*** Violinist of Hameln Translation : Volume 10, movement 40 ***************************************************** By:Watanabe Michiaki Published by: Gan Gan Comics, Enix English Translation: Allison Auld 1999 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pg 5 For a long time... and now.... I cursed everything.... hated everything... and lost everything And because of that time on a day long ago.... With this everything will end... Pg 6 Everything will.... Pg 7 Movement no. 40, Pandora's Box, part 2 :: Sizer's hawk army stand at attention:: Pg 9 Sizer: So this... is Pandora's box....? It's.... It's so suprisingly... small... like this... Pg 10 Sizer: And just when I though I wouldn't find it... Pandora's Box... Pg 11 ::Bird officer salutes:: Bird officer: Congratulations, Sizer-shougun! The mission to acquire Pandora's Box is accomplished! It was difficult work!! We, the hawk army, believe this accomplishment will be praised as a turning point in history! I cannot express enough how important the recovery of "Pandora's Box" is to the Mazoku*! It is worthy of the highest praise!! Sizer-shougun's achievements will surely be highly valued. Even Bass-shougun will be pleased... Sizer: A long time... Bird Officer: .. huh? Sizer: They've continued to lie to me... for a very long time... Hawk army: Sizer-sama.......? ( * Mazoku literally means: "Magic family" but in this case refers to Bass and all those, and is used as a proper noun, so I've continued it as such ) Pg 12 Sizer: So many times I've spilled blood... and wounded. There was a time when I couldn't fly... The first time I killed someone was when I was 6 years old... ::Lute w/ Bass calls to a little-child Sizer:: Bass: Sizer, Come destroy a country Sizer: I'll never forget it Promenade... That was the name of a small country... Pg 13 Sizer: My hands... my face... my body... my wings.... They've all been stained deep red with blood Hawk soldiers: Sizer-sama? Sizer: I'm said to have destroyed hundreds of countries.... I'm said to have slaughtered tens of thousands of people That's my cured fate.... ::Sizer picks up Pandora's Box:: "The Red Witch of Hameln" Pg 14 ::Flashback:: Soldiers: Kill her! Kill that Sizer!! Sizer narrating: And by myself I destoyed that Almand Kingdom-- No, it magnificently burned! Everything, burned to the ground! ::Child w/ scthye sticking through chest screams:: Bass: That's right, a curse... You're cursed to kill. That's good ::afterwards Sizer stands alone with Ocarina in the snow:: Sizer: It's snowing... Snowing on the North Pole... It barely feels cold.... Snow is nice, isn't it, Ocarina Maybe it came to bury me in whiteness Pg 15 ::Sizer clicks the crucifix into Pandora's box:: Pg 16 Hawk soldiers: Si... Sizer-sama... WHAT TH!! ::Sizer opens the box:: Pg 17 ::A whirlwind sucks the Hawk Army into the box:: SIZER-SAMA!!!!! Pg 18+19 ::Whhhiiirrrrlllllll:: Pg 21 Tron: We really... might have lost everything.... Father.... Mother... Pg 22 ::BAM:: Pg 23 Tron: I'm sorry... I was late in coming home... Father, mother... everyone... they escaped out of here... Pg 24 Tron: he.... heheh... heheheh No...more...crying I'm not... gonna... cry... Yeh... I promised... that... Pg 25 Tron: I'm a crybaby... but... everyone.... try hard.... Tron: That's right! Father! Mother!! There were tons of interesting things on my travels! And I met a whole bunch of people...! First, there is Flute nee-chan!* She always had this amazing, gentle smile. And she was just like my older sister! When she takes her hair down, she's very beautiful! And then it really suprised me that she's the daughter of Queen Horn! ( * nee-chan is an adding to the end of the name, sort of like -san or -sama, meaning "big sis" but that sounds sorta lame, so I'm leaving it as nee-chan ) Oh, and then there was Raiel... He's always doing a ton of damage! And he's always calling himself a soldier of love, but when there are girls around he gets totally weak! And also... Pg 26 Tron: That guy Hamel... he's just... ah hah hah... an idiot! A huge idiot! Father... Mother... Pg 27 Tron: I'm going... to the "Northern Capital" I know that it will be difficult... and that I may even die... and it will be hard. But I promised everyone... and so Wish me luck Pg 28 Tron: Wh-- Who's there..!? Tron: Grandpa... Grandpa: Prince Tron Tron: My grandpa, head of the guard... Oh thank goodness, you're alright, Grandpa! Grandpa: Prince Tron, I'm glad you're safe Pg 29 Grandpa: Ooh, I haven't seen you in so long.... Tron: Cu--, Cut it out, Grandpa! Grandpa: You're getting so big, your grandpa is so happy Tron: But grandpa... you were safe all along, right! Grandpa: Yes, well actually the truth is I got caught in the middle of the fire during the battle... and then I was saved. Tron: You, were saved Grandpa: Yes, and by a rather unexpected person..... The Hawk King Sizer And then, she said to me: * Sizer: I want you to withstand this. You may be suffering now, but soon you time will come. I will show you, believe in me....* Grandpa: Her eyes were filled with this intense saddness... Pg 30 ::bloww:: Pg 32 Flute: How terrible.... This is Slur....? Oboe: They were living in such prosperity of their mechanical society. Flute: Surah, and Mt. Garek... Oboe: The Mazoku...? Pg 33 ::flute picks up a cloth doll:: Flute: Up until now... you've had a family... surely people who took care of you... And what a cheerful smile you have... If we... had only... come sooner........ Pg 34 Flute: I'm sorry.... Everyone... Pg 35 ::Hamel picks up stuff into a big basket:: ::toss, toss:: Flute: Just what do you think ya're doing, Hamel!! Hamel: Ooh, I can still use this! Well, it's all been decided hasn't it! you outta be relieved there is all this great stuff lying around! Flute: But it's a crime ain't it! Oboe: Isn't that looting... Hamel: I'm such a recycling guy! I'm being a hero by being nice to the Earth Flute: Nice to the Earth!? What is this recycling... Oboe: I don't really understand either---- That's too big to fit anywhere but a castle room.... Pg 36 Coronet: Hamel-sama! There is an amazing looking safe buried over here! Hamel: Wha-- What--!? Flute: COOROOONEETT!!!! Coronet: And then with the money we'll become rich! To live with Hamel-sama in a sparkling white grand mansion covered in deep-red roses, that's been my dream since I was little... Flute: Once again, over my dead body... Oboe: That'd be grand theft.... Rock-god Wizard: Good children don't do that... Hamel: Ooh! What a load of great stuff! Good job Coronet!! You're a nice girl! Coronet: Oh Hamel-sama.... that's because I'm so beautiful... Oboe: I don't want this to start anything Flute: ::grrrrr::: Pg 37 Flute: What's this! Hamel, There's more, better stuff over here! Hamel: Hahah, What'm I to do Coronet: Hamel-sama, surely the stuff over here is worth more Oboe: Flute, not you too.... they're... just one family of theives? Clary: STOP THIS!! Clary: You're... absolutely pathetic... Flute: C... Clary!! Coronet: O... Older Brother! Horn: What's all this noise... Flute.... just the same as ever Flute: M... Mono too... Pg 38 Clary: You've all gone senile to act like this when you came here.... And Slah was in this sort of condition... Hamel: You would've been senile and joined us too... Clary: The troops of Slur fought bravely! Fought to protect Pandora's box... And in the end, the Holy Ghost army fought to certain death. By their age, they would've been considered just children.... And then you guys came here Hamel: But, couldn't you have used your Teleportation Magic and come here in time yourself Pg 39 Clary: Damnit--- I didn't think of that---!! I'm so careless---! Hamel: This guy... is really the powerful bureaucrat? Horn: Ah, now that you say it, we could've done that!! Damnit-! Flute: M-- Mom... Hamel: That lady, is really the queen? Horn: An...anyways... it isn't there anymore, everyone. Hamel: We've been framed Oboe: A good Queen.-- Clary: What is it that was in Slur, but isn't? Queen Horn... Horn: It's already to late... the Mazoku have destroyed Slur... And they've turned to the place where Pandora's Box is, Mt. Coral Everyone: WHAT pg 40 Horn: The Mazoku may have already gotten the "box". Part of the Mazoku, and the leader of the Hawk army.... the Hawk King... Sizer pg 41 Horn:It is said that the box gives hope to "good power" and despair to "bad power" And so with the box, with our "good power" we could seal away the Mazoku, but with "bad power" they could break the seal Oboe: Break... the seal? Horn: Yes, and within that box... is the Great Mazoku King Kestra. Pg 42 Image of "Kestra" Pg. 43 Everyone looking stunned/grim/serious. pg 44 Clary: Sizer has the crucifix, which is the thing which can open the box with the, "power close to God"--- and it may have already been decided. She's an angel, these conditions don't look good. Hamel: We must hurry.... Let's go! Horn: You guys put down that stuff now... pg 47 Sizer: What colossal power, Ocarina... How many thousands of the Hawk Army, have been swallowed up... amazing.... Kuwah, hah, ha.... Ocarina: Sizer-sama Sizer: What a masterpiece... Ocarina My destiny, has always been, to keep betraying... Ever since I was born... I've always... been betraying Pg 48 Sizer: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Ocarina: Sizer-sama... Pg 49 Sizer: Once I've swallowed up everything, there will be no need to split it up... ::Guitar looks down with his army:: Pg 50 Guitar: I, haven't seen you for awhile... Since Sforzend... Sizer-sama Sizer: It's you, Guitar Pg 52 ::Crash::