Kara no Teikoku : The Empty Empire written and illustrated by Naoe Kita translation by ryuuen yanagi Chapter Six: The New Emperor Idem IV --page 174 Count: "Good morning, Rose-kun. You slept well, I trust?" Rose: *yaaaaaaawn* ---page 175 Count: "The talk of this being a Monster Mansion are just rumors, of course." Rose: "....." *slurp slurp slurp* Count: "Oh, that's right, I'm going out shopping today and won't be back until evening, so because your wounds aren't completely recovered, take it easy, alright? You seem much better, but it's best not to take chances." Rose: "Hmmmmmp. Got it. Won't move around no matter what." Count: "That's good. Well, see you. ...oh." ---page 176 Count: "I've told you this repeatedly, but... don't go running around inside the mansion. Just to be safe." Rose: "Err... got it." Just to be safe!? Count: "Well, see you." Rose: "......" ---page 177 Rose: "------- Good, he's gone." He's so strange... I couldn't sleep all night. If I slept, something would have come... I can hear lauging voices... I always, always feel eyes on me... Living alone... YEAH RIGHT! ---page 178 There is definitely something here! But why is the Count hiding it? He must know I'm Idea's clone after seeing my face... so he must be keeping it from me. I will definitely find out what it is! And then there's Idea's Inheritance... before evening!! Count: They're scared of adults, aren't they...? Anyway, I'd better hurry and get home. ---page 179 Idem: "You! Out of my way!" Eiri: "She just has a slight fever." ---page 180 Ririka: "Nnnn?" Eiri: "Oh, Ririka, you're waking up?" Ririka: ".....Eiri! Rose is...!!" Eiri: "Ah, Rose wouldn't die from just that." Ririka: "~~~~~~truly?" Idem: "Hey! You said Idea liked that girl... was it true?" Eiri: "Eh? Yeah." Ririka: "Ah!" Idem: "Really. Well, then, I'll just have to love her, too." ---page 181 Ririka: "Huh? What's he talking about." Eiri: "....." Idem: "Eiri, you were Idea's friend, so you're my friend, too. Right?" Eiri: "If you become Idea." Idem: "I am the same as Idea." Ririka/Eiri: "!" Migime: "Idem!" ---page 182 Migime: "You went and let people out of the dungeon!?" Eiri: "Hey, long time no see. Uhhmmm, you're going by 'Migime', now, right?" Migime: "Eiri..." Eiri: "So how's my migime*, Migime?" Haaa, that's funny, ha ha ha... *right eye Migime: "......" ---page 183 Himmel: "So... Migime's migime is this person's? How'd that happen?" It's no joke... Migime: "Himmel-dono*." *-dono is an old-fashioned version of -san. Eiri: "I'm Eiri, nice to meet you. This is Ririka. We are the only two left of Idea's people in the castle." Himmel: "Hmmmmm. That genius, the one called Eiri... that's you? There's Idem; he's a clone of Idea, so isn't he the same?" Migime: "Return these two to the dungeon." servant: "Yes, sir!" Ririka: "Kyaa~~!" Eiri: "Wait. ....don't you want to hear.... about Idea's Inheritance?" ---page 184 "Idea's Inheritance!?" Eiri: "Once you free Ririka, myself, and the rest of the castle's people, as well as returning Idea's body, I will tell you. And also... where the other clone, Rose, has gone." Ririka: "E... Eiri...!?" ---page 185 Rose: "Why is it pitch-black here, even in the afternoon? It's so dark in here, I couldn't find a hand in front of my face..." While I'm doing this, it's already getting to evening... the Count will be coming home! "THERE!? ...Huh?" cat: *meow* *giggle giggle* ---page 186 Rose: "YOU! Wait!!" *step step step step* Kya ha ha ha ha!! Rose: "! ? Eh? (There?) Deadend. (Is it really my imagination?) ~~~~ Nooo." ---page 187 Rose: "They're hiding somewhere, huh... *click* Huh?" A hidden door!? Rose: "What is WITH this mansion...!?" This isn't funny! But... nobody's here. ---page 188 ???: "Then, what are we?" Rose: "YOOUU!!" ???: *giggle giggle* Rose: "Up there!" What incredible jumpers... ---page 189 Rose: The kids jumped up here, probably? "Under the roof? It's too dark and confined..." ???: *giggle giggle* Rose: "Ow. Shit, they're just playing with me... I'm going to do my best to catch you!! Ow, ow..." ???: "Eeek! A spiderweb!!" Rose: "! There!!" ???: "KYAAA~~!" ---page 190 Rose: "! Not yet... careless!" ???: "KYAA~! That HURT!" Rose: "Huh?" ???: "You jerk! What are you trying to DO!?" Rose: (Ow ow ow...) "Two of them? ...eh...." ?? The wall is...? ---page 191 Rose: "WAAAAAAAAA!?" I can't use my power, yet...!? I'm gonna hit the ground! "...AH!? Eh?" ---page 192 Rose: "!? Wha..." ???: "It was too much!" ---page 193 ??? #1: (Ugh, he's heavy) "If we killed him, the Count would get mad. Geez!" ??? #2: "Sorryyy~. Plus, we're having so much fun! We couldn't kill him yet." Rose: "You guys... what are you?" ---page 194 ??? #1: "Look and see. I'm Kirii." ??? #2: "I'm Kiara." Rose: "F... fairies?" (You're... uh, flying...) Count: "Man-made ones." ---page 195 Count: "You've been caught, haven't you..." (I'm home.) Kirii/Kiara: "Count! (heart)" Rose: Oh, yeah... 'just to be safe'... "What... the hell are those two?" Count: "Genetically engineered 'faeries'. There are laws to stop people from genetic engineering, but these days, if you can scrape up enough money, you can make human beings. I found them in a petshop for wealthy hobbyists..." ---page 196 Kiara: "And we were so cute that you just HAD to have us, right?" (Welcome home!) Count: "I didn't think they were quite so strong, though, you know..." Kirii: (Roses~~) Count: "Being seen by the public would cause trouble, so they've been told to stay hidden, but..." Kirii: "When people come to visit us, it's fun!!" Kiara: "Fun and interesting!" Count: "Strange creatures that come out from hiding to meddle with things... that's how the Monster Mansion got its name, but... I don't know their limits when it comes to killing people, so I was worried about you. So, anyway... it's convenient that it's come out like this. This place has a treasure, you see." ---page 197 Rose: "Idea's Inheritance?" Count: "Oh, you know of it? I'd expect nothing less from a clone of Idea." Rose: "If you knew I was a clone, how come you didn't say anything until now? You just didn't feel like it?" Count: "Ah, Idea predicted it, you see. 'An Idea who is different from me is coming; I leave him in your hands,' he said." Rose: "EH?!" Count: "This mansion has an entrance to underground... it's a labyrinth. And..." ---page 198 Count: "The final door can only be opened by Idea. The key is Idea himself." Rose/Idem: "A door that only Idea can open!?" Eiri: "That's right. If it's not Idea, the door will not open. Idea is dead, so it was impossible. There was nobody like you and Rose-kun around to open it." Himmel: "Hmmmm..." Migime: "......" Himmel: "Idea's Inheritance, hm? If I remember correctly, everyone was interested in Idea's Inheritance because the home country of whatever town opened it would take superiority over all the other countries... but." ---page 199 Himmel: "Eiri, weren't you friends with the other clone? You might be lying to us." Eiri: "I was friends with IDEA. Although I like Rose-kun a lot. You might say that I'm fundamentally neutral. I couldn't just not tell you, Idem, so I told you. You say you're the same as Idea, so you should be able to open it, right? I don't know about the maze on the way there, though." A door that only Idea could open. ---page 200 Idem: Proof that I am Idea. "I'm going. I'm going there, Migime." If I can open that door, then it's proof that I am Idea. Count: "This is what Idea meant. 'The Idea that is not Idea.'" ---page 201 Count: "So, here you go, this is it. Please get Idea's treasure. If you're able to get it, of course." Chapter Six: The New Emperor Idem IV - FIN translation is copyright ryuuen yanagi don't use them or i'll send that perverted old sithsa after you!!!