*** Violinist of Hameln Translation : Volume 15, movement 61 ***************************************************** By:Watanabe Michiaki Published by: Gan Gan Comics, Enix English Translation: Hanny Lee (SD_Wyvern@aol.com) 1999 Some additional editing by Ashley Auld (Soujiro_no_Miko@hotmail.com) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer : I am not even going to pretend that this is totally accurate translation. The series does NOT translate very well in English... More of this depended on my own judgment call than I would have liked... Sorry about that. Watanabe uses WAY too many trail-offs and pauses in his script (Over excessive amount... It's far worse than Captain Kirk. I mean, hardly any word bubble goes by without "..."), and the presence of gender-neutral sentence patterns made usage of he/she my own judgment call. Meaning... I KNOW some of the lines just sound cheesy, but that's the best translation I could come up with. Please note this when you are using this translation. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- pg. 143 << images of her hat flying in the air, blood spattering, the doll, and flashbacks of Hamel and Flute together on the day he took her shopping.>> Flute : (Is that so... I understand... When Hamel was keeping me at a distance... suffering over the fact that he was a Mazoku... Was all so that I wouldn't be hurt by the Great Demon Lord's "Blood"... ) (Your... Kindness...) pg. 144-145 The 61st Music : Romance << Another view with Mazoku Hamels hand going through Flute's chest, she looks-- stunned...>> pg. 146 << Raiel, Sizer, and Toron sit stunned among the debris, Hamel's eyes glow>> Orgel : HA-- pg. 147 Orgel :HA HA HA HA HA!!!! I did it!!!! Everything according to the plan! A HUGE SUCCESS!!!!! Fu fu fu... While it was a part of my plan to transform Hamel to Mazoku, but This plan's ultimate purpose was to eliminate the most fearful of you all - Princess Flute! Aaaaa-- The fun just never stops! pg. 148 Orgel :Each one of you have some painful past... Princess Flute was the one who made up for that "Weakness". Her "Strength"... Her power to trust people... THAT is the biggest threat to us Mazoku. Because "Trust", at times, will stop even the most powerful weapon or firepower. Well, I personally don't understand it... But it was all very foolish - this "Trust"... pg. 149 Orgel :<< Doing victory dance>> So now, Princess Flute is dead... Killed by the best one for the job imaginable! Hamel! That Princess Flute, She sure was a fool... There was NO way she could have beaten the Flesh and Blood of the Great Demon Lord Gestra. Oh, SO much fun!!! HE-HEHEHEHEHEHE!!!! << He sees something that shocks him-->> ... he? << Flute's hands are seen, holding one of Hamel's clawed hands>> Pg. 150 <> pg. 151 << Flute collapses on the ground, then slowly gets back up, and takes Hamel's hand again-- he looks stunned (but is still fully Mazoku)>> pg. 152 Flute : << smiles>> No... Hamel. pg. 153 << Flute brings the his hand to her cheek, she closes her eyes, smiling- she starts to heal him>> Flute :(It's flowing into me... Hamel's thoughts... ) Pg. 154 Flute :(hated because he was a "Mazoku", "A son of a Devil"... ) (That's right... And suffered like that...) (Having his mother trapped in the Crystal... ) (Having experienced Sadness like that...) pg. 155 Flute : (... and because you didn't want to hurt others with your Mazoku's blood, avoiding human contact...)( You endured it all alone by yourself...) pg. 156 <> pg 157 Flute : << looks up at him, tears in her eyes, she continues to smile>> (Hamel... you were...) Making me sad.. mean... selfish... childish... insensitive... Uncooperative... cruel... a coward... self-centered... But... (But...) (I want to stay by your side... ) pg. 158 << Flute closes her eyes, and presses his hand to her cheek again, smiles>> Flute :(Even if I am useless... I want to stay by your side... ) pg. 159 Raiel : (Flute-chan...) Sizer : (Even with wound like that... You're really... ) Oboe : (...) Toron : Flute... She... She's glowing... Oboe : (The "Power" of Sforzendo's royal bloodline... The "Power" of an affectionate mother... ) pg. 160 Oboe :(To understand the other's suffering from the heart... To give that person a will to live... Healing them... To pour into them unconditional affection...) (To trust... ) (That magic suits you so well...) (It's been a long time you've shown that kind of happy face... Flute) pg. 161 Troop : He... Hey... Look... Doesn't Hero Hamel's wings and horns look like it's getting smaller? Yeah... What's happening? Raiel : Flute... Really, <> Sizer : We really can't do it <> Toron : Without you! <> Oboe : (Hamel... It's your turn now... It's your turn to trust Flute...) pg. 162 <> Hamel : M... Mother... pg. 163 << Hamel see's his mother and runs to her, cries in her arms. Then he looks up suprised as the chains suddenly shatter>> pg. 164 << He looks up to see Flute holding him instead. She's smiling. View of her holding his hand as before, his hand is normal again.>> pg. 165 << View of Hamel, normal again>> Orgel : HOW CAN THIS BE?! WHY? HOW? HE RETURNED TO NORMAL-?! BUT THERE WAS NO WAY HE COULD HAVE POSSIBLY RETURNED TO NORMAL! IT'S LORD KESTRA'S FLESH AND BLOOD! THE BLOOD OF THE GREAT DEMON LORD!!!!!! HOW CAN THIS BE---!! pg. 166 <> Orgel : T-- Trust...?! Pg. 167 Raiel : DIE-! Sizer : ORGEL! Toron : You devil! Orgel : GEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! pg. 168 Raiel : Playing with Hamel like the way you did...!! Toron : ... With Flute...!!! Sizer : Hm! If your body doesn't die... Orgel... pg. 169 Sizer : Just wait until it's been cut into VERY tiny pieces! > Orgel : Wha... What is this "TRUST-"!! Oboe : (The voice... ) Pg. 170 Oboe :(It came from the mask...?) <> (So THAT's it!) It's the Mask! That Mask is the true form of Orgor! Sizer/Raiel/Toron : What?! Orgor : Gak! They found out..!! Sizer/Raiel/Toron : So that's it.... If we just destroy that... Orgor : Hiiiii!!! HELP!!! LORD BASS---!! pg. 171 << Mask disappears>> Toron : Damn! Raiel : He got away! <> Pg. 172-173 << Hamel kneels on the ground with a limp Flute hunched over in his arms; he's holding her tightly>> [ Our editor pulls out a box of kleenex *sniff*] pg. 174 << Sizer, Raiel, Toron, and Oboe stand not to far off-- watching stuned>> Oboe : (The thing called "Trust"... Has defeated the Demon Lord's Flesh and Blood...) (But...) pg. 175 Toron : Flute!!! << He rushes forward, Raiel holds him back>> What are you doing, you idiot?! Let me go! We have to help her, quick! Flute is going to die---!! Let me go---!!!!!! Sizer : (It's no good...) Toron : FLUTE--!! Oboe : (Flute... ) pg. 176 << View of Flute's face, downcast with Hamel's hand on her head...blood dripping from her mouth>> Oboe :(It's too late to save her now...) pg. 177 Toron : $%^?!!! What is this?! What is this?!!!! Was is this!!!!?!? Oboe : (I already knew... That it was going to be like this... She fought against the Flesh and Blood of the Great Demon Lord...) Everyone : (Hamel... Flute...) pg. 178 [ Our editor reaches for another box of kleenex *sob*] <> pg. 179 << Another closeup of the devastated Hamel. A light suddenly appears in back of them.>> pg. 180 << The light fades and Queen Horn is there with Clary>> Everyone : Queen Horn!! Horn : <> Flute... You did very well... Getting hurt this badly... Suffering... pg. 181 Horn : << Heals Flute>> You've endured it well... Good work... Flute : ...Mother... Horn : I'm happy...