Super Doll Licca-chan Tankoubon One Chapter Six Ran in Nakayoshi April 1999 Disclaimer: This translation is meant as a guide for those who wish to read the manga. Please don't steal this translation or do anything illegal with it. Please don't use this for commercial use or sell it, etc. >.< Another note is that I am translating with Japanese One basic knowledge- there are very well mistakes in this. I welcome all help/corrections. Arigatou, minna. Sore ja! -Meimi Translation by Meimi ( October 10, 1999 Revision February 7, 2000 %thoughts (side notes) [narration] $flashbacks ------------------------------------------------------------ pg 164 Licca: % I'm Kayama Licca. Licca: Sorry to keep you waiting, Sumire-chan! (Let's go home!) Licca: % I'm a normal girl who lives in Oosura. % At least I was, but... Licca: Can we go to Sumire-chan's house? Sumire: Sure, but Licca-chan, have you heard? Lately there's been lots of thunder around Oosura... (Scary!) Licca: Thunder? pg 165 Sumire: Look, it broke the glass in the school building into pieces! And the church ceiling caved in~! (Scary, the school grounds caving in...) Licca: T-that is scary! Dai: You actually think that was lightning? Licca: DAI!! Sumire: Dai-kun... Dai: Hey, Licca! Wasn't it that huge bird from bef-MPH! Sumire: ? Licca: Beeh! Licca: % (I'm keeping it all a secret from Sumire-chan!) Dai: (Wh-what'd I do, Licca?) Licca: % Somehow, I was the Princess of a country called Doll Land. % Sure, it sounds great, but scary people keep coming after me. pg 166 Licca: % But it's fine for now! % A doll knight called Doll Licca comes to help me! % And as my ally, there's the very cool Rui-san! Licca: (Kya!) Licca: % ...and Dai too, sort of. Licca: I'm ho- Orie: Then you're finished? pg 167 Pierre: Yeah. I only came now to see how the Calling Ring was being used. Orie: But, can't you take your time, and stay a little longer... Pierre: I can't put Licca is danger that way from now on. Licca: Father, Mother!! Pierre: Licca... Licca: Is that true? It's my fault? It's my fault that you don't come home?! pg 168 Nanae: ...that is not true, Licca. Pierre is looking for something, for Doll Land's sake... Licca: Grandmother... Orie: Licca. It'll be all right if we tell you everything now. We all believe in you. ...will you listen to us for a bit? pg 169 Licca: ...sure... Rui: "Doll Knights. The three doll knights created to protect the Royal Family..." Rui: % ...I thought so. pg 170 Rui: % But that Doll Knight came when I was in danger. % He protected me. Rui: Does that mean it doesn't matter who it is, as long as they have this thing? But then why would my grandfather have this... Everyone's...gone? Woman: You really do look just like Katsu... pg 171 Rui: Licca-chan's mother...? Why are you here? And how did you know my grandfather's name...? pg 172 Orie: You know that we were originally residents of Doll Land. Licca: Yeah... (Only a little.) Orie: When I went into the human world to play, that was when we met and fell in love. A resident of Doll Land and a human getting married... ...there was never anything like it before. Grandmother, who was the Princess then, gave us her blessing, but... pg 173 Nanae: But Yae didn't want Doll Land to have any connection with humans. (ed: Can't get the next sentence) We both had to flee to the human world. Yae was a sweet person long ago... But she changed completely. When she came back from the human world when she was very young... pg 174 Yae: It's been a while, Doll Isamu. Licca: "Yae"...? Orie: ...Grandmother's older twin sister. Isamu: It has been a while. Yae-sama... pg 175 Nanae: Licca... I don't know if you'll face more danger from now on, but... It'll definitely be all right. Because Doll Licca will protect you. Don't worry. Orie: And...don't tell anyone about Doll Land. Rui-san too. Licca: Oh... Pierre: Licca? pg 176 Licca: No...nothing. Licca: % I lied. Arrow: Turned around and couldn't even see them off Licca: Oh, it's okay. Rui-san's an ally, after all. pg 177 Licca: But I wonder if it's okay having only a doll protecting me... (Oh, like I thought, she can't answer me.) pg 178 Licca: I wonder if there's something I can do... For Mother's sake, for Father's sake, for Grandmother's sake... For Doll Land's sake... Licca: Coming! Rui: Hi, Licca-chan. Is it okay for me to be over? Licca: Rui-san!! pg 179 Rui:'re alone today? Licca: Y-yeah. Because everyone went to see Father off. Rui: See him off? Licca: Yeah. Um... Licca: % OH! I wonder if I should tell him? % (Even though it's a little late..) Licca: Um... Oh! My father makes music boxes. He made this, to- pg 180 Rui: Don't. I hate music boxes. Licca: % W-what do I do... Licca: I-I'm sorry! I'll put it away right now. Licca: % He got so angry... Licca: ?! pg 181 Licca: % He...s-suprised me... Licca: T-that scary guy from before... He said I was "important"...I wonder what that means? And what that "freezing" part meant... Oh, sorry...I'm doing all the talking, when you had something you wanted to- Rui: Wanna know? pg 182 Rui: What "freezing" means? Licca: Huh? Rui: What that means for Doll Land now? Licca: % This isn't...Rui-san? pg 183 Rui: What it means to be so cold that the water, and the flowers, and the grass, and even the air to be frozen? Rui: You're waiting to know what kind of feelings I've had!! pg 184 Rui: Let's go, Licca-chan Let's go to Doll Land together. Hey... Licca: NO!! NO! You aren't Rui-san!! Licca: Doll Licca....!! pg 185 Licca: % Calling Ring?! pg 186 Licca: % Then that means... % That means... % This person really is... Licca: % Rui-san? pg 187 DLicca: Licca-sama!! DLicca: What are you?! pg 188 DLicca: Doll Isamu?! Isamu: I got orders from my Master. I can't let you near the Princess. pg 189 DLicca: % ...why? pg 190 DLicca: % Why is Doll Isamu...? % His Master up until now was that guy... % When it was that guy... pg 191 Isamu: Too bad. You won't get me that easily. DLicca: My opponent is a Doll Knight like me. The only way I could flee is if Licca-sama told me to. pg 192 DLicca: I'll be for real. Rui: Licca-chan, are you crying? Licca: What happened to you, Rui-san? It couldn't be, you were those scary people's comrade... pg 193 Licca: % Why won't he say anything? % Rui-san wasn't an ally, then? Rui: Too bad, but Doll Licca won't come. She's fighting Doll Isamu now. So...let's go. Let's go to Doll Land. Licca: % Why...?