Kara no Teikoku : The Empty Empire written and illustrated by Naoe Kita translation by ryuuen yanagi Chapter Three: The New Emperor Idem VII --page 66 A door that nobody but Idea can open. If any person but Idea touches it, they die. --page 67 Death.............? --page 68 Or the emperor............? --page 70 Rose: "......it opened." --page 71 Soldiers: "OOOOOOOH!" "Incredible!!" "That's Idea's clone, for you!!" Kiara: "Thank goodness, Rose!" Soldiers: "Why did it open!? Last time it was flooded with electric current!!" Rose: "......." --page 72 Migime: "It appears to open by fingerprint recognition." Soldiers: "Just as we thought! 'Nobody but Idea'...!?" "He's a clone, so he's got the same fingerprints as Idea, huhhh.... but then...." They're realizing it. Me... That I'm Idea's clone... That I'm Idea's replacement... Rose: "......." --page 73 Himmel: "Just you'd expect from Idea's clone." Rose: (I didn't want to die, but...) Kiara: "Rose?" Rose: (I didn't want it to open, either.) "Nothing." --page 74 Soldiers: "If it's open, then we can go in." "What's Idea's treasure!?" Kirii: "Ah~ Rose!" Rose: "Kirii!" Soldiers: "UWAAAAAAAA" Himmel: "Eh?" --page 75 Rose: "!?" --page 76 Eileen: "Kya, Migime! Those people..." Migime: "It's because they were greedy." Himmel: "Rose-kun, you go in." --page 77 Rose: "!? Why me!?" Himmel: "You feel like fighting Idem again? You wouldn't be able to protect those two girls..." Rose: "! Kirii, Kiara. You two stay here." Kirii/Kiara: "Rose!" Rose: ("If you get a chance, run away.") *sneak sneak* Kirii: ("But Rose, what about you?") Rose: "I'll be okay." --page 78 Idem: "I can't go in?" Migime: "You have another goal. Don't do anything to get hurt needlessly." Idem: "........" If Idea was MY clone... Rose: ".........." Would I give him everything, unconditionally? --page 79 I wouldn't hand over something important when I didn't know what kind of person they were. If it were me. If I were Idea..... If I were only Idea.... ....to a normal person.... Kirii: "Rose! Use that thing on your head!!" Rose: "This?" Kirii: "He said if someone wore it, they'd know... Idea did." --page 80 Be popular... Rose: "Infrared rays! If I don't trip these, I'll be okay. I think." And... Be strong... Rose: "Eh..." --page 81 Rose: "Wa~ Erk~ EEEY!" Be something... A person who accomplishes things... Rose: "!" --page 82 Rose: "This is Idea's inheritance? !?" --page 83 Rose: "Wa... UWAAAAAAAA!!!" Kirii/Kiara: "Rose!?" --page 84 *rollrollrollroll* Himmel: "This was a thing that... nobody else could have gotten, isn't it." Eileen: "Wow! Diamonds! I wonder what carot?" Himmel: "Let's withdrawl." Migime: "What about Rose?" Himmel: "He's not dead? I don't want to go into that trap, so he can wake himself up." Kirii/Kiara: "Rose!" Idea... --page 85 Count: "Rose-kun hasn't opened his eyes yet?" Kirii: "......." Kiara: "Rose!" Ririka: "He's okay. I keep telling you, Rose is different from Idea." --page 86 Ririka: "He won't die as easily as Idea did." Kirii: "Yeah, huh." Kiara: "He looks just like him, but... he's different, isn't he? He's nothing like Idea?" Migime: "Idem." --page 87 Migime: "This is where you were? The crowning ceremony is starting." Idem: "Why couldn't I open it?" Migime: "Eh? Idem: "The very first door! Why wasn't I allowed to open the door that only Idea could open!? If it was based on fingerprints, then I should have been able to open it, too! Because I'm Idea's clone, TOO!!" --page 88 Migime: "..........there's no need to gamble without reason, right? How did it open? We didn't know." Idem: "! Migime, I'm the same as Idea, right? You made me that way, didn't you?" Migime: "That's right. If I hadn't, then your name "Idem" would have no meaning, would it?" Count: "Miss, your ribbon is untied." Kiara: "It's true." Count: "Shall I fix it?" --page 89 Ririka: "Eh.... but...." Rose: "....I'll do it." Ririka: "!?" Rose: "Ririkaaa... Huh? Where am I?" Ririka: "ROSE!?" "Thank goodness!! You opened your eyes~~!! Kyaaa~~~ Rose!!" Rose: "Wa~! Ow ow ow!" "Kyaaa~!" Count: "Ooh, popular guy!" Rose: "What happened to me?" Count: "You got Idea's inheritance, and then collapsed." --page 90 Rose: "The inheritance... I don't... have..." Kiara: "It was a jewelled crown!" Count: "Wrong. You should have received Idea's power. The crown goes along with that." Rose: "Then, I..." Eiri: "It means you won." Rose: "AH! EIRI!" Eiri: "You could say it's the final victory." Rose: "Well YOU'RE in a good mood... But... I went and opened it?" --page 91 Rose: "Idea's door..." Eileen: "Migime~~" Migime: "Hm?" Eileen: "Does the name 'Idem' mean anything?" Migime: "Oh, yeah. Didn't I tell you? 'IDEM' in Latin means "the same thing". So you could say it means "same"." --page 92 The same.... Minister: "Idem. From hereafter thou art the new generation of Idea, the new emperor. The placing of this crown upon thine head stands as proof." The same as Idea... ...as him... --page 93 Rose: "There." Ririka: "Goooood!" (Cute?) "You've gotten strangely sweet, huh..." Rose: "Not at all... it's helped me get this far." Chapter Three - The New Emperor Idem VII - FIN don't take the translations, please! I'd hate to have to send Bloody after you. >=D