Kara no Teikoku : The Empty Empire written and illustrated by Naoe Kita translation by ryuuen yanagi Chapter One: The New Emperor Idem V --page 6 Idea's inheritance is inside here...?! --page 7 Rose: "But I don't have time for something like that. Because I have to get back to the castle and help Ririka and everyone. And... I am not Idea." Count: "Then, you'll be defeated by the one called Idem? The talk is that another "Idea", Idem, has seized the castle. Isn't that true?" Rose: "!" Count: "If that person is "Idea", then the treasure here will be targeted, right? And that person will gain power...." --page 8 Count: "Is that okay? Clone of Idea." Rose: ".... What exactly is Idea's inheritance?" Count: "Well? You'll just find that out for yourself." Rose: "Hey..." Count: "Kirii! Kiara! I'll leave it to you to show him the way." --page 9 Kirii: "Rose, get over here and listen up, already!" Kiara: "I don't know the waaayyy~ *heart* We're lost! We're lost!" Rose: "You guys are the ones who should know the way..." Now.. Ririka: "Wait a minute!! What do you think you're doing!?" --page 10 Ririka: "Take these off!!" Migime: "With the exception of you two, everyone has been released, right? Until we have the inheritance, we have no reason to trust you, you know." Eiri: "What about Idea's body?" Himmel: "That, too, comes with the inheritance." Eiri: "....." Ririka: "Uuuuuu....." (sound effect of whiny, low crying) --page 11 Rose: "So which one IS IT?" Kirii: "I dunnooo~~~ I'm tired; let's go home...?" Rose: "Hey! You two feel like helping me out a bit!?" --page 12 Kirii: "You're such a loud mouth!! We've only gone around once!! And if you were Idea, we wouldn't even HAVE this problem!!" *GYAAHH* Kiara: "Scaaaary, scaaaaary, Rose is scaaaaaryyy... Idea was a lot nicer than you~~!!" Rose: (Who's the loudmouth...) "Don't compare me to Idea. Anyway, why isn't the one who shows me the way the Count? Why you two? You're flaky." Kiara: "Geez... the Count doesn't know the way... Idea didn't tell anyone but us." Rose: "Eh?" Kirii: "The count may seem to approve of you, but we don't. Since nobody was as awesome as Idea, we're still deciding if we want to show you the way." Kiara: "So, when we say we're lost, we really just mean we're not going to tell you the way, huh." Rose: "No way!! From the very beginning, you've been..!?" --page 13 Kirii: "Yep, I guess." Kiara: "If we tell the Count that you had an accident while we were showing you the way, he'll believe us. You're just a clone of Idea. Idea was an amazing person." Kirii: "He wasn't a person who would need our help." Rose: "You guys!?" Kirii: "Look for it by yourself." Rose: "!" Kiara: "We won't show you the way." --page 14 Kirii/Kiara: "And! We won't forgive anyone besides Idea consorting with the Count! (Leave our Count alone!) Yeah! The Count is ours!" Rose: "Wait a minute!! Who's consorting!? Don't get all jealous of me!! GET BACK HERE! KIRIII!!! KIARAAA!!!" Kirii/Kiara: "If it were Idea, he'd be able to get through this maze. That's how it is. 'Idea who is not Idea'." --page 15 Rose: "! Is this a test...?" If it were Idea... --page 16 If it were Idea... Count: "You really came, huh?" Eiri: "Long time no see, Count." Count: "Eiri. Tell me what's going on." --page 17 Count: "Why are there two 'Idea's?" Eiri: "Ah, that's because Migime made another..." Ririka: "Rose was here!? Was he? Is he alive? He's hurt, right?" Count: "He's alright, miss. Rose-kun is alive and well. He's out looking for the treasure right now." Idem: "!" --page 18 Idem: "You mean Idea's inheritance?" Count: ".....Eiri? Is it okay if I tell them?" Eiri: "Yeah." Count: "Okay, but take these off these two." Guards: "No way!" Count: "Waa?" Kirii/Kiara: "AAA!?" --page 19 Kirii: "What are you doing to the Count!?" (kick and upper cut!!) Count: "Kirii? Kiara? Weren't you two showing Rose the right way?" Eiri: (They're strong...) Kirii/Kiara: "Ah..." Count: "You left him alone in that maze~~~!?" Kirii/Kiara: "But..." --page 20 Kirii: "We thought we'd come get you, Count~~~" Kiara: "Don't be mad~~~~" Count: "What are you talking about..." Kiara: "But, he's just like Idea..." Count: "That's because he's a clone." Kiara: "Well, that doesn't mean anything...." Idem: "Where is Idea's inheritance!?" Count: "Inside a maze." Idem: "A maze?" Count: "You get in through a door in the interior of the yard." --page 21 Guard: "You'll guide us!" Kirii: "KYAA~~" Count: "Kirii! Kiara!!" Kirii/Kiara: "Count!!" Count: "Stop it! Let those kids go!!" Guard: "If you two want to save the Count, you'll lead us through." Count: "!" Kirii: "!" Guard: "We don't need two of them to lead us through, right? Let's kill one. When they're young, pulling their wings off is..." Kiara: "Noooo!! Waaahh~~~" Guard: "Shut up, already!" Kiara: "!" --page 22 Himmel: "What boring people. I don't want people like that. If you've got nothing else, let's move on." Guard: "Yes, sir." Kiara: "!?" Himmel: "There, now. A request from the one who holds your life. Hurry and get the treasure from this labyrinth, faerie-sans." Kirii/Kiara: "......" --page 24 That Idea didn't tell the way to anyone but those two... it's probably just something they made up because of the way they are, right...? And I have to go look by myself!? Wasn't Idea a nice guy!? I'm going forward without taking my hand off the wall, so I should be able to find my way, right? (It might take a long time, but...) Rose: "Hm? UWAAA!! .... ch'." --page 25 Rose: "Geh... what were you thinking, Idea~~~~??" Speaking of which, is this treasure THAT crucial? (Ow.) *gogogogogo* Rose: "What's that sound? UWAA~!" --page 26 Rose: "! Geh, is the maze... changing?" Is there a time limit or something!? Rose: "!? Where did that come from!? I don't know these paths... so..." --page 27 Rose: "If I've been here before, then this should be the exit... I can't even get back to the entrance?" What should I do? Kirii: "Turn right here. After that go straight." Kiara: "Next is left. After that is left again." --page 28 Migime: "It's a long way, isn't it... are we going the right way?" Eileen: "Yeah! They're probably lying!" Count: "If we don't go the right way, we'll die." Eiri: "That's right. For example, if I go this way..." Eileen: "!" Eiri: "That's what would happen." --page 29 Count: "Eiri, what are you planning? Are you really going to lead them there like this?" Eiri: "Of course not. I just came to look for Rose-kun. And to see if I could maybe confuse them and hurt them a bit." Ririka: "There! ROSE!!" Rose: "Ririka!?" --page 30 Kiara: "Wow! Rose, that's incredible!" Kirii: "He's really going the right way...!" Rose: "Kirii!! Kiara!! You twooo~~~!!! WHY ARE YOU SO NONCHALANT!! ...eh?" Ririka: "Rose... thank goodness... I thought you might be dead..." --page 31 Rose: "Ririka. What's with those handcuffs?" Himmel: "Gee, you really look just like him. Other clone of Idea." Rose: "You guys handcuffed Ririka?" Himmel: "That's right. Well, then, Idem, please be sure to kill him this time." Rose: "You... to Ririka....!!" --page 32 Himmel: "!" Idem: "!!" Rose: "A..." Eiri: "Now. Ririka! Count! Kirii, Kiara! Run!!" --page 33 Count: "Got it. Kirii, Kiara." Kiara: "KYaa~" Kirii: "Kiara~" Kiara: "Waaahhh..." Kirii: "Kyaa?!" Kiara: "Kirii~~!" Himmel: "You're not going anywhere, faerie-chan." Kirii: "!!" Guard: "UWAAA What's happening!! !! Water!?" --page 34 Rose: "Waa~" Kiara: "Kirii! Count!!" Eiri: "A! Rose-kun!" Ririka: "Rose! And the little girls, too!" Count: "Kirii! Kiara!!" Kirii: "Count!!" Himmel: "!" Chapter One - The New Emperor Idem V - FIN don't take the translations, please! I'd hate to have to send Bloody after you. >=D