Pg 30 Oboe: But this time... Flute: Eh? Oboe: I learned something important... [Hamel: DAMN YOU! Even though you're human!!] [Raiel: Can't you control your demon blood?!] Oboe: Inside of people, there is a demon... a person all alone.. is a weak creature. And as they live... they will have many hardships and sorrows. [Hamel: Shut up you guys!! Because I can't let you be weaklings, I'll show you my demonside!!] [Sign: DANGER] [Raiel: WHAT DID YOU SAY!?] Oboe: People hate that and become distrustful of others... (he's talking about the demon's/Mazoku) Pg 31 Oboe: They hold grudges and animosity... and become pained... they become like the Mazoku... who hurt other people. Mazoku take advantage of their suffering... that's what Orgel did. Oboe: Flute... [Hamel?: DAMN YOU BASTARD!] Oboe: You taught us that... believing in people... can save them Pg 32 Oboe: You saved Hamel... Thank you... [Hamel: If you're gonna do this then I REALLY will transform!!] [Raiel: It'll be a RETURN MATCH!] Oboe: CUT IT OUT YOU GUYS!! Flute: It's as Oboe said. In Senza I doubted Hamel and hurt him. My self confidence was pained and I suffered. ( I thought I could believe, but I was wrong... Even though Hamel hadn't done what the bad rumors said, I just thought it to be true...) Flute: It's not that... that I intended... to believe... In Hamel's feelings... and so... the instant I was touched by his true feelings (translators note: she's talking about when she healed him), I felt happiness. Pg 33 Flute: His kindness... that he didn't wish to hurt me. <> Hamel: Ehheh! Sorry sorry!! [Raiel: DAMN YOU HAMEL!!] Flute: Aahh.. Oboe: Are you OK, Flute? Flute: Uh...Err.. [Hamel: TAKE THAT! YOU JACKASS!!] Flute: That time... my self confidence was saved as well. Pg 34 Flute: I could be honest... <> Oboe: Flute!? Flute: S...So...hehheh... <> <> Oboe: Flute!! You okay? Flute ahh!! Flute: [He really didn't want to hurt me...] [Hamel?: YOU BASTARD!!] Pg 35 Sizer: Here... Flute.. Flute: What...This... Sizer: While you were sleeping, Hamel did his best... to fix it Flute: H...Hamel did!? [ His fingers...?] Flute: Ha...ha ha... Sizer: (laughs) [Hamel: KYAHAAHHH!!] [Raiel: KUNOYAROOOO!!] Pg 36 Flute: Ah.. hahaha... sweet! Oboe: Yes, by believing in your friend's, we'll grow stronger. Sizer: Feh... Oboe: Welcome Back... Flute... [End of Movement 62]