Super Doll Licca-chan Tankoubon One Chapter One Ran in Nakayoshi November, 1998 Disclaimer: This translation is meant as a guide for those who wish to read the manga. Please don't steal this translation or do anything illegal with it. Please don't use this for commercial use or sell it, etc. >.< Another note is that I am translating with Japanese One basic knowledge- there are very well mistakes in this. I welcome all help/corrections. Arigatou, minna. Sore ja! -Meimi Translation by Meimi ( Finished- July 9, 1999 Revision- October 2, 1999 Revised: Changed some sounds around, changed a few words around...also fixed a word I previously had trouble with. %thoughts (side notes) [narration] $flashbacks ------------------------------------------------------------ pg 3 Voice: Awaken, Doll Knights... Protect your Mistress... Licca: I'm leaving!! Orie: Liccaaaaa! pg 4 Orie: I don't think I would mind eating this lunch... Licca: NO WAY!!! [I'm Kayama Licca, a third grader at Saint Terejia Academy.] Eheh, I forgot my backpack... [Today's the social study at school, I thought it would be best to wake up early...was I a total failure?] Orie: Here, Licca. Licca: [This is Mother. Despite her appearance, she's really a designer. Isn't that cool?] (Thanks!) Orie: Where are you off to today? Licca: Um, we're going to the Fantasy Museum, and meeting the person who runs it! pg 5 Mother: What....? Licca: (Hm?) Orie: Licca, stay home just for today. Licca: Eeeeeeeeh? Whyyyyyyyyy? (I'm healthyyyy...)* Nanae: What are you making such a fuss about in the doorway? Licca: Grandmother!! [This is my grandmother. She's very kind, and she always takes my side in arguements.] Listen, Grandmother! Mother said that I'm not allowed to go to Fantasy Museum! (Waaaaaaaah!) Nanae: What? pg 6 Nanae: "Fantasy"...? Licca: (Waaaaahh...) Nanae: .....Licca. I want you to have this. Licca: WAH! AH! But, this is so important to you... Nanae: It's fine, Licca. I've been thinking of giving it to you. It's a charm that shall protect you. pg 7 Licca: Right! Grandmother, thank you! (AH!) Ah, gotta go, I'm late! Bye! Nanae: Orie, you have work to do as well... Hurry and get going. Orie: But, Mother---!! Nanae: Get hold of yourself. We all knew this time would come just came earlier than we expected. Orie: But...Licca is...she's still so young... Nanae: "Fantasy"... pg 8 Nanae: As I had wouldn't stay this quiet. % Licca, you can't lose now. From now on, your awaited destiny % will be... ?: This time...there is no mistake. That Saint Terejia Academy...there's a girl fitting the description... ...of the Princess we've been searching for. % This time, I swear I'll find her!! ?(Sumire): Morning, Licca-chan, what's that thing? pg 9 Licca: It's a "Calling Ring" charm. (Grandmother gave it to me...) [Sumire-chan is my best, best friend. She's very nice.) Sumire: Wow! It's cute... Licca: (Thanks!) ?(Dai): You actually believe in such stupid things like that? Licca: SHUT UP, TAKABAYASHI DAI!! DON'T BREAK IN ON GIRL TALK!! Dai: You're loooooouuuuuud.... Licca: Geez, he's always, always like that! pg 10 Licca: Bleeeeeeeh! [This guy is Takabayashi Dai. He always picks fights with me, I can't stand him!] ?: Everyone, get in groups! Sumire: Let's go, Licca-chan! Sister: And this is the Fantasy Civilization Excavation director, may I introduce Doctor Scarecrow.Everyone, please thank him! Class: Thank you very much! Doctor: No, no, it's enough for me to think I am a part of your studies. Sister: So, let's begin looking at the display items at once. Class: Yes~! pg 11 Sister: So, everyone, girls and boys please seperate. Class: Yes~! Sister: The boys will go with me, and the girls, please go with the doctor. This way, everyone! Girls: What? This is... Doctor: This is the Fantasy garden, you have to find the end. So, let's go in and play the game! Girl: Wow! Doctor: Long ago, there was a gate, and it chose a Princess who walked through it. I wonder who can be the first to find the Gate? pg 12 Scarecrow: So...who is the Princess? This starts the game. (Sign: Don't Enter) Dai: HEY. Licca: Dai! Dai: What are you thinking, going off on your own to this place? (Can't you read the kanji? "Don't Open", it says.") Licca: Ah, umm... Isn't it okay? This place looks lots more fun... (AH...) % Ah, what exactly DID I come over here? Oh, so you're afraid of going inside~! I understand if you don't come in with me... pg 13 Dai: I-I'm no- Licca: Ah, it opened! Licca: Ooh....wah!! I bet an ancient princess wore this! How cuuuute! (And this tiara, too...) Dai: You're thinking stuff up like that AGAIN... Licca: (I can 'cause I'm a girl.) Dai: (Hmph.) Licca: % Huh? What a weird feeling... % This dress, this tiara... % No, everything here... % I feel like I saw them someplace the past... Dai: Licca, over here they have an antique doll... Licca: Where, where? pg 14 Licca: ...they aren't cute at all. Rui: Those are probably Doll Knights, maybe. Rui: (Ah!) It's okay, it's okay, I'm not a museum worker. pg 15 Rui: I'm Asagiyama Rui, one of their comrades, just like you. (This looked fun, so I just followed you in.) "Fantasy" has something to do with the stories of the Dream Civilization. One theory is that it was the Doll Kingdom. Licca: A Doll Land? Rui: Yup, and there were also "Doll Knights" who protected the royalty of the country. And do you know why humans and dolls can't talk to one another? That's because... pg 16 Rui: Long ago, a young man from a human country was able to awaken the Princess of Doll Land, and they fell in love. Licca: % Love...? Dai: No such thing. Arrow: Very good at not believing Rui: Right, no such thing. (It's only my spectulation.) Rui: But it's rather romantic, don't you think? Licca: YES! Dai: Licca, leave that crook alone, let's go. Licca: Dai, what's that supposed to mean... Sumire: % Licca-chan... Licca: % Wha...? Sumire: % Licca-chan! % Licca-chan, where are you? Licca: % Sumire-chan? pg 17 Dai: Licca? Licca: Sumire-chan... Sumire-chan and everyone are crying! Dai: (What?) Rui: Dai: In here, Sumire's crying, and you think this...why? Licca: I'm not lying. Rui: Well, why don't we just open it and have a look? (Since it may be women's intuition.) Licca: But, I really heard Sumire-chan's voice... pg 18 Dai: (WHAT?!) Rui: This is.. Dai: WHAT IS this?! Rui: This is strange, we should still be inside the building...... Dai: WAAAAH! Rui: The entrance... Rui: Licca-chan! Don't run off... pg 19 Dai: A...dead...end. (Damn.) What happened to her, that idiot---!! Licca: % This is the first time my heart has pounded like this... % I really don't understand this, but... % But...! % I have a really, really bad feeling about this place. % I have to find everyone quickly!! pg 20 Licca: Sumire-chan, everyone...!! Sumire: Licca-chan! I'm tired! We can't find the gate, and we don't know where the exit is, and we don't know where that doctor man went...!! Licca: (Gate?) Girl: Licca-chaaaan! We wanna go hooooooome!! Licca: We will go home!! pg 21 Licca: When we get back, we'll all eat lunch together!! Girl: Yeah! Girl: If Licca-chan says it, it'll be okay! Licca: Ah, look! Maybe...isn't that the exit? Girls: You found it!! It's the Princess Gate!!! Licca: (What?) What? What? Girls: Licca-chan, hurry! pg 22 Sumire: But I'm suprised that as soon as Licca-chan came, we were able to find it... Maybe, Licca-chan is the Princess. Licca: Princess? Sumire: Just a little farther... Sumire: KYAAA!! Licca: What? Doctor: Found her! pg 23 Licca: % No, what is this?! Lucca: KYAAAAA!! Doctor: I have finally found you, Princess. Licca: % Prin...cess? Doctor: The other girls won't disturb me...they aren't going anywhere. pg 24 Doctor: I brought you here so that the school wouldn't know of your identity. Licca: What are you going to do with us? Doctor: "Us"? Nothing. Doctor: Ever since the beginning, my target has been you alone! Licca: No... Nanae: % Licca?! pg 25 Licca: NOOOOOOOO!! Licca: % Someone, save me!! Doctor: That...that light just now, it couldn't have been... ?: You're as much of a master of disguise as ever, Doctor Scarecrow. pg 26 Doctor: Y-you... Doll Licca!! You came after all, did you? But! You didn't need to bother to come out of your deep sleep inside your box, you aren't my target! DLicca: To protect the one who shall become the Princess is a Doll Knight's mission!! Doctor: What?! pg 27 DLicca: I wonder how it'll be since you're so lazy... pg 28 DLicca: How about a bit of a test, Doctor Scarecrow? Doctor: Y-you- DLicca: % Such a hasty person... Doctor: She disappeared!! W-where... DLicca: Right here. pg 29 DLicca: Bye, Doctor Scarecrow. Doctor: Eh-wai-n- STOPITTTTTTTTT!!! DLicca: And all that's left is to cut the strings~ Finish! pg 30 DLicca: It seems you still can't compete with me, Doctor Scarecrow. Doctor: I'll remember this! Rui: The maze...vanished? DLicca: Please...take care of her. pg 31 Rui: You're... Dai: WHA- Arrow: He's been looking for Licca the whole time pg 32 Licca: Mm... Rui: Is that a Princess waking? Licca: Ah... Licca: % Rui....san...? Licca: The charm...worked... Licca: % Mysterious things, scary things was strange % but... pg 33 Licca: % It's okay. Rui: Hm? Licca: Nothing. Dai: (WHY is Licca with HIM, that jerk! Why, why, WHY! Ooh...) Nanae: I wonder...if...I can always do this... ...Licca... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *Licca, about ninety percent of the time or more, uses just "Licca" to replace "I". It's not exactly weird in Japanese, though I've never seen another character use it quite as much as Licca. ~.~; In any case, usually I leave it as is, but with how much she says it, I'm switching it to "I".