I"s Volume 5 Chapter 41: A Particular Answer Translated by Chris Pascual and Ronny Hedin Brought to you by Jim Zubkavich and The Masakazu Katsura Shrine Page 97 ------------------- Seto: What on earth is she thinking? Seto: (Look! Haven't I decided to stay by your side!?) Seto: What do you mean, "work"? I can't hear you! Itsuki: Huh? Really? Anyways, for the time being I'm staying at my master's house doing work, so... Seto: How long is "for the time being" supposed to be? You're going home for Christmas and stuff, aren't you? Itsuki: ....yeah.... Page 98 ------------------- Seto: (Other than that, I haven't had a call from Itsuki, and she didn't come home for Christmas after all...) Seto: (It seems that Itsuki has disappeared suddenly from before me. Is the one I like Itsuki or Iori? As I understand nothing, time passes by...) (sound): GONG (TV): Happy New Year! (sound): bzzt Page 99 ------------------- Seto: A-----ah, So a new year has started, huh? Seto: I wonder what that idiot is doing now... (sound): GONG Seto: (Itsuki...My hair has grown back) Page 100 ------------------- Seto: Eh? Teratani: Don't "Eh?" me! Whatever it takes, I have to go to your house today, don't I? Seto: Why? Teratani: "Why?", you say? It's because I'm sure that Itsuki is waiting for me there, isn't she? Seto: She's not there... Seto: She hasn't come home. Teratani: YOU'RE LYING! Page 101 ------------------- Teratani: Then where in the heck are Itsuki and I supposed to meet!? She can't make her confession of love to me like this, can she? Teratani: Hm? Teratani: Hahaa~~~Perhaps she intends to wait for me by the school gate... Seto: Excuse me... Seto: I don't see what you're talking about... Teratani: You don't know what today is, do you? Seto: YES. Page 102 ------------------- Iori: In short, Seto isn't overdoing it like you. Teratani: You're sure nice this morning Yoshizuki! Iori: Good morning Seto. Seto: Oh, morning... Seto: (Man, Iori really is cute...) Teratani: Hey you, Yoshizuki. No matter how you think about it, your so partial to Seto... Iori: Eh? Page 103 ------------------- Teratani: YOU LIKE SETO, DON'T YOU? Iori: W, what are you talking about? Seto: Yoshizuki! Teratani: ! Iori: Y, yes! Seto: This...the one you wanted... Page 104 ------------------- Iori: Oh wow! Thanks! Seto: You can give me the money later... Iori: Oh, uh, really? Iori: Well, I'll see you in class! Teratani: Are you stupid? Seto: Huh? What're you talking about? I found the book that she'd been looking for but not finding in my neighborhood bookstore, so I bought it for her. Teratani: That's not it! I tried to give you a good opportunity to confess to her and you ruined it! Seto: An unnecessary favor... Teratani: Recently, you've gone back to the way you acted towards her about a year ago. Page 105 ------------------- Teratani: Get your act together and live up to yourself! Seto: 'kay... (I know that...) Page 106 ------------------- (boy student 1):Well... (student 1): Actually, my goal is to get 10 this year. (student 2): Gimme a break! You're getting zero, man, zero! (student 1): Heh, well, just look. (student 1): Hey, Nami! You brought me a chocolate, right? I'll take it now. Nami: Why would I have one, idiot? (sound): [laughter] Seto: (Oh yeah, that's right...today's Valentine's Day...) Iori: Seto (sound): throb Seto: (I, Iori? No way!) Iori: Here. Page 107 ------------------- Seto: (Oh, money for the book...) Iori: Is...something wrong? Seto: Uh, no, nothing at all... Nami: Iori's pretty daring too! She just went and gave him a chocolate in front of everybody! (student): Are they getting it together? Getting it together!? Dammit! Page 108 ------------------- Seto: (Even if it was just another chocolate, could I possibly appreciate it unconditionally?) (sound): Ding dong Koshinae: Seto... Seto: ! Koshinae: I'd like to talk to you... Seto: Sure. Seto: (What's up...Is Koshinae worrying about something again?) Page 109 ------------------- Seto: What's up with you? You worried that you're not getting any chocolate either? Koshinae: N, no...Since I'm the one giving... Seto: Hey, hey! To Higemi!? Teratani: That's a strange seeing those two together... Iori: Teratani! Teratani: Ye~ss! What can I do for you? Iori: Umm... Iori: This! Teratani: No way! For me? Iori: No, for Seto! Teratani: ...Give it to him yourself! Page 110 ------------------- Iori: But, it's so embarassing... Teratani: But, you're at fault too. Even though it's an important confession of love, it's so small. Iori: Y, you're wrong! I was thinking of it in return for the book... Teratani: Sure, you can think of it that way. Anyways, go ahead and give it to him yourself. Iori: Yeah...but...I don't know where he is... Teratani: Well! If you're looking for him... Seto: So, that's what you wanted to talk about... Koshinae: It's a really big favor, but... Koshinae: Seto, lately you've been cold to Miss Yoshizuki, and on top of that it looks like you've been worrying about something. I thought maybe I could help somehow... Page 111 ------------------- Seto: That'd be a serious favor. (Man, everyone's butting in...) Seto: (Even though I tried so hard to adjust my feelings, I just keep getting pulled back to Iori...) Seto: (That's probably what I'm worrying about...Iori's so cute, and it's not that she hates me...) Seto: (But, now the big hole opening in my emotions isn't Iori. Since I'm trying to adjust it all within myself) Seto: Did I... ever say..."I like Yoshizuki"? Look! You decided that on your own, right? Right? Koshinae: Well... Seto: (Anyways! Leave me alone now!) Page 112 ------------------- Seto: Clearly stated, I have no feelings towards Yoshizuki! So, it's really a bother when you worry so strangely! Seto: So, you can... Page 113 ------------------- Seto: (I have an answer!) *End of Chapter 41*