Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne by Tanemura Arina Chapter 24 "Where Light Glitters, Shadows Gather" "'Hikari' Kagayakeba, 'Kage' Tsudou" Ran in Ribon January 2000 Disclaimer: This translation is meant as a guide for those who wish to read the manga. Please don't steal this translation or do anything illegal with it. Please don't use this for commercial use or sell it, etc. >.< Another note is that I am translating with Japanese One basic knowledge- there are very well mistakes in this. I welcome all help/corrections. Arigatou, minna. -Meimi Translation by Meimi ( KSaintTail@aol.com ) December 22, 1999 %thoughts (side notes) [narration] $flashbacks --------------------------------------------------------------------------- pg Jeanne: ...Game... START!! Jeanne: I'm always firmly strong!! HERE I COME!! pg Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne Chapter 24 "Where Light Glitters, Shadows Gather" by Tanemura Arina pg 1 Man: Huh? What? What a huge crash... Man: It came from the church. pg 2 Jeanne: The picture's glowing... That's it. Okay, just you wait! I'm going to seal you right awa- Jeanne: Wha? pg 3 Jeanne: (This rosary...) THE PIN WON'T COME OUT OF IT!! Then how am I supposed to seal it? Isn't there an instruction booklet or something~~~? (Aww!) Jeanne: KYAA!! ... Jeanne: % Damn!! Villagers: Thief, you won't steal that picture! pg 4 Man: GO! Jeanne: Ow... Villagers: WAAH! Jeanne: % It won't work! % I don't know how to seal it, and I can't fight back either! % I have to do something! pg 5 Jeanne: Oh! There's a button here!! Jeanne: WHAT, IS IT JUST A FORTUNE-TELLER GAME?!! Jeanne: KYAAA! Jeanne: ! pg 6 Man: She...looks just like Jeanne D'Arc. Man: I see... Jeanne was a witch, so she even managed to escape the fire... Man: We won't let Jeanne live! This time we'll drive her through with our spears!! Jeanne: Ow... Jeanne: % They'll kill me? % So there's nothing else I can do... % But even if I was saved, I don't know how to get back to % my time... % But if I... % I wanted to tell Fin, "I believe we can be friends, even % now." % And I wanted to suprise Miyako with Jeanne's identity. % (Even though I think she'll slap me.) % And I'm mad that I haven't called Mom and Dad and yelled at % them, "Hurry up and come home!" % And then... % And then... pg 7 Jeanne: % I still want to tell Chiaki... % "I love you". % Chiaki... % Hey, Chiaki... % This is so painful. % I want to see you right now... % Chiaki... Chiaki: ! Maron...? Yamato: What? Miyako: Father! Chiaki: Dad! What about Maron?! Is she okay?! pg 8 Kaiki: Yeah...she doesn't have very many external wounds... I don't think she fell from anywhere as high as the seventh floor. There's no traces of her hitting her head.. But if she stays like this, there's a danger that she won't wake up. Chiaki: No... Isn't there anything else we can do?! Kaiki: I'm sorry, but there's nothing we can do but wait until she wakes up naturally. Chiaki: No... It's my fault... I said I'd protect her and I left her all alone... Miyako: Chiaki... Yamato: Nagoya-kun... pg 9 Chiaki: Dad, please... Save Maron... She's really, really, special to me... Kaiki: It'll be all right. Come with me. Chiaki: % Maron... % Maron... pg 10 Chiaki: % Maron... Jeanne: Chiaki...? Jeanne: % I must be hearing things. % But I'm sure I heard it... % But of course he wouldn't be here. % Ah... Chiaki: $ I'll protect you. $ I'll always protect you, Maron... Jeanne: % That's right... % He was with me here... pg 11 Jeanne: % It's mysterious... % Just by me thinking of Chiaki in my heart, I get excited. % I overflow with eternal power. % I feel like I can do anything now. % This feeling... % What is it called? Jeanne: AH! I see! Villagers: ? Jeanne: Ahaha! I see! I get it! I feel like I'm understanding this for the first time! "I feel like I can do anything now"...this feeling! pg 12 Jeanne: People call this feeling... "Courage". pg 13 Jeanne: % Ah... % That's why I'm no scared anymore... Jeanne: The shape of my rosary...it's changing... Man: UWAAAH! She's a witch after all! pg 14 pg 15 Man: A sword?! Jeanne: % May the darkness which is born as evil be sealed here! Jeanne: CHECKMATE! pg 16 Jeanne: Recovery complete! Jeanne: % I did it! Chiaki... Jeanne: And thank you. Jeanne D'Arc. pg 17 pg 18 Jeanne: % What?! % Amazing wind! Jeanne: Ow... pg 19 Jeanne: KYAAAAAAAAAAA!! Jeanne: ! pg 20 Jeanne: Noin... Noin: If you're in that form, I assume you managed to seal the Devil easily? Jeanne: M-more importantly, why are you here?! If the past Noin wasn't possessed by a Devil then you should have disappeared! Noin: But the past me did get possessed. pg 21 Noin: I remembered. About the day the Devil possessed me... The one that had me possessed was a man with long hair and a black cape. Jeanne: Why... Noin: I wanted to see you again. Jeanne: J-just for that?! Noin: I shouldn't? Although it's true you're very stubborn. You're strong and stubborn and fickle and a crybaby and... ...and lonely...and in danger...and you are my beloved. So I can't leave you alone. pg 22 Noin: I had myself possessed. I wanted to see you... Even if it meant waiting for five hundred years. Maron. Jeanne: Wha... Noin: Now, come with me. pg 23 Man: Ooh... What was with that? It was some amazing wind... Man: Why are we here? Man: I don't know...but... I feel like I've just seen an angel... pg 24 Chaki: % Maron. % Maron. Maron: % Chiaki's voice is still ringing in my ears... % Ah... % Light... Chiaki: MARON!! Maron: Chi...aki...? Miyako: Mm... AH! MARON!! Yamato: WAH! pg 25 Maron: N...no! Chiaki, wait... Everyone's watching! Hey, wait a bit... Kaiki: Oh, Maron-chan! pg 26 Kaiki: That's wonderful, you've woken up! (Sorry about my son...) Maron: Ojisama...why am I... Kaiki: Chiaki-kun called me, saying that you fell from the seventh floor. We had you brought here. Maron: % Wha...? % Then...all of it was just a dream...? Maron: % It...wasn't a dream...! Kaiki: Chiaki-kun, I want to check if Maron-chan's okay, so could you let go for a little bit? (Please?) pg 27 Maron: ... U-um, Ojisama, I'm fine...so... (Um...) Kaiki: I see. Then I'll be in later. Kaiki: Huh? Toudaiji and... Maron: Chiaki? Hey, did you hear me? I'm fine. Chiaki... Chiaki: ... pg 28 Maron: Are you crying...? ...sorry. Thank you. I'm home. pg 29 Miyako: Why are you following me! Yamato: Why can't I? Miyako: Jerk! Yamato: Toudaiji-san, why are you angry? I thought that you'd accepted them being together, right? Miyako: Saying that I've accepted it doesn't mean that I've managed to put my own feelings in order right away! pg 30 Miyako: ...maybe I should confess my love? Yamato: WHAT?! Miyako: If Chiaki rejects me outright, I'll feel like the whole thing is over with, once and for all! ...and you? Aren't you going to confess to Maron? Yamato: Huh? I-I'm... Miyako: Why shouldn't you? Even if he ran away, you did catch Sinbad that one time! You've gotten really cool. Much cooler than you ever were before! Yamato: Wha.. Miyako: I was kidding, STUPID. pg 31 Yamato: (Geez! Toudaiji-saaaan!) Fin: You're being too self-absorbed. So it's your fault that you've lost such a special person. Maron. END OF CHAPTER 24