Kajika Artwork and story by Toriyama Akira & Bird Studio Crappy translation by Ronny Hedin (thark@mangakai.org) Latest revision 990511 [] marks a very unsure translation {} marks translation notes <> marks thoughts ----------------------------------------------------------------- Pg05 Text: Chapter 1, Cursed Kajika 4. Kajika: Found something!!! Pg07 6. Kajika: You're saved, hey. Pg08 Text: Chapter 1, Cursed Kajika. Pg09 2. Kajika: How's that! Spirit: Alright! Spirit: 990 succesful rescues!! 3. Kajika: I did it!! Ten more left!! Kajika: Only ten more, and I can become human again!! 5. Kajika: Has it been five years... So long... Spirit: It's been long for me. Spirit: At last, I can become a fox again. 6. Kajika: However, I'm almost out of money already! Spirit: So you'll soon have to earn money by catching wanted persons again... Spirit: It's been long since you've stayed in a hotel, and I wan't to watch TV. Pg10 1. Kajika: I'll have to go to the city... hm... hm... After twenty kilometers... It's not such a big city, but... Spirit: We should just need one or two wanted persons. 2. Kajika: My stomach is grumbling. I want to eat a mouse or a rabbit. Spirit: [Idiot, you're loosing your self-control against dog-food! You've gone to such great lengths...] 3. Kajika: Sh! 4. Kajika: I hear a bike... One small one... And two following that one...! They stopped! Some screaming... Pg11 1. Kajika: It might be trouble, but what to do... Kajika: Shall we go have a look? Spirit: Um! Spirit: It might be an act of mercy. Perhaps there's a wanted person or two! 2. Kajika: Alright!! Pg12 1. Kajika: That way! 3. Kajika: Just gotta take a pee. Spirit: *pant* *wheeze* Pg13 1. Kajika: It's here! 2. Kajika: ...oh, oh, look. Those must be villains... Kajika: Should I rescue... Kajika: Feh... Is she just alone... Spirit: *pant* *wheeze* *pant* 3. Man: Hand it back quietly. [You don't want to die with that youth, do you?] 4. Girl: Shut up!! Girl: If you think you can take it, just try!! 5. Spirit: Uh!? Kajika: A girl!? Pg14 3. Man: Ow!!! Pg15 1. Man: Owwwwwwww!! 4. Kajika: Ooh. 5. Men: This girl...!! Pg16 1. Girl: Eek!! 2. Man: Be careful, you morons!!! Man: Don't bloody shoot randomly!! Man: If you hit the important egg, I'll put you bastards away!! 3. Spirit: Egg? Kajika: What on earth is that? This egg thing... 5. Man: [Come out, woman, I'll kill you.] Pg19 1. Kajika: That's enough already. Kajika: Should I save her? 2. Kajika: Hya! 4. Kajika: Wait, wait! Pg20 3. Kajika: Hey! Kajika: [Stop that!] 5. Man: Kill him. 6. Kajika: Owowow! Pg22 1. Man: Eek!! Man: Eek! 4. Man: H... Man: He... Pg23 1. Man: I... it's Kajika...! Man: Yugoi-san, h... he's the brat called Kajika...! Yugoi: Kajika? 2. Man: It's said he seems to be using some strange art... Man: [There's rumours... even villains have changed to good guys... A... anyway, it's said he looks like a terrifying dog-man... 3. Kajika: I'm no dog-man! Kajika: I've just been cursed, and besides, it's not a dog, it's a fox! A fox! 4. Yugoi: It doesn't matter, just put him away already!! Fire away!! 5. Kajika: Hnnnnnnn... Pg24 1. Kajika: DA! Kajika: DA! Kajika: DA! Pg25 2. Yugoi: Yugoi: Yugoi: <[From that separated place...]> 3. Yugoi: 4. Yugoi: Daaaaaaaaaah!!! Pg26 2. Yugoi: Strike! 3. Yugoi: Nggghhhhh... Pg27 3. Kajika: Hnnn... Yugoi: Wah!! 4. Kajika: RA!! Pg28 2. Yugoi: Wh... what's this!! ... what the heck did you do...!! Yugoi: I... I can't move...!! Kajika: You'll soon be able to move again. If you change to good guys. 3. Kajika: Wh... what are you saying...!? S... such a thing... You're lying!? Kajika: Hey, hey. 4. Yugoi: S, stop!! I don't want to become a good guy...!! Kajika: [Don't want to, eh.] 5. Yugoi: S, stop iiiit!! Kajika: FUN!! {an attack or just "heh"?} Pg29 1. Yugoi: *c*... Yugoi: *cough* Kajika: Gigi, what to do? With this. Gigi: Since we don't have a suitable container, you'll have to get rid of it. 3. Yugoi: Hey... What's this. I feel better. Thanks a lot! Kajika: Is that so? You should go back! 4. Yugoi: Well, well, everybody, wake up, wake up! We're heading back! Yugoi: But leave the rifles and machineguns behind, they're dangerous. 5. Kajika: That's right. [Other people, too, bad hearts dashitokanakya.] Yugoi: Wow! I agree! 7. Man: [see no...] Man: Kajika-san, be well!! Kajika: That's enough already... Pg30 1. Yugoi: Oh, right, you. Gibachi-san will use any means necessary to kill you and get that egg! Yugoi: I recommend you write your will and leave it with us. Girl: Eh? 2. Girl: 3. Girl: W, wait a minute... Yugoi: Yes? 4. Girl: C, carrying it from here is that guy's work. Girl: I have nothing to do with it anymore, understand? You aimed for me, but tell Gibachi there's nothing to do about it. Yugoi: Oh, is that so? 5. Men: Faaaare-weeell! Kajiki: What? That egg things those guys were speaking of before... Girl: Eh!? 6. Girl: I... it's this...! Girl: I stole it from their boss, Gibachi. 7. Kajiki: Y- you're a thief!? Kajiki: Such a thing! Did I rescue a robber!? Girl: I, it's not like that! 8. Girl: This... is the egg of a dragon, look! Kajiki: Eh!? Girl: Gibachi put it in this special nursing case, and always carries it with him! Pg31 1. Gigi: A dragon!? This dragon... is that one of the dragons of Ronron Island!? Are they still around...!? Girl: Yes. Kajika: Really!? This little egg!? Isn't a dragon huge!? 2. Girl: [I think you may have heard it on the news, but, there were only two dragons left, and they died in the great storm...] Girl: [...so they were thought to be extinct, but, this single egg could be found...] Girl: Knowing this, the gang-boss Gibachi stole the egg from the laboratory on the island... Girl: I just stole it back! Pg32 1. Gigi: But, how could you steal it from such a dangerous person? Girl: Heheh. Nothing's impossible for a professional robber. Kajika: I knew it, you ARE a robber!! 2. Girl: Oh, right. I forgot to thank you. My name is Haya; thanks for saving me! 3. Kajika: I... I'm Kajika... 4. Haya: You're absurdly strong! Haya: It was so great! I can't believe it. 5. Haya: Please help me!! Haya: Bring this egg back safely to the island!! Kajika: Huh!? 6. Kajika: B- but!! Why should I help a robber...! Haya: Please!! 7. Kajika: But...! I don't care about some dragon... Haya: What!! This will become the last dragon in the world!! Haya: I'm shocked!! Don't you care about protecting animals!? 8. Haya: [Weeeell...] It can't be helped, I'll give you twenty percent of my reward! It's two million Don, two million Don! Kajika: I thought your motive wasn't just money!!! Pg33 1. Spirit ...hey, isn't that good, Kajika. Gigi: We aren't going anywhere in particular, and rescuing creatures on the verge of extinction is more important than anything... 2. Haya: [Wow!! You understood me!!] Haya: You're a good tadpole, aren't you! Gigi: ... you're wrong ... 3. Kajika: Aaaaah... Kajika: ...It seems kinda difficult... 4. Kajika: By the way, why are you picking up the guns? Haya: You idiot, I decided to sell them. Haya: In this current world, with civilization is gone, guns are a grreat treasure! I'll become rich just with this! 5. Haya: Hey, you said before, but. Haya: Why'd you become cursed to be a fox? 6. Gigi: Heheh... It was five years ago... Gigi: ... Around then, Kajika was orphaned and a terrible brat... 7. Gigi: [the people in the village kaimonojatta...] Pg34 1. Gigi: He was always doing bad things... Kajika: Mwahahaha! Come, come! 2. Kajika: That! Gigi: He killed a fox without any reason... 3. Gigi: The fox turned into a spirit, and placed a curse on Kajika. Gigi: Y, you bastaaard!! 4. Gigi: It turned him into a fox-man; long-living animals have such powers... Gigi: Kajika, having been turned into that shape, was driven out of the village, and left on an aimless journey. 5. Gigi: To lift this curse, he has to rescue a thousand lives. Kajika: Th, this is all your fault, damn it! Gigi: What's with that attitude. Gigi: Do you want me to curse you further? Gigi: [Regretfully, kill-sareta to haie] He was still a child, so the fox-spirit decided to accompany him on the journey... Pg35 1. Gigi: ...well, I'm the fox that was killed at that time, but, Gigi: We've been through trouble, and if I didn't teach him discipline and the right path, he would never have managed... 2. Haya: ...you're a monster? Gigi: I'm Gigi; pleased to meet you. 3. Haya: Well, if you say so. Haya: But, well, aren't you lucky!? After having been cursed by you to become a fox, that guy is strong and can use strange arts. 4. Gigi: You're wrong. Gigi: That's what's terrible about Kajika. 5. Gigi: He's been strong all along, and many of the people from Kajika's village could use that art... Gigi: Actually, the curse suppresses his true power... 6. Haya: ... no way... 7. Kajika: ... Well, my mouth and nose have become better, so it's still a bit lucky. Text: Alas, it seems Kajika has become dragged into a difficuly journey... Text: To be continued. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Pg037 Text: Chapter 2, Gibachi's Machinations. 1. Haya: We should go together. Kajika: Ah... Good! Kajika: Since I'll run. 2. Haya: Well then. Haya: Towards Ronron Island, [rettsugou]!! Pg038 Text: Chapter 2, Gibachi's Machinations. Pg039 2. Kajika: What's that? 4. Kajika: Walking is faster, so why don't you throw that away? Haya: No kidding! The package is in here! 5. Kajika: Taking the egg to that Rorron Island place... Kajika: About... 500 kilometers... 6. Kajika: If we go like that, it'll take more than ten days. Haya: No problem. No matter how many days it takes. 7. Gigi: No problem... she says... Gigi: Then we'll soon be followed by a new gang of pursuers... Kajika: She's selfish, isn't she, that girl... Pg040 1. Kajika: Aah well... 2. Haya: Haya: <[iratsuiteru iratsuiteru]> 3. Kajika: Well... The boss of that Gibachi gang. Kajika: Why does he want that egg so much? Haya: Huh? 4. Haya: It appears, in the old days, there were strange tales... Haya: Saying that if you drink the blood of a dragon child, you will gain unbelieavable power... 5. Kajika: Huh!? 6. Kajika: Bwahaha! Noo way! Haya: I thought that was superstition, too! Pg041 1. Haya: Good? A little egg like this will become that big dragon! Haya: Isn't that strange? 2. Haya: According to the professors on the island, just after it's born, the blood of the dragon contains something special called Dragomin. Haya: It seems it's because of that it can suddenly grow to adulthood... 3. Haya: ...if that Dragomin enters a human body... Haya: [...you can't really tell from the vague tales... it's said...] 4. Haya: ...Therefore, Gibachi wants to get the egg back no matter what it takes... Haya: To obtain the unbelieavable power... 5. Kajika: Eeeeh? Reeeally, if you drink the blood? Wierd. Kajika: Can that really be... Haya: If you say so, you being turned to turn into a fox is strange enough. Pg042 {Note: Gibachi speaks with very female language.} 1. Man: Wh.... what did you say...!? 2. Man: That Kajika was succesfully made into the next delivery boy... ...are you saying... you couldn't get back the important egg? Men: Yes! Gibachi-sama. 3. Gibachi: Was he that strong? This... Kajika fellow. 4. Man: Yes! See. Man: If you look closely, he has appeared in reward-catalogues all over the world! Man: He's beyond A-class! Pg043 1. Gibachi: Let me see. Gibachi: Oh my! He's no cute boy. Not my type. Man: [His full strength is not known!] Man: There's no-one who can beat Kajika-san! Ha, ha, ha. 2. Gibachi: Put him away. 3. Gibachi: I... I won't forgive this... Gibachi: M... my dragon egg... 4. Gibachi: If I do that way, Isaza Call Isaza! Man: Huh!? I- Isaza!? Pg044 1. Man: Gibachi-sama... [nothing that far not-do even-if... that guy no way fundakurimasu!] Gibachi: It doesn't matter how much it costs! Gibachi: I'll get the egg back no matter what!! 2. Man: I... Man: I understand... 3. Kajika: Aaah... Kajika: When will we get there, this way... 4. Haya: Hey, when you've rescued a thousand lives, you'll be able to become human again? Haya: How many are you on now? 5. Kajika: Since I rescued you, it's 991. Haya: J... just a little more, eh... 6. Haya: Ah! Wait! Haya: When I think of your [mogomogo]ing since before, what are you eating! {mogomogo could perhaps be a chewing sound-effect?} Haya: Give me some, too! Kajika: Eeeh? Pg045 1. Kajika: It's Dog Food. Haya: Beh! Bleak! 2. Haya: Urgh!! 3. Haya: Urghgh... 4. Kajika: What's the matter? Kajika: Did the dog-food give you a stomach-ache? Haya: No... It's not that... I'm ill... 5. Kajika: This illness... Kajika: What is it? Haya: Huh!? 6. Haya: M... my heart!... Kajika: That's your stomach. 7. Haya: Shu- shut up!! In any case, I'm ill!! 8. Haya: I... I have to be examined at the hospital in the nearby town... Haya: Bu... but I also have to deliver the egg... Pg046 1. Haya: Oh, right...! P-please, t-take this egg to the laboratory on the island in my place...! Kajika: Huh!? 2. Kajika: Th... that's rather good. but... Since that way is faster... Kajika: But won't you be in danger alone? 3. Haya: I... it's OK... Haya: I'll manage somehow... Haya: You do your best, too... 4. Kajika: It can't be helped eh... Kajika: Well, I'll do something good!... 6. Kajika: I got this when I was driven out of the village. It's a life pill. Eat in when you seem to be about to die. Kajika: Only a single one is a valuable medicine. It's for important situations. But if it rescues you, give it'll come back afterwards! 7. Haya: Tha... Thank you... Haya: You're friendly, aren't you... 8. Haya: Well then, the egg. 9. Haya: Oh, right! If there's anything, I'll give you a mobile phone. Haya: I've got one more. Haya: Do you know how to use it? Kajika: N- no... Pg047 1. Haya: You clown! Good? First, to open the phone, push here... Haya: ...then, when you want to contact my number... 2. Haya: [aitatata]... Haya: Well, then, please. Kajika: Bye-bye. Pg048 1. Haya: No kidding!! 2. Haya: Gibachi's such a super-dangerous guy!! Haya: [No matter how many lifes, it's not enough!!] Haya: This is bad!! Forgive me!! I leave the rest to you, Kajika-kun!! Haya: I'll be waiting near the island!! 3. Man: Gibachi-sama. Man: Isaza-sama is here. Gibachi: Wow!! 4. Isaza: Don't bother with boring greetings. Isaza: Just tell me what it's about. Pg049 2. Isaza: Heh... Isaza: So this guy's Kajika... 3. Gibachi: You know of him? Gibachi: According to my underlings, Kajika seems to be using an art as great as yours. 4. Isaza: ...no wonder. Judging by these clothes, Kajika's from the Kawa-clan that was destroyed four years ago by a volcanic eruption. 5. Isaza: Most of the Kawa-clan could use that art... 6. Isaza: And I, too... Isaza: I'm from the almost extinct Kawa-clan... 7. Gibachi: I... Gibachi: Is that so... Pg050 1. Gibachi: A-anyway. Gibachi: Please kill Kajika and get my dragon egg back!! 2. Isaza: If I don't like Kajika, I'll kill him. Isaza: But I'll certainly get that egg back. 3. Isaza: My fee is one hundred million Don. Isaza: How's that. 4. Man: O... one hundred million Don...!? Gibachi: That's fine! Gibachi: Good luck. Pg051 1. Gibachi: When I obtain the unbelieavable power, what do you think I'll do first? Man: Eh? 2. Gibachi: I'll kill Isaza. Gibachi: [That damn Isaza gittagita]... Gibachi: Think you'll get any money? 4. Isaza: They split up here... Isaza: The car's the woman. The footprints are Kajika... Isaza: [These were left a mere hour ago...] 5. Isaza: This is boring work... Text: To be continued. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Pg053 Text: Chapter 3, Kajika and Isaza. 3. Kajika: I'm exhausted! Gigi: You were eager and jumping too much. 4. Kajika: I wasn't eager! I just wanted to finish this job quickly. Gigi: [Maybe so.] 5. Kajika: But that's enough for today... Let's eat our fill and sleep in a bed... Kajika: There's a city just nearby. Gigi: Lucky!! 7. Kajika: Something's coming... From the sky! Gigi: The sky!? Pg054 Text: Chapter 3, Kajika and Isaza. Pg055 1. Gigi: It's an airplane!! 2. Kajika: W- woow! What's an airplane!! Gigi: It's something rich people have in this world. 3. Isaza: That was him, I'm sure of it. Isaza: I found you, Kajika. 4. Kajika: There's someone riding that plane... He's saying he found me... Gigi: Huh!? 5. Gigi: That's suspicious... Gigi: Be careful, Kajika. Kajika: Look! It's coming back. Pg056 1. Isaza: Well then... Isaza: Will you give me the egg so I can take it back? 2. Kajika: That's what I thought!! Kajika: He's one of Gibachi's pursuers!! Pg057 1. Kajika: YA!!! 2. Kajika: I did it!! Pg058 3. Isaza: Damn... 4. Isaza: That brat... Why'd he attack... Isaza: ...Did he say he knew I was one of Gibachi's pursuers... 5. Isaza: ...At any rate... Isaza: This seems to have become more interesting than I thought... Pg059 1. Kajika: We need to work for money... Feh, maybe we could get a little from that woman. Gigi: Do some work soon. Gigi: Look, those guys look bad. 2. Kajika: Oh!? 3. Man: Uh? 4. Man: What is it, bastard. Man: Just an obstacle. 5. Kajika: As I thought. Kajika: Bluegil, 8 robberies, 23 murders, reward 400 000 Don. 6. Bluegil: Bwahaha, are you a bounty hunter, bastard? Kajika: Only when I don't have any money. Pg060 1. Bluegil: That information is old. It's 35 murders. Bluegil: And you'll be the 36th, bastard. Man: Heheheh. 2. Kajika: Well, then... Kajika: I'll take you to the police. 5. Man: Thi- Man: This brat...!! Pg062 4. Sheriff: B-Bluegil-san!! Kajika: *sigh* Is he a friend with the police? {yareyare = *exclamation of disappointment*} Gigi: [Evil reaches far...] 5. Kajika: Gimme, quickly. Kajika: The 400 000 Don reward. 6. Sheriff: ...heh, too bad... 8. Sheriff: Eh!? Sheriff: Uh!! 9. Kajika: FUN! Pg063 1. Sheriff: Un.. gh... 2. Sheriff: So- sorry for bothering you! Sheriff: I'll give you the reward right away. Sheriff: Just wait a second! 3. Sheriff?: Thank you very much for your efforts! Man: As I thought, it's Kajika... 4. Woman: I see! Woman: You're great! 6. Isaza: Hey. Isaza: You haven't seen a brat with large ears? Pg064 1. Man: What, bastard!! Are you a friend of that brat!? Man: We'll kill you instead of the brat!! 4. Man: Ungh... Man: Waaaaaah!! Pg065 1. Woman: Eeeek! 2. Isaza: As expected, it seems like he's here... 4. Man: Could that be the best "worker" in the world, Isaza?... {shigoto-ya = work-seller} Man: This is getting interesting. Pg066 1. Man: He's here, he's here! 2. Man: The hotel?... I don't think you should stay in this town today, but. Kajika: Huh? 3. Man: Aren't you followed by somebody? Man: Your pursuer is in this town looking for you. Kajika: Huh? 4. Kajika: [That's no problem.] Kajika: Thank you. Man: It's nothing. 5. Man: Your pursuer is Isaza, the best "worker" and hit man in the world... Man: [Even with your strength, I just saw Isaza's work, and he is certainly the best in the world.] 6. Man: At any rate, if you and Isaza fight in this town, I think it will go out over the ordinary citizens. Kajika: Oh... Is that so... Gigi: He might've been the guy in the airplane before... 7. Kajika: Feh... Kajika: So it's sleeping under the bare sky today, too... Pg067 1. Man: It'll be fine with 100 000 Don. Kajika: Huh? 2. Man: For the information. You recieved 400 000 Don for Bluegil before. Man: Don't be a miser, I might have saved your life. Kajika: Feh, I understand, I understand. 3. Man: Well, seeya. Man: Take care! Kajika: Thankyou. 6. Gigi: *sigh* Kajika: Is he really that great, this Isaza guy. 7. Isaza: 100 000 Don?... Isaza: Hey! Tell me already. 8. Man: Kajika is no longer in this town! He learned that you came, and left towards the south. 9. Isaza: Damn... Running away, is he... Isaza: Depressing brat... Text: To be continued. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Pg069 Text: Chapter 4, The Third Man. 4. Isaza: He fleed this way? Man: That's right. Pg070 Text: Chapter 4, The Third Man. Pg071 1. Isaza: Damn... The footprints have been degraded... Isaza: It'll be hard to distinguish Kajika's... 2. Man: What'll you do? Man: If it's good, I'd try to help you, but. 3. Isaza: You can? Man: Weeell. Man: Most of these many footprints are going towards the city ahead... 4. Man: Sleep under bare sky today too?... he said, so it's easy. Man: The other footprints are his. Man: That's information for 200 000 Don. 5. Isaza: I see... But hearing that is enough. 6. Isaza: I'll be faster alone. Isaza: Here's for the information. Pg072 2. Man: That's fast... 3. Man: 20 000?... Man: [to me information sasetokya ii no ni] Man: He'll regret it. 4. Man: Because. 5. Man: I'm faster!! Pg073 2. Gigi: *pant* *wheeze* Kajika: G-going this far should be enough... 3. Kajika: Let's sleep a little. Kajika: It's good we allready ate... 4. Gigi: That's fast... 5. Man: [ato iu ma ni sakimawari!!] Pg074 5. Man: Heheheh. Man: No more footprints for now. 7. Man: Man: Pg075 3. Kajika: It's the guy who was in the city before. Kajika: What's it about? 5. Kajika: As I thought. Kajika: What? Man: Y- yo! 6. Man: Uh... uhm... b-be careful. Man: Isaza has learned of your escape and is following you here. 6. Kajika: Eeeeh!? *sigh*... Man: But, it's good you're here. I erased your footprints. 7. Kajika: Really? Thankyou! Kajika: How much do I owe you? 8. Man: I- it's fine, that was a service. Man: Well, seya. Kajika: You're, Kajika: a nice guy. Pg076 1. Man: Oh, right! How did you know I had come? Kajika: Aah, the smell. 2. Man: S... Smell... Man: Do I stink that much... I... Kajika: Bye-byeeee. Man: Since I haven't bathed for half a year... 3. Isaza: The footprints have been erased... Isaza: Why's that... 4. Man: Heey, heey. 5. Isaza: You...! Isaza: ...no way... how is that possible... 6. Man: No matter how you look at it, I'm the fastest in the world. Man: Thus, I could get ahead! 7. Man: He's erased the footprints from here and escaped! Man: ...but, hey, I've located where he's hiding, but... Isaza: ... how much. 8. Man: Well, with 250 000... Pg077 1. Isaza: [Don't be on an illustration...] {some idiomatic expression I don't recognize?} 2. Man: Well... well, with 100 000...! Man: If you go straight ahead 500 meters from here, Since the footprints return, go aboat 2 kilometers from there. 4. Man: Feh... 100 000?... Man: Too bad, Kajika... 8. Kajika: 9. Kajika: Kajika: Pg078 1. Kajika: Gigi, wake up! It's the pursuer! Gigi: Y... eah.... uh...? 2. Gigi: H... he's come? Kajika: Since the footprints would reveal us, let's move. 6. Kajika: Heheheh. Kajika: He can't find us here. Pg079 1. Isaza: Damn... Again, the footprints... 3. Isaza: Feh... Isaza: Where is he... 5. Sound: Beep! Beep! 6. Kajika: Wha- what, what is it!? Gigi: It's the phone you recieved from that girl! 7. Phone: Beep! Beep! Kajika: Ho- how was it done!! Gigi: Push the red button!! 8. Haya: Ah, hello, it's me! Are you alive? 9. Kajika: Sh- shut up!! *click* Haya: What a rude guy! Pg080 1. Kajika: Oh! 2. Isaza: Yo, Kajika! 3. Kajika: Yo, Isaza! Kajika: [dakke]? 4. Isaza: Oho, you know of me?... Isaza: Then you know why I'm following you, too? 5. Kajika: Feh... Gigi: Be careful... Kajika: Since we'd fight eventually, there was no point in running around... Pg081 1. Kajika: Hold this... Gigi: Oh. 2. Kajika: It's an advantage but, I'm rather strong! 3. Isaza: Oh? Isaza: I hope so. 4. Kajika: Listen once, but. Kajika: I don't know why, but you're planning to steal the dragon egg, aren't you. 5. Isaza: Is that so. Isaza: It's my job. Pg082 1. Kajika: [from me, go] Isaza: It's OK if you refuse separately. 2. Kajika: HA! Pg083 1. Kajika: Huh!? 4. Isaza: Oho...! 5. Kajika: Eeeh! Text: To be continued. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Pg085 Text: Chapter 5, Isaza's power. 2. Kajika: YA!!! 4. Kajika: YA!!! Kajika: YA!!! YA!!! Pg086 Text: Chapter 5, Isaza's power. Pg087 1. Kajika: Tha... that's... 2. Isaza: The eagle-wind's exhausting of physical strength is large. Isaza: I can use it more effectively. 3. Kajika: Wh... what. Kajika: You, the eagle-wind...!? 4. Isaza: For example... 5. Kajika: Wah!!! Pg088 2. Kajika: Gnh... Pg089 3. Gigi: Ka-.... Gigi: Kajika...!!! 4. Kajika: Ow... 5. Kajika: Owowow... Pg090 1. Isaza: [in the case of arms of the level the opponent has standing firm like now when not coming is effective.] 2. Kajika: Y... you... How... Kajika: ...why can you use the eagle-win...!! 3. Isaza: The answer is simple... Isaza: I come from the Kawa-clan, just like you... 4. Kajika: ...eh...!? Pg091 2. Isaza: Too slow. 3. Kajika: Sh... Shiit...! 4. Kajika: ...how, you, the Kawa-clan...!! Pg092 1. Kajika: Ngh... Kajika: Gwah... 2. Kajika: N... no way...! Kajika: B... both your hair... and the color of your eyes... Kajika: ...they're not the Kawa-clan...!! 3. Isaza: ...that's why I was expelled... Isaza: When I was a brat... 4. Isaza: I'm not pure Kawa-clan... My father was a riverman... Isaza: Without doing anything, mother and me were bloody driven into the wilderness... Just because we looked somewhat different... 5. Isaza: ...but, the Kawa-clan was swallowed by a volcanic eruption and were all killed... Isaza: It seems you and me are the only ones remaining... 6. Isaza: If we fight now, it'll be only me. Isaza: So hand the egg over quickly. Kajika: No way!! Pg093 1. Kajika: Do you know why that Gibachi guy wants the drgon egg!? Kajika: If he drinks the blood of the dragon right after it's born, it seems he'll gain great powers!! That's what he's after!! 2. Isaza: I don't care... Isaza: If I just get money, that's enough. 3. Kajika: ...we... well, you too, just because you were asked. 5. Man: A dragon egg...! Man: Is that so... Finally, I know what this is about. 6. Kajika: D... damn...! Isaza: I won't take you seriously just because you ask. Isaza: Are you so shocked because you meet an opponent stronger than yourself for the first time? Pg094 1. Kajika: Shut up!!! 3. Isaza: [blue, eh]... Isaza: Being so angry will just upset your reasoning. Don't think of too much. 4. Kajika: Wh... what's this, since before...!! Kajika: [E- rasou ni...!!] 5. Isaza: Is that so... Isaza: ... Certainly, this has gone beyond chatting... Pg095 1. Kajika: Wah!!! 2. Kajika: Wha...!!! Kajika: What... 4. Kajika: Y... you... came... eh... 5. Isaza: I'll warn you once more. Isaza: When fighting unreasonable persons, there's no rules, just life and death... Pg096 3. Isaza: Give me the dragon's egg already! Isaza: If you don't want me to stop Kajika's breath. 4. Gigi: Da... Gigi: Damn... 5. Isaza: ...alright, this is certainly it... Pg097 1. Isaza: Are you a gost? Gigi: ...heeey.... 2. Isaza: [kiku] is suitable to Kajika's potential ability, but, Isaza: Why didn't he use most of his power. 3. Gigi: Y... you know...!? 4. Gigi: Actually, when Kajika was small, he killed a fox with a prank... Gigi: [It stuck]... Isaza: What!? 6. Man: ...what...! Is his tail real? Man: I thought it was an out-of-fashion accessory. 7. Isaza: Heh... Isaza: Was this guy, too, saved by being driven out of the village... Pg098 1. Isaza: Well then... Isaza: I want him to show his true power after rescuing nine living things... 2. Isaza: However... 3. Isaza: If we meet again. Isaza: I think I won't spare his life like this time. 5. Man: Oho... [Isaza ni shi-cha], how unusual... Man: He didn't kill him... 6. Man: Well... then. Pg099 1. Man: Hey. Man: It isn't as bad as I was afraid, but this is terrible. 2. Man: Was that a dragon egg he took earlier? Was it important? Man: If it's good, I can take it back? 3. Gigi: Now that you mention it, you saved us before, that's good. Man: I'm not kidding, if you meet with Isaza, you should be glad to escape with your life. [koso tto stole]! 4. Gigi: Only? Man: Well. Man: Since I need to eat. Man: How's one million Don? 5. Gigi: We don't have that much right now, but, if we can pay when the work is done... please. Man: Huh!? Th... that should be fine... Man: I'll do it. 6. Man: Man: 7. Isaza: Damn... That Kajika... He bloody destroyed my airplane... Isaza: If I get more shot at him, that's good... ----------------------------------------------------------------- Pg101 Text: Chapter 6, Donko's Strategy. 1. Man: Well, I'll go steal the dragon egg. Man: Wait here! 2. Gigi: Please do! Gigi: Uh... um.... 3. Man: I'm Donko! Donko: the best guy in the world, Donko! 4. Gigi: Well then! Donkoo! Gigi: Please, you must take it back! 5. Gigi: Uh... hm.... gigi: Oh! 6. Kajika: Ow... Kajika: Owowowow... 7. Gigi: Are you alright!? Kajika... Kajika: Ouch... Pg102 Text: Chapter 6: Donko's Strategy. Pg103 1. Kajika: Wh... What about that Isaza guy...? Gigi: He's gone... He took the egg... 2. Kajika: D... Kajika: Damn...! 3. Gigi: Don't feel so bad... Gigi: Hey, if it goes well, that strange guy, who seems to be called Donko, should take it back... 4. Kajika: ...He was stronger than I thought... That was the first time... I couldn't move neither arms nor legs... 5. Kajika: If I don't break the curse, I'll never beat him...! Kajika: I must hurry to save nine more living beings! Gigi: ... hey, rest a little... 6. Kajika: ...that's right... Gigi: Um, rest is important. Pg104 4. Donko: Hey? Donko: Ah, hi, hi. Donko: How did it go? Went well? 5. Isaza: Heh... You appear often... Isaza: But I don't need any more information from you. 6. Donko: Maybe so, but I was just being worried. Donko: I was wondering if you'd be able to arive to the town perfectly safe. Isaza: That's right. 7. Isaza: Do you know someone who can repair my airplane? Isaza: It's quite broken, but the important parts might be OK. Pg105 1. Donko: A- Airplane!? Donko: You have an airplane!? Whose!? 2. Isaza: It's mine... Donko: W- woow! Donko: Y- you must be very rich. Donko: W- was it expensive!? 3. Isaza: ... Hey... Isaza: ...why are you so curious? 4. Donko: I... It's my dream... Donko: To obtain an airplane, and fly around in it... 5. Isaza: That's fine, but is there someone who can repair it? Donko: I can fix it! Donko: If it's about airplanes, I know it all! 6. Isaza: Oho... How convenient... Donko: Please leave it to me!! Please tell me where it is!! I'll go get my tools!! 7. Isaza: [fun]... Isaza: [fun fun]... 8. Donko: OKAY!! Pg106 3. Isaza: That guy... Isaza: Is he that fast... 5. Isaza: [Fuu]... Pg107 2. Donko: Oh! 3. Isaza: Who're you...!? Donko: Hey, it's me! 4. Isaza: You, is it... Isaza: ... well, how is it, the airplane. 5. Donko: Aah, I'll have it fixed by morning! And I was surprised! With gravity controls, it's a top machine!! 6. Isaza: Weell... Isaza: There are only two left in the world. It's slow, but... 7. Donko: Please go to sleep, by morning I'll be done somehow. Isaza: Aah... Pg108 3. Donko: It's fixed! Pg109 1. Donko: I... I, both the dragon egg and the airplane... A... and, the reward for defeating you... Donko: I... I'll get them all... 2. Isaza: Did you fix it? 3. Donko: Y- yes!! I fixed it perfectly! Isaza-san. Isaza: Oh? Thanks... {somewhat like "I appreciate your effort/work"} 4. Donko: Hey, hey, be my guest, be my guest. Donko: <[ya- yabe! Because, If I'm noticed, pistol can't do...]> Pg110 1. Isaza: I'll pay the repair cost. Isaza: How much. 2. Donko: I don't need any money. 3. Donko: Instead... Won't you let me drive it, just a little... Donko: It's my dream... Really. 5. Donko: Donko: Please... 6. Isaza: I guess that's fine... Isaza: However, there's not much fuel left. 7. Donko: Tha... Donko: Thank you...!!! Pg111 1. Donko: Thank you so very much!!! 2. Donko: Did it, did it!!! 3. Isaza: Don't show bad feelings...! Donko: I- I'm too happy... well, thanks. 4. Isaza: If you give me back what you're holding in your right hand. 5. Donko: Th- this thing!? Donko: How'd I get this...!! Donko: It must've stuck when I hung onto you!! 6. Isaza: I thought you were suspicious from the beginning... Isaza: Are you with Kajika? Pg112 Donko: DAAAAAAAAAAAH! Pg113 2. Isaza: D... Damn brat...!!! Pg114 2. Isaza: Feh!!! Pg115 1. Donko: Oh!! 2. Donko: [tei]!!! 4. Isaza: Wha... what is this guy...!! Isaza: ...the airplane can't catch up...!! 5. Kajika: Heeeey, look, Gigiiiii!! This time, I managed to save as many as five fish left behind in the ford!! Gigi: Umm... Hey, well done, okay!! After two more, your curse will be lifted!! Text: To be continued. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Pg117 Text: Chapter 7, Kajika's Shock. 1. Kajika: Daamn, as expected, at a place like this there's no more living beings to save. Even though I only need 2 more... Kajika: Can't you give me a discount, Gigi... Gigi: Impossible. I can't change the laws from the old days. 2. Kajika: Oh! 3. Kajika: Look, it's that guy! Gigi: Has he come back!? 4. Donko: Heeeey, where are you!? Donko: I've come back with the egg!! 5. Kajika: Heey, we're here!! 6. Kajika: You're great!! You really did it!! Donko: Flee!! Donko: He's following in the airplane!! Pg118 Text: Chapter 7, Kajika's Shock. Pg119 1. Donko: If we go a bit longer, it'll become grassy hills!! Donko: [He won't be able to follow us by our footprints!!] Kajika: I- I see! 3. Donko: Hey, you're behind!! Donko: Hurry more!! He'll catch up!! 4. Kajika: I- I can't believet it...!! He- he's so fast...!! Kajika: I- I've never been beaten in a race by anyone...!! Pg120 1. Gibachi: This is Gibachi!! Isaza! What have you been doing!? I haven't been able to contact you!! Isaza: Heh... Unfortunately, both my airplane and my radio was destroyed... Gibachi: That's not something to take so lightly!! The dragon will soon be born!! 2. Gibachi: Do you understand!? What I want is the blood of the dragon within one day of it's birth!! Gibachi: Since I can't wait, I'll fly in my airplane!! 3. Isaza: Do as you like... Well, I'll tell you where I am right now. Gibachi: Heheh, that's alright! I placed a transmitter in that egg case! 4. Isaza: What!? Why didn't you tell me...! I could've gotten it without all the trouble...! Gibachi: Hoh hoh hoh! Idiot! You left quickly, full of self- confidence! 5. Gibachi: Well! [Strategy tatemasho]! Isaza: Feh... Pg121 2. Kajika: P- please...! Kajika: A- A little bit slower...! Donko: I understand, I understand! 5. Donko: A... alright, this far should be enough... Donko: Reeeeeeest. Pg122 1. Donko: He, hey, hurry, one million Don. Donko: I risked my life with you... 2. Gigi: That's why we went... If we don't bring the egg to Ronron-Island, we won't get any money. 3. Donko: Feh... 5. Kajika: What's that sound? Donko: Huh? 6. Kajika: I- is it the enemy!? 7. Kajika: N, no, it's the egg! I hear something from the egg...! Kajika: Try opening it a bit! 8. Donko: Oh! 9. Donko: Look! I- it's being born! 10. Kajika: Eeh!? Pg123 6. Kajika: I- it was born...!! Wh- what shall we do...!! Donko: Th... this is the first time I see a real dragon... Gigi: ... it's crying... maybe it should eat something...!? 7. Kajika: What does it eat? Gigi: Do you know? Gigi: How about phoning that Haya girl? 8. Haya: Huh? Haya: It was born!? The dragon...! Where are you now? Pg124 1. Haya: ...huh...!? I don't know! What might it eat... Haya: Wait a minute, I'll phone the doctors to ask. 2. Kajika: Insects!? Larvae!? It only eats that!? Kajika: Only at the beginning... OK... it'll soon grow big... Then it can get it's own food, I... I see. 3. Kajika: Weeell... you... Danko, was it. It's bad, but, could you catch some insects or something! Donko: It's Donko... Wait a moment. Donko: Why should I do that? 4. Kajika: Well, if I catch insects for the dragon to eat, the 998 lives I've gone to great trouble to save now will decrease. Kajika: Wouldn't that be terrible? My chance of winning over Isaza depends on whether I can get the curse lifted or not. 5. Donko: I see... I'll get some... [erasoo ni]... Donko: Aah, what'll I do... Kajika: Please! Pg125 1. Donko: Heey, I caught two huge caterpillars! Donko: Ah! 2. Donko: What, you bastards! Donko: While I alone work, you eat lunch and take a nap...!? 2. Kajika: Are you stupid? Bringing something so huge. Kajika: It won't be able to eat them! The dragon's so small! Pg126 3. Kajika: Ooooh!! Donko: I- it became huge!! Pg127 1. Kajika: I- I don't believe it... Kajika: [It's in a good mood, eh...] Gigi: ...certainly, if you drink the blood of something like this, you might gain unbelievable power... 2. Donko: Ow! Donko: Haha!... But, it's quite cute, isn't it? 4. Gigi: What's the matter, Kajika. Kajika: N... No, I sense something, but... Kajika: The wind direction is bad, so I can't hear or smell it well... 5. Donko: Haha! Don't worry! Since I changed the route, they certainly shouldn't now we're here. Pg128 1. Gibachi: It turned into a dragon, how convenient! That can't move very much! Isaza: Speak quieter, they might discover us. 2. Gibachi: Well now... Gibachi: Attack the dragon...! Pg129 2. Kajika: Shi- shiiiiiit!!! Pg130 1. Gigi: Kajika!!! Donko: Y... you...!!! 2. Gibachi: I did it!! 5. Kajika: Da... Kajika: Daaaaaaaaaaaaamn!!! Pg131 5. Gibachi: I did it! Succeeeess!! 6. Gibachi: Finally, I have it!! Gibachi: Feel a bit bad, but... Text: To be continued. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Pg133 Text: Chapter 8, Gibachi's Dragon Power. 3. Gibachi: Finally, I have it...! Gibachi: The blood of a dragon...!! 4. Gibachi: The unbeliavable power, Gibachi: will become mine!!! 5. Isaza: Heh, idiot... If you obtain power with something lik that, there's no trouble... Pg134 1. Gigi: ...he shot a dragon who'd just been born for such a thing...! The last one... Donko: Sh... Shit... 2. Donko: ...that dragon... even though it was quite cute... I can't forgive this... 3. Donko: Bloody remember...! Gigi: Don't flee!! 4. Donko: I- idiot! We can't win! We can only escape! Gigi: Look closely! The dragon is still barely alive! Are you going to just let it die! Gigi: If we do something, we might be able to save it! 5. Gibachi: Hehehe... 8. Gibachi: *cough*...!! Gibachi: Uh, urgh! Pg135 1. Gibachi: Ha-ha! Gibachi: W- well, come!! 8. Gibachi: Ah... Uh...? 10. Giabchi: Ah... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! Pg136 Text: Chapter 8, Gibachi's Dragon Power. Pg137 2. Gibachi: Ah.... 3. Gibachi: N- nooooo!!!! Gibachi: I'm uglyyyy!!!! 4. Gibachi: Fine...! Gibachi: Since I'll have plastic surgery afterwards! 5. Gibachi: Well, how's this!? Gibachi: Th- this feeling like overflowing power!! Pg138 2. Gibachi: Hehehehe... Gibachi: I'll kill you to test my abilities a bit! 3. Kajika: B-bastard, think you can do that!?! Gibachi: Well, how's this!? 4. Kajika: You... Kajika: I'll make you eat it!! Pg139 1. Gibachi: Ohhhh? 4. Gibachi: Well now...! Kajika: Ah... Nggggh.... Pg140 2. Kajika: Stay around for a moment. Kajika: Since I'll kill you next after Kajika. 3. Donko: Uh... Uhm, I'm sorry! Kajika: How's this? Man: S- splendid!! Man: It's wonderful, Gibachi-sama!! Kajika: Ungh... Errh...! 4. Gibachi: Well then... 5. Gibachi: Don't you have any final wish? Kajika: Idiot. 6. Isaza: Stop it, that's enough. Isaza: You don't need to kill him. Pg141 3. Gibachi: Oh, that's right...! Gibachi: Now that I have obtained unbelievable power, there's something I want to do first... 4. Gibachi: That, Isaza... Gibachi: Is to kill you...! 5. Isaza: Heh... You country upstart... Did my huge attitude please you so much? 6. Gibachi: I'm sick of you!!!! Pg143 3. Isaza: Ngh...!! Gibachi: Yees! Pg144 3. Gibachi: Heh heh heh... What's wrong? Isaza... Gibachi: Aren't you the best "worker" in the world? Gibachi: Seems like somehow, you can't defeat my power with neither hands nor feet. 4. Isaza: Don't make fun of me... Isaza: Don't make fun of the Kawa-clan... 5. Kajika: H... he... Donko: H... hey, he's going to fight to death... Pg145 5. Gibachi: Oho! Are you OK? Gibachi: No! You're not going to die so easily! That wouldn't be fun, would it? 7. Kajika: Th... the curse... Kajika: If I break it... Text: To be continued. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Pg147 Text: Chapter 9, Is it gone? The curse. 2. Haya: It should be around here, but... Haya: Kajika-kun... 3. Haya: Huh!? 4. Haya: Wh- what on earth!? 5. Haya: Ah! Pg148 Text: Chapter 9, Is it gone? The curse. Pg149 1. Haya: Wh- what!? Haya: Th- that's...!! 3. Haya: Th... The dragon...!! Haya: N... no way...!!! 5. Haya: Ka... Kajika...!! Haya: ...what's happened!? Pg150 2. Isaza: Gwaaah...!!!! 3. Kajika: D... damn...!!! Damn it!!! Donko: Te... Terrible...!! 4. Kajika: Oh, right! Hey, Danko! If you drink the dragon's blood, you'll get strong too!! Donko: EEeeh!? N, no way, I...!! Donko: Besides, my name's Donko! 5. Donko: Y- you drink it! 6. Kajika: No way! I don't want to get a face like that. Donko: Me neither!!! 7. Kajika: Huh!? Kajika: Ah!! Pg151 1. Kajika: Wh- why are you here!? Did your illness go away!? Haya: We don't have time to worry about that, this...!! 2. Kajika: Gibachi drank the dragon's blood and turned into a terrible monster!! That man called Isaza is an enemy, but for some reason, he protected me...! 3. Haya: As expected, those legens of dragon's blood. Haya: They were true! 4. Kajika: If we don't do something soon, he'll kill us... Kajika: ...we're next... 5. Donko: Heey, beatiful girl, my name is Donko. Donko: And you are? 6. Haya: You haven't lifted the curse yet!? Kajika: No... Kajika: Two more... Donko: Ignoring me, eh. Hey! 7. Gibi: No, Kajika, it's one more. Gibi: Didn't you rescue Donko before! 8. Kajika: That's right! It's one! Kajika: ...just one more!! Pg152 1. Donko: The dragon!! Donko: Save the dragon!! It's still alive!! 2. Kajika: I can't!! It was hit in the throat!! Kajika: I can't save it!! 3. Haya: Oh, right!!! Haya: Maybe, that thing can be used for the dragon, too!? 4. Haya: Here! You gave it to me. The pill of life! 5. Kajika: Ah... 6. Gibi: Th, that's right!! You can use it...!! I'm sure you can use it!! Gibi: We did it! [dekashita zo, girl!!] 7. Haya: Well then!! Hurry up and make it eat it!! Gigi: Hurry, Kajika!! The dragon is dying!! Pg153 1. Kajika: W... Kajika: Wait, Dragon...! Kajika: I can still save you! 2. Kajika: Te... Terrible... Kajika: Will it save you... 3. Kajika: Open your mouth, here. 6. Gigi: I... Gigi: It didn't work...? 8. Kajika: I did it!!! Pg154 1. Gigi: You did it...!! You did it!!! You've achieved one thousand!!! Gigi: The curse will be lifted!!! 4. Haya: Wow!!! 5. Kajika: Ah... Kajika: Ah... Pg155 3. Kajika: I did it... Kajika: I did it!! 4. Kajika: The curse is gone!!!! Pg156 1. Kajika: Owowowowow...!!! 2. Kajika: He- hey, Gigi!! The wound were I was hit isn't healed!! Gigi: Of course! Lifting the curse just returned you to human, why should it heal your wounds! 3. Haya: I... I don't really understand, but... Donko: ...are you OK...? 4. Gigi: Come on, Kajika, show it...!! Gigi: Your released true power...!! Pg157 1. Kajika: I'll try to test my arm a bit. All: OK, OK! 2. Kajika: Damn, those guys! If they're alerted, they'll make noise... Kajika: They mustn't bloody notice...! 3. Kajika: YO! Pg158 2. Kajika: W... Wow... Kajika: C... Cool...! 3. Haya: Oooooh!!!! Pg159 2. Isaza: O... oh... Isaza: He... Bloody did it... 3. Gibachi: Mwa... mwaha... Th... that brat... Gibachi: I... it's no use, mwaha... opposing me... 4. Kajika: Come! Gibachi!!! Do your best!!! Text: To be continued. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Pg161 Text: Chapter 10, Decisive battle! Kajika vs Gibachi. 4. Kajika: I'll show you my true power! Kajika: You better get serious, too! Pg162 Text: Chapter 10, Decisive battle! Kajika vs Gibachi. Pg163 1. Haya: Yeaaaah! He's amazing, the true Kajika. Gigi: Maybe... 2. Haya: W- wait a minute! What do you mean maybe! Don't you think he's amazing...! Gigi: Shut up! My guess is he should be great... Donko: ... Gaan... Pg164 3. Gigi: Don't run, hey!!! 4. Kajika: [nanchitte!] Pg165 1. Kajika: Having recieved your somewhat serious punch, your fighting style is only what I expected. 4. Kajika: Now I understand! Kajika: Even if I only use my right hand, I can win honestly!! 5. Haya: Kyaaaa! Good, Kajika!! I knew it! Donko: Clever!! [yatchimae!!] Gooo, gooo!! Pg167 4. Kajika: ZUA!!! Pg168 2. Man: B- Boss!! Man: Gibachi-samaa! 3. Haya: Y- you did it!! Strong!! You're really strong!! Dongo: Great, great!! 4. Isaza: Da... Damn... Isaza: I knew it, that brat was stronger than me... Pg169 1. Man: A... Are you OK...!? Man: Gibachi-sama...!! 5. Gibachi: Y... you... mwahaha... gweh...!! Gibachi: I... I'm... hehe... the strongest.. ngh... of all... gweh... gweh... 7. Gibachi: Gwehehe...!! Geeeeheeeh!! Pg170 1. Man: H... hey... Gibachi-sama seems strange... Man: ...somewhat, since before... 2. Gibachi: Geh... Geheee! Geheeh! Man: Gi... Gibachi-sama...!! 4. Man: Waah!!! Pg171 1. Haya: [U-... Ugee...!!] 2. Man: W... waaaah!! 5. Man: Eeeek!! 6. Kajika: Run, everyone!! Kajika: Get out of here! 7. Haya: Waaah!! Pg172 2. Donko: G- get on my back!! Donko: Hurry!! 3. Isaza: Hey! You don't need to help me... Donko: ...I'll expect plenty of gratitude. 6. Kajika: Huh!? H- he's not there...!! 8. Kajika: Ah!! Pg172 3. Kajika: He... he's become completely inhuman...!! Text: To be continued. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Pg175 Text: Chapter 11, Kajika's lost. Pg176 3. Donko: L... Look... He's flying... Haya: H... he's already a complete monster...! Pg179 2. Kajika: Waah!!! Pg180 1. Haya: Eeeeeeek!!! Pg181 1. Donko: N... no way... Donko: H... he... Th... the earth... destroyed... Pg182 1. Kajika: Ah! Da... Kajika: Damn!!! Let me go...!!! 2. Donko: Ah!!! 3. Kajika: E...!!! Kajika: I- didn't mean that before...!! Don't let me go...!! 4. Kajika: Ah! Pg183 2. Kajika: Ngh!!! 3. Isaza: !! D... damn!! Isaza: Hey!! Tell him I still haven't used the Eagle Wind!!! If he puts the energy to good use, one blow should do it!! Gigi: Huh!? B- but... 4. Isaza: I'll do it from here, somehow!! 5. Gigi: Kajika!! He still hasn't used the Eagle Wind!!! Pg184 1. Kajika: Eh!? 5. Kajika: Ow... Owowow... Kajika: Ouchouch... Pg185 1. Gigi:Kajika!! Put all the energy into a single attack with the Eagle Wind!!! Gigi: With that one blow, you should kill him!!! Do you understand!!! Pg186 1. Gigi: Don't destroy any sort of life... I've said, but don't mind about that!!! Gigi: He's a thing of pure evil!!! Kill him!!! Pg187 1. Kajika: H... He's... Gradually turning into a dragon... 4. Gigi: A- attack!!! Donko: Attaaaaack!!! 5. Kajika: Alright!!! Text: To be continued. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Pg189 Text: Final Chapter, Simple Kajika. 3. All: Attaaaack!!! Pg190 Text: Final Chapter, Simple Kajika. Pg191 3. Gibachi: Uh!? Gibachi: Goh... Gibachi: Geh... Pg193 2. Haya: H- He did it...!! He did it!! Donko/Gigi: Woooooooow!!! 3. Isaza: Th... That idiot... Isaza: He bloody surpassed his hands...! 4. All: Huh!? 6. Donko: Wh- what, he's still... alive!? Kajika: Aah. Kajika: He just lost energy. Pg194 1. Gigi: Wh- why, Kajika...! Gigi: Finish him off... 3. Kajika: Ah. Kajika: Would you step back there? 4. Kajika: Good. 5. Kajika: Gibachi. Kajika: Become a good dragon! 6. Gigi: I- I see...!! Gigi: Kajika, you...!! 7. Kajika: Heh! Pg195 2. Gigi: Oooh! Clever, a huge ball of badness...! 3. Kajika: Everybody, don't stop it! It's become unbeliavably bad. Pg196 2. Kajika: Alright! Good, you're still alive! Pg197 3. Kajika: Now, I feel a little bad, but Gibachi's become a complete dragon. Kajika: Now, it can also have friends. Even if it's only one, it won't have to be lonely. 4. Kajika: Right! Won't you also send out your badness! I'll do it neatly! Kajika: Since everybody's a little bad. All: Nooo, nooo!! 5. Gigi: Ummm, well done!! Gigi: Kajika!! Pg198 1. Gigi: Haya, Ronron Island is right nearby from here. Kajika: You don't need us any more, do you? Haya: Huh? ...fine, I guess. Haya: If you don't go to the island, you won't get the reward from the doctors! 2. Kajika: Well, that's OK. Kajika: Having lifted the curse is good enough for me. 3. Donko: W- wait a minute! Shouldn't I get half the money from your reward!? Kajika: Huh? Kajika: Is that so? 4. Isaza: Donko... Isaza: I'll give you my airplane. Isaza: I've had enough of it. 5. Donko: Eeeeeh!? Donko: A- are you lying!? Th- tha- that airplane...!? 6. Isaza: Really. Isaza: In exchange, take me to the hospital. Pg199 1. Donko: Th- that's fine, but... Y- your airplane was destroyed...! Isaza: I got Gibachi's. Isaza: That airplane isn't bad, either. 2. Donko: G- Greaaat!! Donko: F- finally, I'll have an airplane...!!! 3. Donko: Yahoo, Yahooo! Donko: Isaza-sama, banzaaaai!! {or "hurrah!", for those who didn't know} Isaza: Kajika, will you come along to the hospital? Kajika: No, I'm fine. Kajika: My wounds aren't important. 4. Kajika: Thanks, Isaza. Kajika: You saved me. 5. Isaza: Heh... I just wanted to see your true power. Isaza: Now, we might be enemies again, so be prepared. 6. Kajika: Aah! Pg200 2. Gigi: J- just a bit slower... Kajika... 3. Kajika: What! Gigi, since you've returned to a fox, you've been all lazy. Kajika: It this pace, we won't reach the city by night. 5. Gigi: Heey, Kajika. Won't you throw me one of the stones that have fallen here? Kajika: Huh? 6. Kajika: How's this stone! Gigi: Fine, fine! 7. Kajika: Hoi. Pg201 1. Gigi: Gyah!? 2. Kajika: Huh!? 3. Gigi: Aaaaaaaaaaah! 5. Gigi: Aaaah. Gigi: You killed me... 6. Kajika: Wh- what's this!! You bloody made me kill you on purpose, Gigi!! Kajika: Why do I have to get cursed now!! 7. Gigi: Heh heeh! Gigi: [Rakuchin, rakuchin!] Kajika: Da- daaaaaaaamn! Text: The End. -----------------------------------------------------------------