Inuyasha -Sengoku o-Togi Zoushi- Part 206 Version: 0.830 Title: The Lady in the Mountain Written and illustrated by Rumiko Takahashi Translated from: Shounen Sunday 2001 #13, 27th February 2001 Copyright Rumiko Takahashi and Shogakukan 1996-2000 Translation & editing by Chris Rijk Additional translating and editing by No one yet This translation is copyright Chris Rijk 1996-2000. Done expressly for non-profit use only. No unorthorised selling, renting etc. Get the latest version from Although scene descriptions are provided, it is not nearly the same as seeing it for yourself. If you enjoy the series, I would strongly recommend buying the 'tankoubon' (collected version, each about 180 pages or 10 chapters long, costing 410 yen) when they become available - the first was released on 18th April 1997, and the first 15 are now available. Warning: These translations will occationally include strong language, as well as violence, though this is only when it is present in the original Japanese version. Page 1 1 [View of Miroku and Sango, in her casual gear, sitting near to each other by a tree. Miroku is looking off into the distance, but Sango is sort of shyly looking at Miroku.] Title: The Lady in the Mountain ( 'hime' normally means 'princess'. However, in the Sengoku Jidai, it was rather like there were many small kingdoms, even though there was still an emperor, which also means there are a lot more women with the title of 'hime-sama'. So, for this era translating 'hime' as 'princess' seems incorrect, but it still basically referrs to a high-ranking noblewoman.) Page 2 1 [View of a forest on a hill.] Miroku: {off} The men who entered the mountain didn't return? 2 [View of three crying village women.] village woman#1: It's possible they were tricked by a Youkai. village woman#2: Please, save them... 3 [Closeup of Inuyasha with an annoyed look.] Inuyasha: Just helping people _again_, huh. 4 [Wider view of the group, standing near the outskirts out a village.] Kagome: It's okay isn't it, Inuyasha. Miroku: You feel helpless with your husbands not returning don't you. Page 3 1 [Miroku speaks to the village women.] Miroku: Very well. Miroku: We shall go punish [this Youkai]. village woman: Th, thank you very much. 2 [Miroku and Sango turn to Inuyasha.] Miroku: Okay with you, Inuyasha? Sango: If we all go, it'll be finished soon. 3 [Inuyasha still looks a bit annoyed.] Inuyasha: Well, I bet I'll be the one who has to finish it off, of course. Kagome: Of course. 4 [View of two of the village women.] village woman#1: U, umm, please be on your guard everyone... village woman#2: That Youkai, according to rumour... 5 [View from behind of the group leaving, turning back to listen.] village woman: is a woman of peerless beauty apparently. Miroku: ...... Page 4 1 [View of Miroku with everyone else in the group giving him a "look", particularly Sango.] Miroku: I will go myself. Fx Miroku: {comically} humph 2 [Closeup of one of the village women.] village woman#2: By yourself houshi-sama? 3 [Closeup side view of Miroku.] Miroku: I can handle it. 4 [Inuyasha, Kagome and Shippou look on.] Inuyasha: Are you sure? Shippou: He wants to be all alone with the beautiful woman Youkai, doesn't he? Page 5 1 [A bit later, Sango is in her battle clothes, and is tying up her hair, looking a bit annoyed.] Fx hair: *grip* 2 [Sitting on the porch around a building, Kagome and Inuyasha look on.] Kagome: You're going with him Sango-chan? Sango: Are you kidding!? 3 [Closeup of Sango looking round.] Sango: Alone that lustful houshi-sama, Sango: will get possessed by that Youkai instead, is the point. 4 [After Sango's left, Kagome sidles up to Inuyasha.] Kagome: Say, Inuyasha. Kagome: This is what I think though. Inuyasha: Hm? Page 6 1 [Closeup of Kagome smiling, with her hands pressed together.] Kagome: Sango-chan is... Kagome: in love with Miroku-sama, isn't she? 2 [Closeup of Inuyasha looking a bit surprised.] Inuyasha: Huh? Inuyasha: Whadda ya mean? 3 [Kagome is looking at Inuyasha in surprise, who looks a bit nervous. Shippou is also looking at Inuyasha in surprise.] Kagome: Meaning, you didn't notice? Inuyasha: _Eh_. Shippou: I had this vague feeling. 4 [Scene change to a view of a forest.] Fx leaves: rustle... 5 [Miroku and Sango are walking through a forest with high undergrowth. Miroku is ahead sighing, and Sango is looking at him in annoyance.] Fx Miroku: *si-i-i-i-igh* Sango: Hey. Sango: What are you sighing for huh? Page 7 1 [Sango catches up to Miroku.] Sango: You understand right? We're exterminating the Youkai... Miroku: Yes. 2 [View of the forest.] Sango: {off} According to the villagers' story, a long time ago on this mountain... 3 [View of a group of armoured men (guards and warriors) walking through the forest.] Sango: {voice over} Some warriors who escaped after losing a war, settled down here apparently. Sango: Naturally, they were all wounded, and it seems they didn't live long... 4 [Drawing of a woman with long black hair in rich looking clothes in a cave. Her head is back to us and we can't see her face.] Sango: {voice over} However, there was a lady who escaped with them, Sango: but she became the last one alive, Sango: so there wasn't a single person left to protect her... ( This lady would logically be the daughter (or wife) of whichever lord lost the war...) 5 [Back to Sango and Miroku.] Sango: In the end, she died like that apparently. Miroku: Hmm, Miroku: so... Page 8 1 [Closeup of Miroku.] Miroku: that lady's malice [at being left alone to die] transformed her into a Youkai...? 2 [View of Miroku and Sango walking through some bushes, and Miroku notices something ahead.] Sango: Perhaps something like... Fx bush: rustle Miroku: ! 3 [Closeup of Miroku and Sango.] Miroku: Can you see it Sango? Sango: Yeah... 4 [View of the forest ahead, which seems to be distorted as though through a lens. There is a glow ahead as well.] Fx light: *glow...* Miroku: {off} _That_ is the entrance. Miroku: However, that barrier... 5 [Closeup of Miroku.] Miroku: seems to be easy to enter, but hard to leave. 6 [Miroku seems serious but Sango looks at him slightly surprised.] Miroku: Sango, I think you should go back. Sango: No way. 7 [Miroku turns to Sango.] Miroku: Hey, Miroku: I'm worried about you... Sango: That's my line. Page 9 1 [Closeup of Sango with a slightly annoyed look.] Sango: The Youkai is targeting men isn't it? Sango: It's safer if I come along. 2 [With a put on expression Miroku reaches into his robes.] Fx Miroku: *si-i-i-gh* Miroku: Really? Fx Miroku: *searching through robes...* Sango: .oO(Just what is this guy's intention...). 3 [Miroku hands Sango a small rosary.] Miroku: Use this. Fx rosary: clatter... Sango: Hm? 4 [Miroku puts it around Sango's wrist.] Miroku: Put this on. Miroku: It'll help against some things. Fx rosary: clatter 5 [Miroku and Sango charge into the barrier, and air/fog billows around them.] Miroku: Now, let's go. Sango: Right. Fx air: whoosh Page 10 1 [View ahead of wind rushing along.] Fx air: whoosh 2 [Side view of Sango battling through the air, and flicks of energy seem to be knocking into her.] Fx energy: crackle crackle Sango: Ugh. 3 [Closeup of Sango.] Sango: Ho, houshi-sama... that entering would be easy... Sango: Was a lie wasn't it!? The resistance is terrible... 4 [Sango notices that Miroku is some distance ahead, fading from view.] Fx Miroku: *fade...* Sango: ! 5 [View of Sango struggling more.] Fx wind: whoosh... Sango: Houshi-sama... 6 [Misty frame.] 7 [Miroku seems to have passed through the barrier - the air is calm. He's looking around.] Miroku: Sango! Miroku: Where are you!? Page 11 1 [Closeup of Miroku with a serious look.] Miroku: She was separated huh... 2 [Something large appears out of the mist ahead of Miroku.] Fx image: *fade in...* 3 [It's a large rich and peaceful looking Japanese mansion/castle.] Fx mist: shh... Miroku: .oO(A Mansion...!?). 4 [Miroku looks to the side.] Fx sound: {off} *walking over ground...* voice: {off} Who is there...? ( This speaker uses more formal language.) Page 12 1 [It's a noble-woman - long black hair, rich looking kimono etc. However, her eyes are all black except for a white angled bar in each eye. Doesn't appear to be entirely human...] Fx youkai: *walking over ground...* youkai: What are you doing in a mountain like this...? 2 [Closeup of Miroku.] Miroku: .oO(This woman is...). Miroku: .oO(a Youkai...!?). Page 13 1 [Scene change to a misty frame.] Sango: {off} Houshi-sama. 2 [Sango is walking along with Kirara, transformed.] Fx Sango: shh Sango: Where are you!? 3 [Closeup side view of Sango noticing something ahead.] 4 [Some small objects fade in view ahead.] Fx objects: *fade in...* 5 [Sango rushes forwards.] Fx Sango: swish Sango: Youkai!? 6 [Sango comes across an unusual scene. There's a group of about 6 old men, all sitting around looking half asleep. There's some large fruit (melons?) growing around, but the ground seems pretty barren.] Fx Sango: shh... Sango: ! 7 [Closeup of Sango looking surprised.] Sango: Hu... men...? Page 14 1 [View of the group of old men - they haven't even noticed her.] Sango: .oO({off} Also... they're all old men.). 2 [Sango talks to one of the men, who puts a hand to his ear.] Sango: Umm... jii-san. old man: Huh? 3 [Closeup of the old man.] old man: I'm... old man: not a jijii. ( 'jii-san' is 'grandad' or a general term of address to an old man. 'jijii' is similar, but the sort of thing Inuyasha would say - ie 'old fart'.) 4 [Closeup of Sango looking surprised.] Sango: Eh...? 5 [Misty frame.] Sango: .oO(You're...). Sango: .oO(the missing men from the village!?). 6 [Sango is looking at the old men in surprise. They're still all just staring into space.] Sango: What's going on!? Fx old man: *space out...* old man: It was like having a dream... Page 15 1 [Drawing showing the woman Youkai from earlier.] old man: {voice over} After getting lost and into difficulty... old man: we met a lady with beauty such that seemed beyond this world... 2 [View of the mansion from earlier.] old man: {voice over} We were invited into a magnificent palace, old man: and had a lot of fun. 3 [Sango is giving the old man a suspicious look.] Sango: "Fun"... huh...? old man#1: It was fun... old man#2: Yes... it was fun wasn't it... 4 [The old man continues as Sango gets up.] old man: And before we noticed, old man: we were like this... Sango: ...... 5 [Closeup of Sango looking off into the distance in fear.] Sango: .oO(The Youkai sucks out their life-energy... their youth huh.). Page 16 1 [Scene change to a view of the mansion.] Fx air: rustle... 2 [Inside, the lady is pouring something for Miroku. (it appears Miroku is holding a 'sakazuki' in his hands - a type of liquor cup)] Miroku: You escaped here away from the war... youkai: Yes... then... youkai: all my companions died. 3 [View of the Youkai lady with her eyes closed and a tear in her right eye.] youkai: I was by myself... youkai: and lonely... 4 [View of the two.] Miroku: My condolences. youkai: Houshi-sama... 5 [Closeup of the lady with a pleading look. She still has those weird eyes.] youkai: Since I cannot leave here... youkai: at least, even if just for tonight, please stay with me. Page 17 1 [The Youkai is now very close to Miroku and has a hand on his chest. Miroku has a soft look.] Miroku: If that is your wish... youkai: Houshi-sama... 2 [Closeup of the Youkai's face.] youkai: Look into my eyes... 3 [Scene change to a misty frame.] old man: {flashback} Anyway, once you've looked into that lady's eyes, 4 [Sango is rushing along with Kirara at her side.] old man: your mind goes blank, and you don't care about anything anymore... Fx Sango: swish Sango: Sheesh... 5 [Closeup side view of Sango looking worried.] Sango: .oO(That lecherous houshi-sama...). Sango: .oO(will effortlessly fall into that Youkai lady's trap.). Page 18 1 [Back to the Youkai and Miroku who are now hugging each other.] Miroku: My lady... youkai: Houshi-sama... 2 [Closeup of the Youkai's eyes, which have now gone rather misty.] Fx youkai: hshht... 3 [Back to Sango rushing along looking quite worried.] Sango: Houshi-sama! 4 [Scene change back to Inuyasha and Kagome, who seem to be arguing. Shippou is looking bored.] Inuyasha: But, Sango gets angry when Miroku caresses her bottom. Kagome: Hey, a girl is someone who values the "mood". Shippou: .oO(I've gotten tired of this discussion already...). ( By the way, Kagome literally says "mood", the imported english word...) Last modified April 2nd 2001