Super Doll Licca-chan Chapter Eight Ran in Nakayoshi June, 1999 Disclaimer: This translation is meant as a guide for those who wish to read the manga. Please don't steal this translation or do anything illegal with it. Please don't use this for commercial use or sell it, etc. >.< Another note is that I am translating with Japanese One basic knowledge- there are very well mistakes in this. I welcome all help/corrections. Arigatou, minna. Sore ja! -Meimi Translation by Meimi ( Finished: July 9, 1999 Revised: October 2, 1999. Changed the spelling of Izumi-chan's name, I had it wrong all along. Revised Rui's talk at the very end-- I didn't originally understand what he meant, but when I read previous chapters, I got everything straight and fixed his talk to make sense. Revised: March 29, 2000. Revised, like...the entire chapter. @.@ Now that I've read the entire manga, I FINALLY understood what Rui was talking about and fixed it. Plus everything about Doll Land Kato-chan said, was usually messed up slightly...ehe. ^^; %thoughts (side notes) [narration] $flashbacks ------------------------------------------------------------ pg 31 Nakayoshi Text: Suddenly, she appears! The enigmatic pretty girl. Is she enemy? Ally? The girl's identity is...?! Please, save the distressed Licca... Super Doll Licca-chan by Mia Ikumi Chapter Eight pg 32 Sister: From today on, please be good friends with her. Girl: I'm Kathleen, it's nice to meet you. Licca: % It's that girl! Kathleen: $ I don't approve of you. Sister: Kayama-san. Licca: Ye-Yes!! Sister: (Your seat should be next to Kayama-san's...) pg 33 Licca: Um, um... Katheleen: Pleased to meet you, Kayama-san. Licca: Y-yeah. Licca: % H..huh? Sumire: She seems really nice. Licca: Yeah. Licca: % Maybe it was just my imagination... Sister: So, then... pg 34 Sister: Kayama-san, you'll do problem three. Licca: Yes, um... Licca: (What?) it... Dai: If you don't know where it is, just go out and say it. Licca: Dai!! Kathleen: Sister. May I do the problem? Sister: But it's a little hard. Kathleen: It's all right, I learned this at my school before I came here. Sister: (Yes, well-done!) Girl: Kato-chan's amazing! Licca-chan is smart too, of course... pg 35 Licca: % Now, she just...helped me? Licca: Kato-chan! Thank you for before! I didn't know, and you saved me... Kathleen: Licca: Hm? Kathleen: If you can't do that problem, you must be an IDIOT! pg 36 Licca: % WHA! Sumire: Licca-chan, Kato-chan. Licca: % WHA! Sumire: (Everyone's coming over to my house...) Licca: % WHA! Licca: (Um, I c-can't come...) Sumire: (Oh, really? Kato-chan, how about you?) Kathleen: I'd love to, how wonderful! Licca: % GYAAAAA?! Sumire: (Licca-chan, bye-bye!) pg 37 Licca: % WHAT DID I DO?!! Sumire: Oh, what about Dai-kun and you guys? (I have cake too...) Guys: (Cake? Let's go, let's go!) Dai: thanks. (Licca, wait up!!) Kathleen: ... Girls: (Sumire-chan, let's go!) pg 38 Licca: % I wanted to see Rui-san, so I came to the college, but... Licca: (Wah, this place is huge, where's Rui-san~~?) Rui: Hey, hey, where are you going in such a hurry? Licca: Rui-san! Rui: What are you doing here? Licca: Um, um, um, um.... I was wondering, could you show me Katsu-san's diary? Rui: The diary...? ....okay. pg 39 Rui: Here, Licca-chan. Licca: This is a Calling Ring, why... Licca: % Is he still... % ...upset about what happened before? Rui: I want you to take care of it, Licca-chan. When I originally took an interest in Doll Land, my motive was to look at my bad situation. Even if I have such an important thing, it didn't have any capabilities. pg 40 Licca: Rui...san? (..."bad situation"..?) Rui: Licca-chan, do you believe in reincarnation? "When a doll's soul undergoes one hundred years of love, a new life is born from Doll Land." I kept reading that part over and over in my grandfather's diary. Know why? pg 41 Rui: She might have been reincarnated in Doll Land... The girl I'm looking for. Licca: Rui-san... Rui: You don't have to believe me. I have all my past life's memories. I was in love with that Japanese doll... Licca: % The one in Rui-san's room...? pg 42 Licca: I believe you. Rui: Licca-chan... Licca: Because.... Licca: % If Rui-san was in love with a girl that had something to do % with Doll Land... % Her reincarnation... % could even be me! Rui: Licca-chan? Licca: No, um, um... I hope you meet her soon! Rui: Thank you... pg 43 Rui: I might...have already met her.... Book cover: "Kanji Dictionary" Licca: % This, this, this... Arrow: In the middle of decoding the diary Arrow: There a lot of love-love content and it seems the effect on her is really strong Licca: % a little adult-ish. pg 44 Licca: And someday it'll be me and Rui-san... Rui: $ I might have already met her. Licca: % But this last page... % "Yae never came in the end. Could something have happened to % Doll Land? Or is it...." % ...what does that mean... % They were so in love... Yae: $ I hate Katsu. pg 45 Licca: Kyaa?! What was tha... Ah! Rui-san's Ring is gone...! Licca: % It couldn't be that Yae-san took... Licca: Doll Licca, Rui-san's Ring is gone...please... ....what....? pg 46 Licca: It's...not....glowing. Doll Licca... Is she...broken? Licca: Wait! Give it back! Rui-san's Ring... Licca: % Nobody... pg 47 Licca: % What do I do? % Rui-san's Ring disappeared. % My Ring is broken... % What do I do...? Licca: (E...ehe?) pg 48 Licca: % And I thought yesterday was a shocker... Kathleen: Did you know? People who have ugly handwriting have ugly souls as well! Licca: (WAAAH!) Ikumi: (Hey...) Kathleen: You're so clumsy it's hopeless. Licca: % ...this is... Kathleen: On THIS test, you got a sixty-four percent while I got one hundred, you're an IDIOT after all! Licca: % ...this is...!! Licca: (I'm not an idiot, I'm not...) Licca: % Found her! Licca: Kathleen-chan! pg 49 Licca: Wait! Why? Why are you only mean to me? Kathleen: Mean? Whatever do you mean? (Kathleen doesn't know.) (How crueeeeel, Licca-chan...) Licca: I MEAN, just now!! Why? What bad thing did I do to you? Kathleen: I don't know what you're talking about!! pg 50 Kathleen:'s bcause you haven't done a thing. Licca: What do yo- Kathleen: ...Doll Izumi. Izumi: Yeeeees, Mistress! Licca: % That voice? Izumi: Princess! (It's Ijimi-chan!) Licca: Ah! That's Rui-san's Calling Ring!! Licca: % Then the one who stole the Ring wasn't Yae-san after all. % And also, she's the owner of Doll Izumi's Calling Ring, when % Izumi saved me before... pg 51 Licca: Give that back, it's Rui-san's! How cruel..this kind of thing... Kathleen: Who's the cruel one?! Kathleen: It's your own fault, for letting something this important be taken so easily. You know a little, don't you? About Doll Land's condition. So then, why haven't you done a thing about it? Licca: I... I'm still a child! I don't know what I should do!! Kathleen: You're just using your age as an excuse!! pg 52 Kathleen: You want me to give back the Ring- what for? You can just call Doll Licca...ah! I wonder, can you call her? Princess of Doll Land. Licca: % What? Kathleen: You didn't know? Doll Knights choose their own Masters. Having the Ring- that doesn't have anything to do with it. Licca: % Then the Calling Ring wasn't broken... % It was my fault...? % No, it can't be... Licca: Doll... Doll Licca!! pg 53 Kathleen: I've never heard of a Princess who can't call her Doll Knight. And now you know. ...the reason I don't approve of you. Kayama Licca. You're unqualified to become the Princess. pg 54 Kathleen: I will become the Princess. pg 55 Kathleen: How long are you planning on hiding there? Dai: ...who are you, transfer student? It doesn't look like you're with the guys that keep attacking Licca, but... Give me that. Isn't that jerk Asagiyama's? Kathleen: seems you know a little of the situation. pg 56 Kathleen: What little you know is frightening, but the fact hasn't reached your brain yet, I suppose. You must really be in love with Licca. Kathleen: Good, I guessed exactly right. So, I'll give it back. Dai: Really? Kathleen: Really! ....provided that you're able to get it back from her. (Did I mention she flies?) What will you do? Licca's Knight-san. pg 57 Dai: If all I need to do is get it back from her... ...I'll do it. Kathleen: (Wow, you're serious?) Rui: Welcome home, Licca-chan. Licca: Rui-san... Rui: Did...something happen? pg 58 Licca: Um... No, nothing. Licca: % I can't. I can't tell him. Licca: I just ran all the way home, so I'm tired... Licca: % Surely, Rui-san would be disapponted in me... Rui: ...Licca-chan. Do you remember that talk about reincarnations? Rui: Could I talk to you about it? Licca: Y-yeah... Rui: ...I want to know about her. pg 59 Licca: % Her? Licca: Wa-want to know, um... Rui: Licca-chan, nobody else but you can do it. I've never meant to cause trouble for you. I just want to know if she's happy. Licca: % Rui-san? What are you saying... Rui: Licca-chan, you have her Ring... I want to borrow your power. pg 60 Licca: % That.... Rui: Because...I feel like she might be the girl I'm looking for.. Licca: ...I can't do anything. I'm sorry, I'm going home... Rui: Licca-chan? pg 61 Katherine: $ I will become the Princess. Licca: % Doll Land doesn't need me. % I'm not the girl Rui-san is searching for.... Licca: Doll Licca, she...she won't come when I call her... Licca: % Nobody needs me. Rui: Licca-chan!!