Kimagure Orange Road "The Dangerous Transfer Student" Volume 10, Story 5 WB Volume 6, Story 5 Written and illustrated by Matsumoto Izumi Translation by : Hitoshi Doi (19 November 1989) Additional translation & compilation by : Craig Nishida Editing and Additional help by : Paul Hirose Craig Nishida Thomas Wyatt Jerry Lee Last revision : 08-18-95 Comments? Corrections? Suggestions? Please send them to: NOTE: WBp#'s are printed first, Normal manga pages in parentheses() NOTE: Translation is done from the WB manga, so there may be a few extras to those of you not having them. Example: The subtitles on page 87 (87) are only in the WBs! --------------------------------------------------- p 87 (87)--TITLE PAGE [Madoka stands in half-portrait, in sweater, hat, and scarf. She reaches for her hat with one hand and looks at us from the corner of her eye.] MAIN TITLE (at top) The Dangerous Transfer Student SUB-TITLE (at bottom) Where Are You Going, Looking So Prim? --------------------------------------------------- p 88 (88) 1 [Isolated shot of the lower legs of a girl dressed in pants and shoes.] girl FX: 2 [View pans back. It is night and she walks through the park alone.] 3 [Closeup of her face. She's brunette, short-haired, cute and wears glasses.] girl: Oh no... I came out in this kind of place. 4 [View shifts. She looks upon couples clinging closely all over the park.] couples FX: girl: (Wh-where am I...?) 5 [Turning, she realizes she's standing next to a couple. The guy appears to be nibbling on the woman's ear.] girl: (OOPS!!) dramatic FX: --------------------------------------------------- p 89 (89) 1 [Tight shot of the couple's lower legs. They're standing extremely close.] Kyousuke: I-I'm sorry... 2 [And of course, the girl in the embrace is Madoka.] Kyousuke: But now... I feel much better. 3 [The girl watches from behind a bush.] girl: (Wh-what does he mean, "I feel much better?" But they do it even in this cold weather, don't they!) 4 [The girl's pov of the embracing couple--it is clearly Kyousuke and Madoka.] 5 girl: (H-huh!?!) 6 girl: (I-it's him...) --------------------------------------------------- p 90 (90) 1 [Exterior shot of a school building.] narration: The next day... 2 [Kyousuke winces, rubbing his forehead in pain.] Kyousuke: Ooooo! My head's still ringing. 3 Kyousuke: Maybe it's a hangover... I can't really tell anyone that... Kyousuke FX: 4 [His view of an empty desk.] narration: Ayukawa... She isn't here. 5 [Kyousuke stares unhappily up at the ceiling. He visualizes the Komatsu residence.] narration: But maybe it has to do with yesterday... narration: To tell you the truth, yesterday... sign: Komatsu 6 narration: When I was at Komatsu's place studying for the test... [Kyousuke sits and tries to do his homework but Komatsu shoves a nude pinup in front of him.] 7 narration: Hikaru-chan also came by... [She appears at the door, with books and a smile. Kyousuke looks surprised, while Komatsu grins.] Hikaru: When I called your house they said you were here. Could I study with you too? narration: And up to there things were fine... --------------------------------------------------- p 91 (91) 1 narration: But before I knew it, we started drinking alcohol. [Komatsu pours from a bottle into a glass held by Kyousuke. Hikaru holds a glass of her own.] Komatsu: Now, now. Just one glass. pouring FX: Kyousuke: Hey-y-y. This isn't a good idea... Hikaru: [chanting] Chug it, chug it. 2 [A sloshed Kyousuke and a flushed Hikaru say their goodbyes to a potted Komatsu.] narration: When it was time to leave... Komatsu: [slurring] Goin' home a'ready? Hikaru: [slurring] T'anks for ever'thing... 3 [Near a phonebooth in the park, Kyousuke lies sprawled on the sidewalk. Hikaru barely stands nearby and cheerfully waves at Madoka, who comes running up.] narration: Because I was feeling dizzy... Hikaru-chan was worried, so she called Ayukawa, who then came for me. I can remember up to the point where the three of us were coming home... Hikaru: [slurring] Ah, Maroka-saaan. 4 [His pov of a very close Madoka, looking back in obvious concern.] narration: But it just gets fuzzy after that... Ayukawa's face in front of me and that... Soft feeling. narration: EH?! F-FEELING?! 5 [He thinks about it, hard.] narration: Maybe... I did something outrageous to Ayukawa... Kyousuke: (Urrrggg. I can't remember.) sensei: [off] ...introduce a transfer student. 6 class FX: girl 1: Hmm? How strange to get a transfer student around this time of year. --------------------------------------------------- p 92 (92) 1 [Kyousuke's pov of the new student, who stands before the class, smiling and saluting smartly. It is the girl who walked through the park. Unlike the other girls in the class, she wears a coat and tie over her skirt. Perhaps she hasn't had time to buy the Kouryou uniform yet.] Hiromi: Pleased to meet you! I'm Sugi Hiromi!! 2 girl 1 and 2: [smiling] Kyaa! She's just like a cute boy-y-y. [Kyousuke stares wide-eyed at Hiromi.] 3 [His pov of her. She looks back at him with a start.] narration: Sugi Hiromi... I think I've heard that name somewhere... 4 [She smiles at Kyousuke, picking him out of the crowd.] Hiromi: Oh! 5 Hiromi: [waving happily] KASUGA-KUUUN!! [The entire class turns around in their seats to stare at Kyousuke, who sweats and points at his own face.] narration: ..........!! --------------------------------------------------- p 93 (93) 1 [Seems to be recess. Hiromi sits on top of the desk to the right of Kyousuke. Komatsu and Hatta sit in the desks in front of and behind him and watch. A group of girls gathers around as well, listening in.] Hiromi: What a surprise! To think you're in this school...! 2 Hiromi: So these kinds of things do happen, hmm... It must be coincidence!! Kyousuke: R-really... 3 Hatta: What's this, Kasuga? An acquaintance? Komatsu: Introduce us! [Kyousuke sweats nervously.] 4 Hiromi: We were classmates at my last school, weren't we! girls: Ohhh! 5 [Hiromi leans in close. Kyousuke forces a nervous smile.] Hiromi: I feel some kind of fate between us... Kyousuke: It's a grim fate... 6 Kyousuke: But... You've sure changed... At first, I didn't know who you were. Even your hair, as I recall, was much longer... --------------------------------------------------- p 94 (94) 1 [She averts her gaze, face without expression.] Hiromi: Yeah... 2 [She turns completely away.] Hiromi: Kyousuke-kun, maybe it's because you transferred out... [Kyousuke's eyes grow large.] 3 Hiromi: The significance of a girl cutting her hair... Do you understand that? class: [stunned] OHHHH! Kyousuke: [wide-eyed] EH?! 4 [An anguished Hatta comes flying in, grabbing Kyousuke by his lapels.] Hatta: Kasuga-a-a!! Why is it only you get the girls?!! 5 [Exterior shot of the school building.] class FX: [off] Hatta: [off] H-has an unexpected rival for Hikaru-chan appeared?!! 6 [Kyousuke sits down, blushing and staring hard at Hiromi, who looks askance.] Kyousuke: Y-you... narration: I-I'm the one that she...?! --------------------------------------------------- p 95 (95) 1 Hiromi: [merrily] If that were so... Would you be happy? Kyousuke: Eh?! 2 [With a wide grin, she puts an arm around his shoulder in a chummy fashion.] Hiromi: It's unfortunate, but I'd have to say it's more like we're... Tied together by the bonds of a deep friendship, right? narration: O-ohhh... 3 Hiromi: But... Kasuga-kun... That thing... Can I tell them? 4 Kyousuke: AH!?! narration: "That thing?" C-could it be she... ...means my Power? 5 [Hiromi portrait--she looks back, wide-eyed.] --------------------------------------------------- p 96 (96) 1 Hiromi: Listen, everyone!! Kasuga-kun... Kyousuke: [rushing at her] W-wait!! 2 Hiromi: [merrily] Was making "purr purr" with a cute girl in the park last night!! to describe what Kyousuke was doing with a girl in the park. That is, whatever he was doing was causing him to purr.> [Kyousuke does a pratfall. All the girls laugh.] 3 Hiromi: I saw it. We moved in yesterday and when I took a walk to check out this town I found myself in the park... narration: O-ohh... 4 [Hiromi playfully rubs her elbow against his chest.] Kyousuke: (But... She was watching?) Kyousuke eyes FX: Hiromi FX: Hiromi: Even though you have someone like me--who's that girl? 5 [Hatta turns to stare at him.] Hatta: It was Hikaru-chan, wasn't it! She's his girlfriend. She's two years younger, in junior high--a cute little wide-eyed girl with Dutch-cut hair! 6 Hatta: Right, Kasuga! 7 Hatta: [looking off to the side] Come to think of it, it's already lunchtime... And Hikaru-chan isn't here yet... --------------------------------------------------- p 97 (97) 1 Hiromi: Dutch-cut hair?! Wide-eyed...?! 2 Hiromi: [looking up at the ceiling] Really? That doesn't sound like her... [Kyousuke topples backward in his chair, startling Komatsu and Hatta.] chair/desk FX: Kyousuke FX: 3 Hiromi: [thinking] Hmm... As I recall, she had long hair... 4 [View of Kyousuke as he lies on the floor in shock.] Hiromi: [off] And she looked older and more mature... 5 [He visualizes Madoka from the night before, looking back at him with much concern.] narration: It's Ayukawa she's talking about!! narration: Yesterday, when I was drunk... *Maybe*... I did something terrible... 6 Kyousuke: (Oo-ooo-wahhh. This is awful!!) --------------------------------------------------- p 98 (98) 1 Hatta: [gleefully] Give us the details! What the heck sort of things was he doing?! guy 1: Yeah, that's right. That he was "purring" doesn't tell us much! [The girls who are listening in blush furiously, but smile nonetheless.] girl 3: Wahhh! How dirty! How perverted! 2 [Hiromi blushes and feigns embarrassment, hands to cheeks.] Hiromi: Oh no-o... Are you going to make me--a girl!--say such things?! [Kyousuke pops to his feet, livid.] Kyousuke: You don't have to say!! 3 Hiromi: [stage whisper to everyone] Then just keep it between us! It's embarrassing so don't tell anyone else, okay? [Kyousuke does another pratfall.] Hiromi: Don't tell anyone that I told you! 4 [Hiromi's view that night. Kyousuke embraces Madoka. Here, we have a back view of Madoka.] narration: Yeah... That's when his right hand embraced her shoulder tightly... 5 [View from the other side shows his hand reaching for Madoka's breast.] narration: Then his other hand was lewdly at her... 6 [The girls listening in grow nervous.] girl 4: Her...?! girl 3 FX: --------------------------------------------------- p 99 (99) 1 Kyousuke: WAHHH!! Hiromi: Well-developed breasts!! [Kyousuke grabs Hiromi from behind and clamps a hand on her mouth...] 2 [...and his other hand clamps down on Hiromi's left breast. Kyousuke blushes.] Kyousuke: AH! Kyousuke hand on breast FX: Hiromi: ! 3 [Hiromi crosses her arms over her chest and twists away from him. Hatta grins. The girls all blush and smile.] narration: Wh-what's she saying?! That I did such a shameless thing to Ayukawa?! Hiromi: Ohh . Hatta: OHH! Is it really just *friendship* between you two?! girls FX: 4 Kyousuke: [aghast] (So... Is that why Ayukawa didn't come to school today?!) 5 door FX: 6 [Madoka walks in and looks at him without expression.] --------------------------------------------------- p 100 (100) 1 [Hiromi and Madoka stare at each other.] Hiromi: AHH!! 2 Hiromi: [pointing] Here! It's this girl!! Everyo-o-one, it's this girl...!! 3 [Madoka's pov of Hiromi, who points a finger at her.] Hiromi: Who was hugging Kasuga-kun in the park last night!! girls 3, 4 and 5: [wide-eyed] EH?! 4 Hatta: Wha-a-at?! Can't be. Ayukawa and Kasuga...! 5 [Madoka portrait--wide-eyed.] class: [off] Ehhhh?! You're kidding! 6 [Hikaru appears at the doorway. Kyousuke and Madoka turn in surprise.] door FX: --------------------------------------------------- p 101 (101) 1 [Hikaru looks aside, face unhappy.] 2 Hikaru: Sempai... narration: Hikaru-chan!! 3 Kyousuke: (That means... Since the three of us went home together, if I did something to Ayukawa...) 4 [View of Kyousuke, Hatta, Hiromi and a couple of other girls.] narration: ...then Hikaru-chan... 5 [Madoka portrait--she looks sad.] narration: ...because she was nearby... 6 [Hikaru portrait--she looks sad.] narration: ...saw it!! --------------------------------------------------- p 102 (102) 1 [Hikaru bows to Kyousuke.] Hikaru: I'm so sorry I'm late. I felt really bad this morning and couldn't get out of bed!! 2 [Beaming, she uncovers the box lunch.] Hikaru: Here's your box lunch!! 3 Hikaru: [smiling at Madoka] After we said goodbye to you, Sempai... Actually, I don't remember too well, but... I slept over at Madoka-san's place. Madoka: [smiling] You were so dizzy that even I was worried. 4 Madoka: [dropping her gaze] Nevertheless, you still insisted on making a box lunch... Hikaru: [embarrassed] Actually, I had Madoka-san make almost all of it... 5 Hikaru: But still... Sempai, are you all right? At the time, I was really worried. 6 [Hikaru visualizes the REAL story. On his knees, Kyousuke clamps a hand over his mouth to keep from barfing. Madoka rushes to his side.] Hikaru: Sempai! You fell down in the park. Kyousuke: [flashback] Bleaugh! --------------------------------------------------- p 103 (103) 1 [View pulls up. We see Hikaru sprawled across a park bench, blasted. Madoka struggles to pull Kyousuke to his feet.] Madoka: Hey! Pull yourself together! Hikaru: [slurring] Sempai, 're y'all right? 2 [View looking up at the night sky.] Kyousuke: [off] Blearggh!! I-I'm sorry... 3 [He holds onto Madoka.] Kyousuke: But now... I feel much better. 4 [The entire class, including Kyousuke and Hiromi, look back wide-eyed. This is Hikaru's pov.] 5 [Kyousuke smiles in relief.] Hiromi: Huh?! narration: Oh... Ohhh... 6 [Hiromi waves a hand in the direction of Madoka.] Hiromi: Th-then... Kasuga-kun, you and this girl... --------------------------------------------------- p 104 (104) 1 Kyousuke: [sweating] Eh?! Uh, that is... 2 [Madoka portrait--she looks back a little sadly...] 3 [...then tosses her hair back and walks away.] Madoka: *I* *hate* *drunks*! Kyousuke: [wincing] .......... 4 [Split panel. Exterior shot of a school building.] Komatsu: [off] See?! Kasuga and Ayukawa... There's no way. Hatta: [off] *This* is his girlfriend! Hikaru: [off] Kyaa! "Girlfriend." I'm so embarrassed. 5 [Hiromi stares at Hikaru, who looks back in puzzlement.] Hiromi FX: 6 Hiromi: So you're Kasuga-kun's girlfriend. Hikaru: [to Kyousuke] Who is this person? --------------------------------------------------- p 105 (105) 1 [Hiromi extends a hand.] Hiromi FX: 2 [Hikaru's pov of Hiromi.] Hiromi: Nice to meet you! I transferred into this class today. I'm Sugi Hiromi! 3 Hiromi: [merrily] At our old school, Kasuga-kun and I were linked by the bonds of a deep friendship. Pleased to meet you! 4 [Four portraits, split by a narration. On the right, Kyousuke looks across to the other portraits. On the left are portraits of Madoka, Hikaru and Hiromi.] narration: I wonder which side of her is real... Now I'm nervous about the future... ---------------------------------------------------