Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne Author: Tanemura Arina Translator: Emi-chan Chapter 8 -- Real Heart (rearu haato) Emi chan's note : I honestly have no idea what happens between chapter 5 up to this chapter!! *waaa* Kanashii--!! So I hope someone else will do those translations ^^; And sorry if some of these don't make sense after someone does those translation in between because I will just translate straight off without any background knowledge ^^; *waaaaa* Also, the song that Chiaki's dad sings makes no sense whatsoever, but in Japanese, the words rendezvous and 'a little fat' rhyme. Rendezvous is pronounced - landeboo and 'a little fat' is choi debuu (choi meaning little, debu meaning fat.... the debu is stretched to say debuu to rhyme) note : text in [] are actions -- (Jeanne or Marron is standing alone on a hill with a watering can) Monologur : Dear God.... if I wish upon a shooting star three times, will you make my wish come true? [Chiaki slams against a gate, trying to open it] Chiaki : ....ug.... a padlock? That's right... yes, she wouldn't be able to get in to school at night.... [runs away] Chiaki : [thinks] What am I going to say to her when I see her? After making her cry so much... after hurting her so bad... but... (flashabck) announcement from fax : we've finally decided to separate.... [image of Marron like an angel] Chiaki : I want to hold her..... [leans against a pole in despair] where are you Marron.... and what are you feeling? Minazuki : Toudaiji san! Can you hold your own things by yourself? You're so selfish! Miyako : Ho ho.... are you trying to retaliate against me? Thanks to who, is it, that you're allowed to enter a police crime scene? You couldn't even capture Sinbad tonight! So don't be cheeky! (Minazuki holds up a sign saying : In society, this would be called an outburst of anger) (Emi chan's note : probably because Miyako couldn't capture Jeanne either... well, you fans aren't that dense, sorry ^^;) [Miyako is beating up Minazuki] [Chiaki comes running into the convenience store] Chiaki : Miyako! Miyako : Chiaki! What's the matter? Chiaki : Marron's missing... and I was wondering if you have any idea where she might be.... Minazuki : Hang on! I saw it! Yesterday, Marron san was crying because of you Nagoya kun! If the reason why she's missing is because of you, then I won't forgive you! Chiaki : [angrily] No.. it's because.... Finn : Marron? Marron? [silence] Finn : ..... she still isn't back.... [cries] Marron!!! Where did you go? Access : Finn! Finn : [stops crying] Access! Access : We finally meet. You think that Jeanne's been left out don't you? Then why don't you join us? Then you can relax. Finn : Never! Finn doesn't like rude guys like you Access! ["be-da"] Access : What!? [Finn flies off] Access : Hm! She's not cute at all..... Miyako : [on phone] I see... we'll try the 5th district Miyako : [to Chiaki] She's not at the train station.... Chiaki : She's not at other convenience stores either... Miyako's dad : Should we get a police car? Chiaki : No, it's fine. I don't want to cause any trouble [Chiaki and Miyako both turn] Both : Anyway.... Chiaki : Minazuki we're going! Miyako : Don't be so depressed and help us find her! Minazuki : [crying] I didn't know...her parents' relationship was like that... and she'd never been to a theme park before.. I would've donated lots of free passes! Miyako : Oh all right, all right! Chiaki : That's it! Miyako and minazuki : hm? (Miyako's Room) Miyako : A theme park!? What's the sudden.... what's it got to do with Marron? Chiaki : The place her parents' first met was in front of a merry-go-round...right? So.... [Chiaki realises] You don't know... [Miyako smiles sweetly... V-chan!! If you have this picture, you gotta scan it!!! it's so pretty! Scan all the pictures of Miyako smiling in this chapter!! excuse my outburst... just delete my comment from this bracket ^^;] [Ha ha, I'm leaving it] ^^ Minazuki : But the nearest theme park from here is the one our house has...... Chiaki : I see Minazuki : Marron san had her purse in her bag..... Chiaki : You looked? Minazuki : There's no where she could go within an hours' distance on the train.... Chiaki : Listen to me.... Miyako's mum : Coffee's ready Miyako : Mum, do you know the place where Marron's parents first met? Miyako's mum : Yes, Koron chan and I were childhood friends! (Tanemura's note : Koron is Marron's mum's name) Chiaki and Minazuki in the background : Koron and Marron... Childhood friend, mother and daughter Miyako's mum : [points to map] This is the place.... where Takumi san used to work (note : Takumi is Marron's dad's name) Chiaki : It's now been turned into a park....8 or 9 cases out of ten.... that's the place Minazuki : Let's go! [Minazuki and Chiaki are heading for the door] Miyako : Wait! Only let Chiaki go! Minazuki : Wha-- Why? Why!? [Miyako and Chiaki ignore Minazuki] Chiaki : I see, I promise to bring her back Miyako : Mm Minazuki : Don't ignore me and go ahead with the plans! [Chiaki runs off] [Minazuki looks dismayed] Miyako : Mum, can you boil some water in the teapot? And bring some sweets in a basket. Miyako's mum : Yes, yes [Minazuki glares at Miyako] Minazuki : Toudaiji san, are you really worried about Marron san? If you were, whatever happens, you'd go to her wouldn't you? I mean, you're always arguing with her, but there's no one who has no compassion to that extent.... Miyako : Idiot! Minazuki : Why am I an idiot? Miyako : You're an idiot because you're an idiot! Idiot! Idiot! [Minazuki is in super-deformed form, sulking] [Miyako takes her coat] Miyako : .....The first person who Marron has spoken to about her parents is Chiaki. He's the only one. In other words, the only person who's allowed to stick his nose in her business is Chiaki. If someone pretending to know what's going on, from hearsay, uses insignificant words to comfort her.... it won't make Marron come back [Minazuki is stunned] Miyako's mum : Miyako chan, the teapot's ready Miyako : Thanks..... Phew, are you coming? To the tea party? Minazuki : What? At a time like this? Miyako : The place is at the ground floor of the mansion (apartment). Until... Marron comes back [Chiaki glances at his watch] Chiaki : [thinks] 3 kms from here.... quite far... [A car pulls up and a bunch of black suited, black sunnied people rush by, pick up Chiaki and place him in the car] Chiaki : hm? hm? hm? Chiaki's dad : [sings] A rendezvous with my son, just the two of us, the lady next door is a little fat.... Chiaki : Dad--!! Don't kidnap you're own son! And shut up about the lady next door! Let me out! Chiaki's dad : no! [Chiaki strangles his dad] Chiaki's dad : O--kay-- *gurgling* [on a more serious note] But weren't you on the way somewhere? I'll drop you off. Chiaki : Then hurry up! [throws map at his dad] Chiaki : hm? Marron Dome...Kusakabe Takumi? Is this..... Chiaki's dad : Oh that, yes, can you please give that to Kusakabe san? I found a book with a collection of her father's articles. [Chiaki flicks through, then closes his eyes] Chiaki : Sure, I will [the door slams] Chiaki : Bye Chiaki's dad : Chiaki kun! Please think about coming back home! Chiaki kun! (Chiaki is walking through the park) (There is a beautiful, sparkling merry-go-round and Marron is leaning with her face against a bench.) [Chiaki touches her hair] [She flinches] Marron : Chiaki? Chiaki : I thought you'd be crying [Marron blushes] Marron : [seriously] Why? Chiaki : Why? Well.... uhh... Marron : [walks away] I'm still mad at you so please don't speak to me so casually! [turns around] I'm lying.. it's a momentary truce... You know about my father and mother, that's why you came isn't it? But, I guess that's "too bad for you" becuase I'm not sad at all! For the invincible and wonderful Marron chan, things like these are a piece of cake! Chiaki : Then why didn't you become Jeanne? Marron : No reason, just.... Chiaki : You're lying aren't you? If it was you.... Marron : Then why Chiaki? Why did you think I'd be crying? Chiaki : Because.... Marron is very weak..... [Chiaki steps closer] Marron : No... [Chiaki hugs her] Marron : No, don't Chiaki... Let me go! Marron's monologue : I am strong.... so I'll be fine on my own... but, but.. really... [There is a shot where Marron's feet are on her toes] Marron : [aloud] All I wanted was some courage..... the courage to face each morning without running away.. the courage to face my heart.....the courage to trust and believe in others... it's what I wanted... To tell you the truth, I know their phone number and adress. If I wanted to, I could write to them or phone them... I could've done that. But I was scared.... I was scared that they would say "We don't want you"...... Marron's monologue : I became a mysterious thief. A mysterious thief who could rescue others. [aloud] "I am strong", that's what I have to think...I was so lonely I couldn't live... Monologue : But really, I wanted someone to notice.... the Marron inside Jeanne....someone to see through my weaknesses and my strength.... [aloud] Please.... don't leave me by myself.... [crying] monologue : I don't want to be alone any more.... Chiaki : Marron.... you're not fair.. Marron : How come? Chiaki : You're protected by so many people and you don't even realise and you lead yourself to believe you are alone. [hands her the book] You said, once, to the girl who's father was possessed, "Believe in me"... but for you, you're the one who doesn't believe in anyone. That's not fair of you to say that... If you want to believe, you have to believe others too. Your parents...if it's hard for you to believe in them, then just think about them. "Their separation isn't their true feelings" or "There was some reason"....and those thoughts will become your courage. Your parents loved you, but if that is all, it will be lost. You must love them back. [smiles] You'll be okay. Marron, you're not as alone as you think you are. Marron : hm? Chiaki : Miyako, Minazuki, Miyako's family... everyone is worried about you and waiting for you and also, the lying and cowardly rival as well [grin] [Marron punches Chiaki] Marron : But I'm beginning to understand.... I'm still afraid of night time, but then I should just have a gentle dream. I still don't understand the meaning of love, but I can learn from now on.... [monologue] I can walk slowly and surely, looking ahead of me [aloud] and one day, I will be able to dial that number.... Chiaki : That's right, definitely..... now let's go.... Marron's monologue : I should love a lot of things, there's still a light inside me... Marron : Bu--t, I won't quit being a mysterious thief okay? And I haven't fogiven you, Chiaki! Chiaki : Yes, yes Marron : [thinks] Hmm.. I've made drawn another line.... *sigh* Miyako : Marron! Marron : Miyako! Minazuki kun! Tadaima (I'm home) Minazuki : Okaerinasai (welcome home) Marron san! Miyako : Silly Marron, I was worried.... Marron : Miyako.... really? Miyako : No! Idiot! Hmph! Minazuki, Marron and Chiaki : What!? Marron and Chiaki : what? what? [Miyako walks off] [Minazuki runs after her] Minazuki : Toudaiji san! You didn't have to say something like that! [Miyako is crying] Miyako : I'm so glad... that Marron's safe and well.... [Miazuki blushes] [Miyako notices] Miyako : What are you doing, perving on me! Ecchi! Weirdo! Finn : Born into this world to rid rubbish..... Cleaning Angel Finn chan...arrives! Marron : What are you doing? Finn : Cleaning! From now on, Finn will be your mother! Marron : Eh? Finn..... What happened to that bundle of notes? Finn : I threw them in the bin just then! Marron : Kyaaaaaaa! [Throws Finn off her hand] Finn : Hm! Throwing your mother away! (Marron is at the rubbish bags) Marron : Phew, they're here! What a relief! Chiaki : What is? [Marron hides the bundle of notes] Chiaki : Is it so important? Marron : Yes. Well what are you doing here Chiaki? Chiaki : I'm waiting for Miyako. Marron : I see... Chiaki : [thinks] *sigh* She won't walk with me.... Marron : Can--can I come with you? Chiaki : eh? Su-sure! [both blushing] Marron : I'll go get my bag! [runs off] monologue : Hey Chiaki? I hated it when you lied to me... I really really hated it...it was painful.. but last night, on the way to the park by myself, I believed that you would come, Chiaki. Just like that time at the haunted house.... [Marron checks below and sees Chiaki] [Chiaki beams back] [Marron blushes] [Marron comes in to her place again] Finn : Was it there Marron? Marron : What am I going to do Finn? Finn : ?? Marron : Sinbad's our enemy.... Monologue : It's useless... I can't stop it... I love you Chiaki, the one who I hate most.... END OF CHAPTER 8 V-chan note: Miyako really matured in this chapter. I really admire her. For a fiction character that is.