Inuyasha -Sengoku o-Togi Zoushi Part 178 Version: 0.810 Title: Kohaku's Memory Written and illustrated by Rumiko Takahashi Translated from: Shounen Sunday 2000 #35,26th July 2000 © Rumiko Takahashi and Shogakukan 1996-2000 Translation & editing by Chris Rijk Additional translating and editing by No one yet This translation is © Chris Rijk 1996-2000. Done expressly for non-profit use only. No unorthorised selling, renting etc. Get the latest version from Translations of this chapter, but with different styling/content are also available - a plain text version and also a text version with all the original Japanese for the speech and sound effects. Translation notes and style Although scene descriptions are provided, it is not nearly the same as seeing it for yourself. If you enjoy the series, I would strongly recommend buying the tankoubon (collected version, each about 180 pages or 10 chapters long, costing 410 yen) when they become available (typically 3-4 months after the weekly Shonen Sunday release), and the first 15 volumes are now on sale. Warning: These translations will occationally include strong language, and violence, though this is only when it is present in the original Japanese version. ------------------------------------------------------------ Page 1 1 [Closeup of Sango with a slightly sad, pained expression.] Title Kohaku's Memory ------------------------------------------------------------ Page 2 1 [Closeup of Sango shouting.] Sango Kohaku-u! 2 [View angle shows Sango (on top of Kirara with Miroku sitting behind her) coming onto the scene with the monster standing of Kohaku.] fx Kirara swish ------------------------------------------------------------ Page 3 1 [Closeup of the monster going in for the attack, sticking out it's tongue.] fx tongue vwip youkai Gugugu... Die Kohaku! 2 [Kohaku dodges out of the way of the tongue, which breaks up the ground instead.] fx ground wham Kohaku Ugh. 3 [Behind Kohaku is Kagome clinging to Inuyasha's back. A grow is shown from the near top of Kohaku's left shoulder on his back.] fx Inuyasha swish fx light *glow...* Kagome ! 4 [Closeup of Kagome.] Kagome That Youkai... is trying to take Kohaku-kun's Shikon fragment. 5 [Closeup of Sango, looking worried and angry.] Sango It's what!? Kohaku's life is bound to the Shikon fragment inserted into his body. ------------------------------------------------------------ Page 4 1 [Black frame.] Sango If the fragment is taken out... he will die! 2 [Sango unleashes her boomerang which smashes through the Youkai.] Sango Take this! Hiraikotsu! fx youkai wham-am ------------------------------------------------------------ Page 5 1 [Kohaku looks on in surprise and shock as the remains of the Youkai clatter to the ground.] fx remains thump fx remains *clatter down* Kohaku ...... 2 [Sango casually catches her boomerang as she walks towards Kohaku who looks back at her.] fx Sango *catch* fx Sango shk... 3 [Closeup of Sango.] fx Sango shk... Sango Kohaku... 4 [Drawing of Kohaku standing protectively in front of Naraku.] Sango His mind was being controlled by Naraku... 5 [Closeup of Sango with a sad look.] Sango and he should have been at Naraku's castle. So why is he... ------------------------------------------------------------ Page 6 1 [Closeup of Kohaku.] Kohaku Do you... know me? 2 [The group look on in surprise.] Kagome Eh...? 3 [Scene change - misty frame.] 4 [View of a small building/temple during the day - I guess it's morning.] Sango {off} Your arm's injured isn't it. 5 [Inside the hut Sango is tending to Kohaku's arm, and Kagome is taking out some bandages and stuff.] Sango Show it to me. Kohaku ...... ------------------------------------------------------------ Page 7 1 [Closeup of Kohaku.] Kohaku Umm... 2 [Kohaku looks up at Sango.] Sango Hm...? Kohaku Have we met before? 3 [Closeup of Kagome.] Kagome Say Kohaku-kun. About you running away from the castle earlier... do you really not remember? 4 [Closeup of Kohaku, looking down.] Kohaku No... Sorry... 5 [Closeup of Sango.] Sango Naraku as well? 6 [Closeup of Kohaku.] Kohaku Naraku...? 7 Flashback to Kohaku remembering Naraku looming over him. Kohaku Kohaku... there is no longer any need for you to live. Go to join your father and comrades... ------------------------------------------------------------ Page 8 1 [Closeup side view of Kohaku.] Kohaku Perhaps that was... Naraku... 2 [Misty frame. (scene change)] 3 [Closeup of Inuyasha, outside.] Inuyasha I don't like this. That kid is just acting isn't he. 4 [Outside the building, Inuyasha is sitting on a rock, and Miroku is standing up.] Miroku ...It doesn't seem that way. 5 [Inuyasha looks at Miroku in surprise.] Inuyasha You trust him? Miroku Of course not. ------------------------------------------------------------ Page 9 1 [Drawing of Kohaku standing by himself.] Miroku However, when Kohaku appeared before us previously... he was like a manipulated puppet with his soul taken out. But now he is... 2 [Kagome is walking out from the building with Shippou on her shoulder.] Shippou I wonder if it's okay to leave them alone. Kagome Sango-chan did say that she wanted it that way. 3 [Miroku and Inuyasha look at Kagome.] Inuyasha ...... 4 [Back in the room, Sango is sitting with her back to the wall, knees drawn up looking front. Kohaku is sitting next to her, looking at her.] Kohaku Exterminators' town...? Sango Yes... that's where we lived. ------------------------------------------------------------ Page 10 1 [Closeup of Kohaku.] Kohaku Then, I also exterminated Youkai and such? 2 [Side view of the pair.] Sango At an apprentice level. That's right, on that day - the day when we were called to Naraku's castle. That was Kohaku's first battle. 3 [Drawing of back when Kohaku killed his and Sango's father.] Sango Then... when his mind was controlled by Naraku... Kohaku [killed]... 4 [Closeup side view of Sango.] Sango chichi-ue and our comrades... 5 [Closeup of Kohaku looking up at Sango.] Kohaku Say... Please tell me everything you know. 6 [Closeup of Sango looking at Kohaku.] 7 [View of the pair - Kohaku is now holding up Kirara.] Kohaku I feel kinda helpless. Why did I end up in a place like this... fx Kohaku *si-i-i-gh* ------------------------------------------------------------ Page 11 1 [Closeup of Sango.] Sango He's like the Kohaku of old. Quiet and a bit timid... 2 [Sango puts her arm around Kohaku and pulls his head onto her chest.] Sango ...It's okay if you remember little by little. We'll always be together from now on after all. 3 [Closeup of Kohaku, who is blushing slightly.] Kohaku Umm... 4 [Kohaku pulls away a bit, blushing.] Kohaku Th, that's kinda embarrassing. Sango What are you embarrassed about, we're siblings. 5 [Closeup of Sango.] Sango Kohaku has come back. He's escaped from Naraku's clutches... is what I want to believe. ------------------------------------------------------------ Page 12 1 [Back outside, the others are having a discussion - Inuyasha is making some suggestion and Kagome looks annoyed.] Inuyasha Say, if we hit him two or three times, won't that expose his true character? Kagome Inuyasha, why you... Miroku I don't think it'll be that simple. 2 [Closeup of Miroku.] Miroku Whether it's a trap or not, her dear brother has returned as the person he once was. 3 [Closeup of Kagome looking sad.] Kagome Yeah... If it is a trap, then Sango-chan will be hurt. 4 [Closeup side view of Miroku.] Miroku As Naraku loves to toy with people's emotions. 5 [Inuyasha suddenly notices something.] fx Inuyasha *twitch* Inuyasha Hn!? ------------------------------------------------------------ Page 13 1 [Inuyasha suddenly stands up looking off into the distance worriedly. Miroku gets up too with a serious expression, and Kagome looks off wondering what's going on.] Inuyasha They're coming, and they're also... fx Inuyasha shh fx Miroku shh 2 [Closeup side view of Inuyasha.] Inuyasha a swarm. 3 [View of some hills in the distance. However, like some kind of inky blobby cloud, a dark patch is in the air above the hills, with some small specks around it.] fx swarm shh 4 [Closeup of the swarm - it is a huge group of hideous looking Youkai, with some Saimyoushou for company.] fx swarm shh-h-h... ------------------------------------------------------------ Page 14 1 [Closeup of some of the Saimyoushou.] fx insects bzz-bzz... 2 [Inuyasha and Miroku look shocked.] Inuyasha The Saimyoushou. Miroku Agents of Naraku huh. 3 [A slashing arc of some kind of force flashes out from the swarm.] fx arc vish 4 [Inuyasha grabs Kagome and jumps to the side as the arc smashes into the ground.] Inuyasha {jumping} Hah! Miroku ! fx ground wham-am ------------------------------------------------------------ Page 15 1 [Kagura lands on the ground, with many Youkai at her back.] fx Kagura tmp 2 [Inuyasha looks angry, the others surprised.] Inuyasha Kagura. 3 [Closeup of Kagura looking slightly annoyed.] Kagura Kohaku, you're hiding aren't you. Come out. ------------------------------------------------------------ Page 16 1 [The two groups face off.] Inuyasha Wha... Kagura Don't play innocent... It's the kid Naraku raised. 2 [Closeup of Kagura.] Kagura That fucking Kohaku, in the confusion he slipped out and ran off. While having the Shikon fragment inserted into his body... 3 [Inside the room, Kohaku and Sango are listening to what's going on outside.] Sango ...... 4 [Inuyasha is giving Kagura is disbelieving look.] Inuyasha So you've come to take him back huh? Kagura Humph. ------------------------------------------------------------ Page 17 1 [Closeup of Kagura with a smile.] Kagura Naraku just wants the fragment. He said to grant Kohaku's corpse to his elder sister Sango, you know. 2 [The others are a bit upset.] Inuyasha ! Miroku You bastards... 3 [Inside the hut, Kohaku is picking up is sickle chain.] fx Kohaku shh Sango Kohaku? 4 [Closeup of Kohaku.] Kohaku I'm the one they're after. 5 [Kohaku gets up to leave.] fx Kohaku tmp Kohaku If I go out alone... 6 [Sango grasps Kohaku's shoulders.] fx Sango *grip* Sango Kohaku! ------------------------------------------------------------ Page 18 1 [Closeup of Sango, looking a bit sad and desperate.] Sango Don't... leave again. You're my only brother. 2 [Closeup of Kohaku looking a bit surprised.] Kohaku ...... 3 [Outside, the two groups continue to face off.] Kagura Heh, it looks like the play Naraku wrote is beginning. 4 [Closeup of Kagura with a nasty smile.] Kagura Work hard, Kohaku... Last modified August 1st 2000