Inuyasha -Sengoku o-Togi Zoushi Part 179 Version: 0.810 Title: Suspicion Written and illustrated by Rumiko Takahashi Translated from: Shounen Sunday 2000 #36,2nd August 2000 © Rumiko Takahashi and Shogakukan 1996-2000 Translation & editing by Chris Rijk Additional translating and editing by No one yet This translation is © Chris Rijk 1996-2000. Done expressly for non-profit use only. No unorthorised selling, renting etc. Get the latest version from Translations of this chapter, but with different styling/content are also available - a plain text version and also a text version with all the original Japanese for the speech and sound effects. Translation notes and style Although scene descriptions are provided, it is not nearly the same as seeing it for yourself. If you enjoy the series, I would strongly recommend buying the tankoubon (collected version, each about 180 pages or 10 chapters long, costing 410 yen) when they become available (typically 3-4 months after the weekly Shonen Sunday release), and the first 15 volumes are now on sale. Warning: These translations will occationally include strong language, and violence, though this is only when it is present in the original Japanese version. ------------------------------------------------------------ Page 1 1 [View of Inuyasha rushing along, looking to the side claws clenched, with a drawing overview of Kohaku holding his sickle chain looking a bit uncertain.] Title Suspicion ------------------------------------------------------------ Page 2 1 [Two page wide drawing of Inuyasha, Kagome and Miroku facing off with Kagura and the hoard of Youkai.] Inuyasha Bah, how very grandiose Kagura. fx youkai rustle... 2 [Closeup of Inuyasha.] Inuyasha You've brought along a fucking big group just to chase after an escaped brat. ------------------------------------------------------------ Page 3 1 [Inside the single room building nearby, Sango continues to hold-back Kohaku.] Kohaku ...We're surrounded. Sango It's okay Kohaku. Don't go outside. 2 [Closeup of Sango looking a bit worried.] Sango I won't let you fall into Naraku's hands again. ------------------------------------------------------------ Page 4 1 [Back outside, a closeup of Kagura, with a slight smile, opening her fan.] Kagura Humph, I'm glad to have met you here. I'm going to kill all you bastards while I'm at it. fx fan fwap 2 [Closeup of Kagura making a move.] Kagura In particular Inuyasha, your head is mine! 3 [Kagura sends a cutting arc of wind towards Inuyasha who jumps out of the way holding Kagome.] Kagura Fuujin no Mai! (Dance of the Wind-Blades) fx blade swish Inuyasha {dodging} Hah. fx ground wham-am ------------------------------------------------------------ Page 5 1 [A large group of Youkai stream towards the building.] Kagura {off} Drag out Kohaku, from that mini-temple. fx youkai skrsh-skrsh -------- [COMMENTS] Kagura calls the building a 'Dou', which my dictionary says is a (small) temple or shrine. Looks kinda Buddhist style to me... The difference between this and a more normal one is that they are not normally inhabited and are (generally) only used by the monks/priests on special occations. 2 [Hiraikotsu comes zooming out, knocking back the doors.] fx doors wham fx Hiraikotsu vish 3 [The giant boomerang smashes apart many Youkai.] fx youkai whack ------------------------------------------------------------ Page 6 1 [Sango comes rushing angrily out a-top Kirara.] fx Sango (boomerang) *catch* fx Kirara whoosh Sango Your opponent is me! -------- [COMMENTS] Sounds a bit wierd in english, but this is a somewhat common phrase used in battles to 'claim' an opponnent. Sango is also basically saying that to attack her before trying to attack anyone else. 2 [Meanwhile Inuyasha is still dodging Kagura's blades while holding onto Kagome.] fx ground wham Kagome Inuyasha, let me go. Inuyasha You wanna what!? ------------------------------------------------------------ Page 7 1 [Closeup of Kagome.] Kagome You can't fight while carrying me can you. 2 [Kagura prepares another volley.] Kagura Heh, do as you wish, Inuyasha. I may send you on to the next world together with that girl. fx blade swish 3 [Closeup side view of Inuyasha looking to the side while rushing along.] Inuyasha Damn. fx Inuyasha swish 4 [Inuyasha carries Kagome back towards the mini temple, while Miroku dispatches some Youkai with his staff.] Inuyasha Miroku, don't let any Youkai get even a step closer. fx Inuyasha tmp Miroku Gotcha. fx youkai sizzle 5 [Inuyasha bursts in to see Kohaku crouching on the floor.] fx door wham ------------------------------------------------------------ Page 8 1 [Closeup of Inuyasha speaking forcefully, looking somewhat stressed.] Inuyasha In these circumstances Kohaku, I'm leaving Kagome here. 2 [Kohaku looks a bit confused/surprised.] Kohaku Y, yessir. 3 [Kohaku takes a sort of formal position, and Kagome and Inuyasha look a bit surprised.] Kohaku I shall protect her with my life. Kagome Kohaku-kun... -------- [COMMENTS] Kohaku is basically acting like he's a ninja/samurai making a vow to his master ^-^ 4 [Closeup side view of Inuyasha, straining with indecision.] Inuyasha There's no choice but to believe Kohaku. 5 [Inuyasha leaves the building, looking back.] Inuyasha Anyway, if something happens to Kagome, I'll waste you. Got that!? fx Inuyasha swish 6 [Kohaku looks off, and Kagome tries to re-assure him.] Kohaku Is that man... angry with me? Kagome I, it's not like that. ------------------------------------------------------------ Page 9 1 [Closeup of Kagome looking a bit troubled.] Kagome Inuyasha suspects that Kohaku-kun might still be being manipulated by Naraku... But... 2 [Closeup of Kohaku, who looks a bit uncertain.] Kagome This child's eyes... 3 [Back outside, Inuyasha angrily rips apart a Youkai.] Inuyasha Dammmit, I can't figure it out. That Kohaku's expression... 4 [Closeup side view of Inuyasha.] Inuyasha Those are not the eyes of someone who's... being controlled and is trying to trick people! 5 [Kagura sends another blade.] fx blade swish Kagura Finally you can use both hands. Draw your sword Inuyasha. ------------------------------------------------------------ Page 10 1 [Inuyasha draws Tetsusaiga, though it hasn't transformed yet.] Inuyasha I'll rip you apart even if you didn't say that. fx Tetsusaiga shing 2 [Inuyasha swings down the transformed Tetsusaiga which smashes up the ground.] Inuyasha Tetsusaiga! fx ground wham-am ------------------------------------------------------------ Page 11 1 [Kagura lands a bit to the side, and Inuyasha looks over angrily.] Inuyasha Ugh... fx Kagura tmp Kagura What's the matter Inuyasha, your sword swings have slowed majorly haven't they. 2 [Closeup of Inuyasha holding Tetsusaiga down looking rather angry.] fx Tetsusaiga *massive weight...* Inuyasha D... dammit... It's still... too heavy to handle well. 3 [Cut to a view of Hiraikotsu smashing through ranks of Youkai.] fx youkai whack whack whack 4 [Sango catches her boomerang as more Youkai come towards her.] fx boomerang *catch* fx youkai skrsh Sango Ugh, there's still more huh. ------------------------------------------------------------ Page 12 1 [View of a group of Youkai rushing down through the air.] youkai Smash the temple! fx youkai swoosh 2 [View of Miroku looking up at this tensely.] Miroku ! 3 [Miroku throws up his staff, which crackles with energy and kills several Youkai, but is still pushed back.] fx youkai swoosh... fx Miroku (ground) skrsh-skrsh-skrsh Miroku Ugh! ------------------------------------------------------------ Page 13 1 [Inuyasha looks over worriedly.] Inuyasha Miroku! 2 [Closeup of Kagura with a smile, making another attack.] Kagura Stop looking away! fx fan fwap 3 [Inuyasha blocks the blade with Tetsusaiga.] fx blade wham-am-am Inuyasha Ugh. 4 [View of the mini-temple Kagome and Kohaku are in - the walls and roof has collapsed and there are Youkai all over it.] fx wood smash smash 5 [Closeup of Inuyasha looking around to see this, looking somewhat panicked.] Inuyasha ! ------------------------------------------------------------ Page 14 1 [Inside the temple, Kagome and Kohaku are unharmed, but are looking worriedly around them as the building falls apart and Youkai swarm around. Kohaku is just standing up, while Kagome is just starting to get up - she has her bow in her hands btw.] fx wood clatter... fx wood snap Kagome Kya... 2 [Sango rushes in, boomerang raised.] Sango Kohaku-u! 3 [Hiraikotsu cuts through several Youkai.] fx youkai whack 4 [Kagome and Kohaku have crawled to beside the wrecked building, and Kohaku has taken Kagome's hand to pull her up, while Kagome looks up at Kohaku in concern.] fx building clatter... Kagome A, are you okay, Kohaku-kun...? Kohaku Hu, hurry! ------------------------------------------------------------ Page 15 1 [Kagome and Kohaku, now both standing, look up in surprise to see some Youkai coming towards them.] fx youkai swish youkai You won't get away! 2 [Kohaku slices them up with a throw of his sickle-blade.] Kohaku Ugh! fx youkai *slice* 3 [Kohaku runs off, pulling Kagome by the hand, who looks behind her worriedly as more Youkai come after them.] youkai#1 Don't let them escape. youkai#2 After them! fx youkai swish... 4 [A boomerang cuts through the Youkai before they reach the pair.] fx boomerang whizz fx boomerang *slice* ------------------------------------------------------------ Page 16 1 [Sango catches her boomerang while another wave come at her.] fx Sango *catch* fx youkai swoosh Sango ! 2 [Sango smashes them apart.] Sango Outta the wa-a-y! fx youkai whack whack 3 [Kohaku continues to run off leading Kagome by the hand who looks worriedly behind her.] fx Kagome swish Kagome Sango-chan... 4 [Miroku looks off at this, after having gotten rid of one wave of Youkai.] Miroku ! 5 [Closeup of Miroku looking worried.] Miroku It couldn't be... ------------------------------------------------------------ Page 17 1 [Kagura, who looks kinda happy, and Inuyasha, who looks kinda angry, continue to face off.] Kagura I'm not letting you get away Inuyasha. We haven't settled this yet. Inuyasha You bitch... 2 [Inuyasha looks to the side in surprise.] Miroku {off} Don't be deceived Inuyasha. 3 [Miroku comes up towards Inuyasha from behind, whacking some Youkai on the way.] Inuyasha What's up Miroku. fx Miroku whack Miroku Both Kagura and the Youkai's objective should have been Kohaku. 4 [View of Sango watching on, while still having Youkai around her.] Miroku {off} However, they only pursued him at the beginning... while they've deliberately kept us pinned down. ------------------------------------------------------------ Page 18 1 [Closeup of Sango looking a bit stunned.] Sango Naraku's objective... isn't Kohaku!? 2 [Closeup of Inuyasha looking to the side in worry.] Inuyasha Kohaku... lead Kagome away. 3 [Meanwhile in the forest, Kohaku is still pulling Kagome along, and there's no sign of any Youkai. (btw Kagome has her bow and arrows).] Kagome You're not injured? Kohaku No. 4 [Closeup of the pair, and the glow from the fragment on Kohaku's back.] fx fragment *glow...* Last modified August 12th 2000