Inuyasha -Sengoku o-Togi Zoushi- Part 201 Version: 0.840 Title: Naraku's Scent Written and illustrated by Rumiko Takahashi Translated from: Shounen Sunday 2001 #8, 24th January 2001 Copyright Rumiko Takahashi and Shogakukan 1996-2000 Translation & editing by Chris Rijk Additional translating and editing by No one yet This translation is copyright Chris Rijk 1996-2000. Done expressly for non-profit use only. No unorthorised selling, renting etc. Get the latest version from Although scene descriptions are provided, it is not nearly the same as seeing it for yourself. If you enjoy the series, I would strongly recommend buying the 'tankoubon' (collected version, each about 180 pages or 10 chapters long, costing 410 yen) when they become available - the first was released on 18th April 1997, and the first 15 are now available. Warning: These translations will occationally include strong language, as well as violence, though this is only when it is present in the original Japanese version. Page 1 1 [Closeup of Inuyasha with a rather neutral expression. Behind him is a side view of Kouga rushing along looking confident.] Title: Naraku's Scent Page 2 1 [View of the sky.] wolf-man patch: {off} Hey, wait up Kouga. wolf-man patch: Let's take a break. 2 [View of the wolf-man with a black path of hair, putting his hands down in front of him to keep himself from falling. Near to him is the wolf-man with spiked hair, sitting down. Both look worn out and are sweating quite a bit. Behind them is about 20 or so wolves, also panting.] Fx wolf-man patch: *putting hands down* Fx wolf-man patch: pant pant wolf-man patch: My body can't take it. Fx wolf-man spike: wheeze wheeze wolf-man spike: The wolves are exhausted too. Fx wolves: pant pant pant pant 3 [View of Kouga turning around with a look of annoyance. Behind him are some hills and a forest.] Fx Kouga: shh Kouga: Sheesh, you're hopeless. Kouga: At your pace, even if we spent 100 years, we wouldn't reach Naraku's castle. Page 3 1 [View of Kouga standing on the top of a ridge looking forwards, with the rest of the group behind him.] wolf-man patch: But Kouga, aren't you just running around at random...? Kouga: I smell it - a suspicious scent. 2 [Closeup side view of Kouga gritting his teeth.] Kouga: Naraku's castle is nearby. 3 [Flashback drawing of when Kouga's friends were killed at Naraku's castle.] Kouga: .oO({voice over} I will avenge my friends,). Kouga: .oO(who were killed inside the castle.). 4 [Scene change. View of the sky.] 5 [More sky.] Miroku: {off} What's up Inuyasha. Miroku: Isn't this the way you were indicating [before]? Inuyasha: {off} Shuddup. Page 4 1 [Inuyasha is looking up from where he's been sniffing the ground.] Inuyasha: Don't talk to me - you're distracting! 2 [Inuyasha continues sniffing at the ground. Behind him, Sango and Miroku look on. Up ahead, Kagome looks back beside her bike, along with Shippou.] Sango: Even if you sniff the ground, you can't find Naraku's castle can you? Miroku: Right. Inuyasha: Dammit. Fx Inuyasha: *dog-like sniff* 3 [View of Shippou and Kagome.] Shippou: Inuyasha, isn't it that your nose is becoming ineffective? Shippou: Tonight's the first day of the month. Kagome: Ah... 4 [View of Sango and Miroku.] Sango: "First day of the month"... Miroku: That's right... Miroku: Tonight's the day when Inuyasha loses his Youkai-powers and has human form. ( Hmm, Inuyasha has a "bad hair day" about every 5 volumes (50 chapters). Pretty regular.) 5 [Closeup of Kagome.] Kagome: Inuyasha, don't push yourself today... Page 5 1 [Inuyasha looks up angrily.] Inuyasha: You gotta be kidding - after coming so close... Kagome: Bu-u-t. 2 [Kagome notices a whirlwind in the distance.] Fx whirlwind: whoosh Kagome: Hn? 3 [Miroku and Sango notice it too.] Sango: A whirlwind? 4 [Kouga appears with a smile, sliding to a stop.] Fx Kouga: whizz Fx ground: skrsh... Page 6 1 [Kouga is now standing right in front of a slightly wide-eyed Kagome.] Fx Kouga: shh Fx wind: whoosh... Kouga: Hey there Kagome. Kouga: So you came too eh. Kagome: Ko... Kouga-kun. 2 [The view expands a bit. In the wide skid-mark Kouga made as he arrived in Inuyasha the road-kill, lying face down in the ground, with two foot-prints on his hair. Everyone is looking at him.] Fx Inuyasha: clunk... Miroku: ...... 3 [Closeup of Kouga with quite a derisive look, sneering down at Inuyasha.] Kouga: Heh, so you fucking got wind of it too, eh dog-turd? Page 7 1 [Inuyasha slowly raises himself off the ground. Teeth and hands clenched in anger.] Fx Inuyasha: {comically} *raise slowly...* Inuyasha: Humph... 2 [Inuyasha charges forwards, drawing Tetsusaiga.] Inuyasha: I'll waste that wimpy-wolf! Fx Tetsusaiga: shing 3 [Kouga looks on coldly, while Kagome gets a bit agitated.] Kagome: Inuyasha sit. 4 [While Inuyasha splats to the ground, Miroku comes over to talk to Kouga.] Fx Inuyasha: {comically} squish Miroku: Kouga, have you traced the castle? Kouga: Yeah, I don't know why, but... Page 8 1 [Closeup of Kouga.] Kouga: that jerk Naraku's disgusting smell is fucking leaking out. Kouga: It hasn't before. 2 [Sango and Miroku ponder this.] Sango: That means... Miroku: The barrier around the castle has slackened? 3 [Closeup side view of Kouga speaking happily.] Kouga: Don't worry Kagome. Kouga: I shall waste that Naraku... 4 [Kouga finds himself holding Shippou's hands.] Kouga: _Hn_? Fx Kouga: (Shippou's hands) *hold* Shippou: No good telling me... 5 [Kagome is beside Inuyasha, holding onto one of his arms, looking quite concerned.] Inuyasha: Don't stop me Kagome. Inuyasha: Today's the day we'll settle this. Kagome: I'm telling you - stop that. Page 9 1 [Closeup of Kouga.] Kouga: Hn~n? Kouga: What's up dog-turd? 2 [Kouga is now crouched beside Inuyasha.] Fx Kouga: sniff sniff sniff Kouga: Somehow, you're... 3 [Closeup side view of Kouga.] Kouga: You don't have that irritating dog's smell. Kouga: Did you go for a swim or something? 4 [Kagome looks a bit startled/worried and Inuyasha looks a bit nervous.] Fx Kagome: urkk... Inuyasha: Wha... 5 [Kouga's friends and the wolves catch up, finally, all straining.] Fx group: (running) thud-thud-thud wolf-man patch: Ko, Kouga~a wolf-man spike: Fi, finally caught up... Kouga: Oh. 6 [Kouga waves.] Kouga: I don't have time for this. Kouga: See ya, Kagome. Fx Kouga: swish Page 10 1 [Kouga speeds off into the distance, to the distress of his friends.] Fx Kouga: whizz wolf-man patch: Ahh. wolf-man patch: Wait a s-... 2 [The wolf-men and wolves trundle past Inuyasha and co. The guy with spiked hair makes a sort of embarrassed greeting to Kagome.] Fx wolf group: shh-shh-shh wolf-man patch: {noticing Kagome} Ah. wolf-man spike: Greetings, Kagome-nee-san. Kagome: Hello. 3 [Sango and Miroku look on.] Sango: Shall we go after them, Houshi-sama? Miroku: It's better we be inactive tonight. 4 [Inuyasha speaks to Miroku angrily.] Inuyasha: No way - they're getting ahead of us. Miroku: Calm down Inuyasha. 5 [Closeup of Inuyasha realising something.] Miroku: {off} Kouga is one thing, but do you want to expose your human form to Naraku? Page 11 1 [Closeup of Miroku, continuing to explain.] Miroku: If the day on which a Half-Youkai loses their Youkai-power is found out, their life would be in danger. Miroku: Even more if it's Naraku [that finds out]. 2 [Closeup of Inuyasha, gritting his teeth in anger.] Inuyasha: .oO(Dam... dammit - why now...). 3 [Scene change. Ripples of evil energy.] 4 [View of a castle at night, with dark energy swirling around.] Fx scene: rumble... 5 [Kagura is walking down a corridor in the castle. There are several bleached skeletons visible, though the clothes are in good shape. None seemed to have died by violence - several seem to have died while sitting with their backs to the wall, or lying down.] Fx floorboards: creak... Kagura: ...... Page 12 1 [Closeup of Kagura with an annoyed expression.] Kagura: Sheesh, it's quite stuffy in this castle... 2 [View of some more skeletons.] 3 [View of some more.] Kagura: {off} All the retainers, who were brought _here_ together with the castle... Kagura: were effected by the poison from the barrier and died. 4 [Kagura notices Kanna behind her.] Kagura: ! 5 [Kanna is holding her mirror.] Fx mirror: *glow...* 6 [Closeup of Kagura looking annoyed.] Kagura: What's with you Kanna. Kagura: Suddenly standing behind someone like that... Page 13 1 [Closeup of Kagura looking surprised at something.] Kagura: Hn!? 2 [In the mirror, Kagura sees a hazy view of Kouga walking through some tall grass along with some wolves.] Fx images: *appear...* 3 [Drawing of Kouga.] Kagura: .oO(He's... Kouga or whatever, the young leader of the Youkai-Wolf Tribe...). Kagura: .oO(He's actually gotten close to the castle!?). 4 [Closeup side view of Kagura thinking.] Kagura: .oO(A coincidence?). Kagura: .oO(Or could it be...). 5 [Kagura, who is crouched to look at the mirror, looks up at Kanna.] Kagura: Hey Kanna. Kagura: Does Naraku know about this? 6 [Closeup of Kanna.] Kanna: I don't know... Kanna: He's not here... Page 14 1 [Closeup side view of Kagura thinking.] Kagura: Hmmm... Kagura: .oO(Now that I think about it, that jerk Naraku leaves occationally...). ( Naraku is a Half-Youkai, but his birth as one was certainly different from Inuyasha's, so we don't know if Naraku has a day when he loses all his power, though it's certainly a possibility. It's also possible that Naraku could loses his power on the night of the new moon too. There's other reasons why he could have gone, but the fact that the barrier's power is weak now is interesting...) 2 [Kagura is walking off, with Kanna looking at her from behind.] Kanna: Kagura... Kagura: .oO(I will kill him.). Kagura: .oO(I don't have to wait for Naraku's order do I.). 3 [Dark wavey frame.] 4 [View of Kouga's group walking through some tall grass. The sky around them is all dark wavey energy.] Fx Kouga: shh... Kouga: Dammit - it's definitely in this direction though. wolf-man patch: But we can't see anything... wolf-man spike: {looking up} Hn!? 5 [View of what appears to be some kind of swarm in the sky - a dark patch against the night sky, though there appear to be many skulls there to.] Fx swarm: shh... wolf-man spike: Ko, Kouga! wolf-man spike: Above... Page 15 1 [A cutting arc of energy shoots out from the swarm.] Fx arc: swish 2 [Kouga and some wolves jump to the side as the arc hits the ground.] Fx ground: wham Kouga: {dodging} Hah! 3 [Kagura lands down from the swarm, smiling, and holding her fan out. Kouga looks at her angrily.] Fx Kagura: tmp Kagura: Hey, long time no see Kouga. Fx Kouga: shh Kouga: _You_... Page 16 1 [Double-page width frame of Kagura smiling darkly, while behind her, the 'swarm' is actually all the skeletons from the castle, mostly warriors.] Fx skeletons: rustle... Kagura: I'm grateful to get out of there, you know. Kagura: I've been rather bored. 2 [The two wolf-men look on in shock off at the opponents.] wolf-man patch: Wh, what're those skeletons... 3 [Closeup of Kagura with a dark smile.] Kagura: Heh, the guards from the castle. Kagura: Countless of them. Page 17 1 [Closeup of Kouga. gritting his teeth in anger.] Kouga: Kagura the Wind-User... Kouga: There hasn't been a single day when I've forgotten about your spiteful face. Kouga: Because, you're directly responsible for killing my friends... Fx Kouga: *grit teeth...* Page 18 1 [Kouga charges forwards.] Kouga: Prepare to fucking die! Kouga: I will get you back for last time. Fx Kouga: whoosh 2 [Kagura raises her fan.] Kagura: Me too! Kagura: At that time, I failed to get the Shikon fragments in your legs - I'll take them for sure this time. Fx fan: sh 3 [Closeup side view of Kagura smiling.] Kagura: .oO(Heh, to counter Kouga's speed is trivial.). Last modified February 3rd 2001